Will iPhone 6 plus' battery suffer from high temperature?

Hi all,
Last time, i accidentally put my iPhone 6 plus on the macbook's charger and then it became too hot that i couldn't use the camera. Did my battery suffer from that or would it puff??

Anytime the phone gets too hot, it will self-protect and shut down. Few times and it may be ok afterwards, provided the overheating wasn't too extreme. But the battery will degrade and lose charge capacity. Plus such kind of damage would not be covered by warranty.
In other words, take better care of your phone if you expect it to last.

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    Dear Ocean, one is a complaint about the quality of the device.
    The second about the quality on response from Customer Service.
    No worries, I'll delete both post since it seems that won't bring anything productive.
    Good bye Apple!

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    Hello Jjs10099,
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like the battery is not lasting as long as you would like. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
    Apple - Batteries - Maximizing Performance
     you can see the proportion of your battery used by each app (unless the device is charging). To view your usage, go to Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage.
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

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    Yes I have.
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    mikedemo wrote:
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    THis is NOT A TROLL post. I am a 100% genuine iphone 6 plus owner who truly is unsatisfied with my purchase.  This is truly 100% without a shadow of a doubt the worst battery ive ever seen on any smartphone ever and at the same time i acknowledge that there exists ip6+s with great battery life. There has to be some super dodgey stuff going on like there are just tooooo many bad batches or something. Maybe my phone was part of some rushed batch to make it in time for christmas and they were careless n heavy handed at the factory something i dunno but what i do know is my iphone 6 plus has absolutely dismal, pathetic and downright makes the phone unusable when i am out and about due to battery anxiety.
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    I want my money back apple . Your product does not perform as advertised. 

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    Lawrence Finch wrote:
    Matt Galligan wrote:
    My question is: what could cause the phone to stop behaving as it should after a few weeks following a clean wipe and iCloud restore?
    You have one or more apps that are using energy in the background. Location Services is not an issue; it uses very little energy. Apps that receive Notifications do. And apps that run in background do. If you have the FaceBook app that is probably the culprit. But there are other possibilities.
    See: http://www.overthought.org/blog/2014/the-ultimate-guide-to-solving-ios-battery-d rain
    A couple more things to note:
    I don't have notifications enabled for many apps
    For the notifications that I do receive, only text messages, calendar alerts (via Sunrise), Slack, TripIt, and a couple other essentials hit my lock screen.
    I don't have Facebook installed
    Even if the above weren't true, the fact that the phone seems to do fine for some amount of time after a restore, and then unexpectedly halves battery life is still bizarre. I don't materially change anything about my behavior.
    Lawrence, I'll note that I've actually done everything in that guide save for turning off my battery percentage (for obvious reasons).

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    Read this guide - http://gizmodo.com/how-to-take-care-of-your-smartphone-battery-the-right-w-51321 7256
    Just so you know, 100 to 95% in standby is normal...
    So, what is the issue you're having?
    Have you checked the battery usage (Settings > Usage > Battery Usage) to see what apps/functions are using the most power in a 24 hour period?

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    I wrote a review of my new iPhone 6 Plus here and brought up the issue:
    If anybody has any ideas, or comparative battery life results, please let me know.

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    I bought my iPhone 6 Plus directly from Verizon website about a month ago. Since than, I am having constant battery problems and it is practically burning during a charging process. ( I am using the charger that came with the phone). I checked the battery standby time today and it is less than 10 hrs when the battey is at 76%. (only used for 2 hrs and 46 min after last full charge).
    Iphone 6 plus suppose to have good battery time (10days standby time) while my brand new phone has standby time of 12 hrs. What should I do?

    Maybe you should  contact Apple Support and talk to them. They can check the battery online.
    You can also visit this page to do that: iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support
    Click on Apple Support, then on ->Battery, Power &Charging ->Battery questions and troubleshooting, and follow the instructions.

  • New iPhone 6 Plus battery standby time is 12 hrs

    I bought my iPhone 6 Plus directly from Verizon website about a month ago. Since than, I am having constant battery problems and it is practically burning during a charging process. ( I am using the charger that came with the phone). I checked the battery standby time today and it is less than 10 hrs when the battey is at 76%. (only used for 2 hrs and 46 min after last full charge).
    Iphone 6 plus suppose to have good battery time (10days standby time) while my brand new phone has standby time of 12 hrs. What should I do?

    Maybe you should  contact Apple Support and talk to them. They can check the battery online.
    You can also visit this page to do that: iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support
    Click on Apple Support, then on ->Battery, Power &Charging ->Battery questions and troubleshooting, and follow the instructions.

  • Iphone 6 plus battery percentage

    I have noticed that the battery percentage will drop 2% sometime instead of 1% for each drop.
    anyone have the same issue? I'm using iPhone 6 Plus with iOS 8.0.2

    Double tap the home button and close out of all the apps.
    Then do a reset, no data loss.  Hold down the home/sleep button together until you see the apple logo and then release, then wait for the phone to boot back up.

  • IPhone 6 plus battery life

    I had played Vainglory for just 3 hour and the battery life is 10% left, is this normal to iPhone 6 plus? I used my home wifi.

    Yes!  You can't expect miracles even from modern batteries.  You gave the iPhone 6 processor and display a heavy workout.  The fact that it lasted 3 hours seems great to me.
    If you have not already, you really should look through every single Setting screen on your phone and see what services you do not actually use and disable them.  Nearly everyone can benefit from learning what is available in Settings and configuring the phone to balance needed services with functionality, battery life, and privacy.
    Have fun with your iPhone 6.  Wish I had one.

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    the iOS 8.2 drains my battery life for the iphone 6 plus, i need some tricks to have more efficency

    Hello Clzfy,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that you would like to optimize the battery life on your iPhone 6 Plus. For tips and information on optimizing your settings, please read over the information in the attached link. 
    Apple - Batteries - Maximizing Performance
    Have a great day,

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    You would need to contact Apple directly for an answer.  The new cases are starting to filter through slowly, so go out and see if you can buy one and cancel the other order.

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