Why doesn't the Macbook Pro's battery life last?

Why doesn't the Macbook Pro's battery life last anywhere near 5 hours, as advertised?  This is my second one and it lasts 2.  It's false advertising, and Apple doesn't seem to making a big deal or know anything about it, which i'm sure they do.  Since their general practice is to deny problems exist in all their products, i'm here to make it known that the most recent Macbook Pro has a severe battery issue and it needs to be addressed.
I'm running OS X 10.8.3, Bluetooth is off, and haven't installed any third party software.

My MacBook Pro is over a year old and still gets 2.5 to 5 hours, depending on how intensively my application activity is hitting the CPU and disk. Remember that battery life depends on usage and component loads. You could get 1 hour editing HD video since it would hit all cores and slam the disk constantly, or 8 hours in a cabin in the woods with wifi and Bluetooth turned off, only writing text files, and with the backlight turned down and no disc in the drive. You should check Activity Monitor to make sure you don't have some processes using unusually high amounts of CPU for long periods of time (like browser tabs running Flash ads in the background, chewing up CPU and battery power without even being seen).
Like mende1 says, there are not huge numbers of Mac users getting only 2 hours, or the world would have heard about it by now and MacBook sales would be down. If you are only getting 2 hours there is something going on local to your machine or usage habits.
Terry Mele wrote:
Since their general practice is to deny problems exist in all their products
That's not strictly true. Apple has often announced updates or repair/exchange programs to address various problems that had come up over time. Maybe not always, but it does happen. They also have often helped me and my friends when we brought in Macs that were out of warranty and had problems. They had no legal obligation to work on our Macs for free, but they did anyway.

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    I'm not sure if this will make you feel better or worse, but check out my thread about the issue here:
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    Wtihout knowing Aple's specific reasons I would think that it were a safely reason. With the lid closed it would hence but unknown if it were on. There are no lights or anything to say this so potentially you can grab it and move it as though you would when off. Thi s could be extremely bad, even with the sudden motion sensor.
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    Here is the battery information:
    Model Information:
    ****** Number:     W011540DDD3LA
    Manufacturer:     SMP
    Device Name:     bq20z451
    Pack Lot Code:     0000
    PCB Lot Code:     0000
    Firmware Version:     0201
    Hardware Revision:     000a
    Cell Revision:     0165
    Charge Information:
    Charge Remaining (mAh):     3991
    Fully Charged:     No
    Charging:     Yes
    Full Charge Capacity (mAh):     4859
    Health Information:
    Cycle Count:     182
    Condition:     Normal
    Battery Installed:     Yes
    Amperage (mA):     38
    Voltage (mV):     12046
    System Power Settings:
    AC Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes):     10
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):     10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):     10
    Wake on AC Change:     No
    Wake on Clamshell Open:     Yes
    Wake on LAN:     Yes
    Current Power Source:     Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim:     Yes
    Battery Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes):     5
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):     10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):     2
    Wake on AC Change:     No
    Wake on Clamshell Open:     Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim:     Yes
    Reduce Brightness:     Yes
    Hardware Configuration:
    UPS Installed:     No
    AC Charger Information:
    Connected:     Yes
    ID:     0x0100
    Wattage (W):     60
    Revision:     0x0000
    Family:     0x0085
    ****** Number:     0x00c06bd4
    Charging:     Yes

    Just use it - there are numerous tips from Apple:
    Quite a few listed above.
    You just want to treat the battery with some kindness - never let it run down to reserve power, plug it back in when you reach the 7-10% remaining point, if you don't use it for awhile, at least let it discharge to about 40% twice a month, etc. Since yours is likely a newer MBP, with the non-user replaceable batteries, you DON'T want to even attempt to 'calibrate' the battery - that's done in the factory and you just need to treat it kindly, NOT calibrate or re-calibrate.
    That's about it. The battery is there to be used - just use it judiciously.

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