Why doesn't paintComponent paint my damn Component??!

Hello Folks, please help me with this *1@&%' thing.
Basically I have a class SeatPanel, that extends JPanel and is used for drawing a SeatPlan.
So, I override
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
}and that function looks like
public void doStuff(Graphics g)
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10); // Paint some Seats
}Ok, it works like that, it takes some time and then there appears the Plan on my JPanel.
What i have to do is letting this function run in a Thread, so this Thread does the DB-Queries and paints the rectangles.
So I tried to do the Method like this:
public void doStuff(final Graphics g)
new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10); // Paint some Seats
}But then there's nothing painted. The Thread does the Queries, but the Painting-Methods do not paint anymore onto my Panel, so it stays blank.
Can you please tell me why and how to fix that?
Thank you!

There are a few problems with the second version of this method.
Firstly. the new thread is a local field, (local to doStuff(Graphics)) so after the method returns, it will be erased.
Secondly, even if this Thread was global, it would be re-initialised each time the component is refreshed, which is an unpredictable occurance. To fix this, you would need to place it in a static part of the method.
I think that you need to re-think the concurrency of this component totally.

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    Hey MarieF-D,
    Thanks for the question. The following article provides basic troubleshooting steps that may help to resolve your issue:
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    Terry Mele wrote:
    Since their general practice is to deny problems exist in all their products
    That's not strictly true. Apple has often announced updates or repair/exchange programs to address various problems that had come up over time. Maybe not always, but it does happen. They also have often helped me and my friends when we brought in Macs that were out of warranty and had problems. They had no legal obligation to work on our Macs for free, but they did anyway.

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    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Member Contract Nbr],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Member Subscriber Member Nbr],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Pkg],
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    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER NBR],
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    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER LAST NAME],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Broker Name],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER ADDRESS 1],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER CITY],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER STATE],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER ZIPCODE],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER PHONE1],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER PHONE2],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER PHONE3],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER EMAIL],
    FROM [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info]
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    OR CHARINDEX('POS',LTRIM(RTRIM([#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Plan Name])),1) > 0)
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    (SELECT [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_Prior_Year_Spans].[INDV MEMBER NBR]
    FROM [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_Prior_Year_Spans])
    ORDER BY [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER NBR]
    IF @ReportTypeName = 'HMO-POS Renewals'
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Member Contract Nbr],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Member Subscriber Member Nbr],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Pkg],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Plan Name],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Division Nbr],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER EFF DATE],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER NBR],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER FIRST NAME],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER LAST NAME],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Broker Name],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER ADDRESS 1],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER CITY],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER STATE],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER ZIPCODE],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER PHONE1],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER PHONE2],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER PHONE3],
    [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER EMAIL],
    FROM [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info]
    INNER JOIN [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_Prior_Year_Spans]
    ON [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_Prior_Year_Spans].[INDV MEMBER NBR] = [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER NBR]
    WHERE (CHARINDEX('HMO',LTRIM(RTRIM([#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Plan Name])),1) > 0
    OR CHARINDEX('POS',LTRIM(RTRIM([#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Plan Name])),1) > 0)
    ORDER BY [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER NBR]
    Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server Reporting Services did not like this! When I added my dataset and parameters accordingly, my Dataset had no fields...almost as if running the Stored Procedure in the background to get its Metadata was not working. I
    know this works because I tested it as a result of a straight EXEC Command. Why doesn't Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server Reporting Services not like this IF? I did end up getting around this by parameterizing the WHERE clause based on the @ReportTypeName
    WHERE (@ReportTypeName = 'HMO-POS New To HFHP - No Prior Year Member Spans'
    AND (CHARINDEX('HMO',LTRIM(RTRIM([#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Plan Name])),1) > 0
    OR CHARINDEX('POS',LTRIM(RTRIM([#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Plan Name])),1) > 0)
    AND [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER NBR] NOT IN
    (SELECT [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_Prior_Year_Spans].[INDV MEMBER NBR]
    FROM [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_Prior_Year_Spans]))
    OR (@ReportTypeName = 'HMO-POS Renewals'
    AND (CHARINDEX('HMO',LTRIM(RTRIM([#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Plan Name])),1) > 0
    OR CHARINDEX('POS',LTRIM(RTRIM([#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV Benefit Plan Name])),1) > 0)
    AND [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_All_Info].[INDV MEMBER NBR] IN
    (SELECT [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_Prior_Year_Spans].[INDV MEMBER NBR]
    FROM [#TempTable_Distinct_Individual_Member_Prior_Year_Spans]))
    I appreciate your review and am hopeful for a reply.

    Hi ITBobbyP,
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, the issue can be caused by the temp table you are using which will also cause the data not display.
    I have use below sample table and record to have a test and details information below for your reference:
    Right click the DataSet to select the "DataSet Properties" and click the query designer to execute the stored procedure by click the "!" to check if you can get the data:
    If you got some error, the issue can be cause by the temp table invalid, so please make sure you have add the query to create and insert  recored to temp table like below:
    CREATE PROCEDURE vickytest0311_1
    @ReportTypeName nvarchar(50)
    create table #VickyTest
    column1 int,
    column2 varchar(20)
    insert into #VickyTest values (1,'Test1')
    insert into #VickyTest values (2,'Test2')
    insert into #VickyTest values (3,'Test3')
    IF @ReportTypeName ='Test1'
    select * from #VickyTest
    where Column1=1
    IF @ReportTypeName ='Test2'
    select * from #VickyTest
    where Column1=2
    3. I recommend you to not use the temp table and you will not need to add the create and insert statement in the stored procedure.
    4. If you still got no data, please try to click the "Refresh fields" as below:
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    People who have Photoshop, but don't have Lightroom, need ACR so that they can use Raw files. Without ACR they could do nothing with those (they may also like having ACR so that they can work on other kinds of image using the same kinds of adjustments and techniques, as are used with Raw files).
    People who have Lightroom, can get access to Raw files regardless whether ACR is present or not. They can use Lightroom on other kinds of image also, using the same methods. LR can pass images directly into Photoshop without passing via ACR (or else does so transparently, which amounts to substantially the same thing).
    ACR does not, strictly speaking, even need to be installed for this external editing to happen. In fact, not even PS needs to be - since a different image editor can be used instead, while still retaining the Adobe Raw conversion etc.
    Lightroom "subcontracts out" specialised external tasks, in this workflow, but is still your "main contractor": the image is otherwise located, viewed, managed, adjusted/presented and output entirely using LR.
    So IMO we can divide image processing into:
    operations that involve pixels and layers and layer masks and adjustment layers etc (of the kind done inside Photoshop)
    operations that involve parametric edits (of the kind done in ACR where you are not using a Lightroom based workflow; otherwise, done inside Lightroom)
    When PS is called in, that's because those tasks are impossible or unsuitable to do in Lightroom. But those tasks can't be done in ACR either - by definition, since LR and ACR have exactly the same image processing "feature set".
    Lightroom is irrelevant to the Bridge + ACR + PS workflow. This workflow requires both your PS and your ACR to be current enough, to support your Raw format etc.
    ACR and Bridge are irrelevant to the LR + (image editor) workflow. It is in this case, only LR which needs to be current enough to support your Raw format etc.

  • HT1414 I'm trying to restore from an earlier backup but my iphone only shows the most recent. I'm on Windows Vista and found the backup folder. If I delete the recent files, will it force the iPhone to backup from the next older file?  Why doesn't it show

    I'm trying to recover a file and the app company said to restore from an earlier backup.  My iPhone only shows the most recent backup.  I've been searching the net for answers - I found the back up file and date sorted them (over 6mb of files).  How can I get my iPhone to restore from an earlier backup? 
    I am on Windows Vista so I don't have Time Machine. 
    I have backed up the backup folder so if I mess it up, I have it in a separate place.
    Can I just delete all the files with todays date in that backup folder and have it forced to the next oldest date?
    Why doesn't the iPhone show a list of the least several backups.
    iPhone 4S
    Software version  5.1.1
    Backed up to computer through iTunes (not iCloud)

    As you backup the iPhone in iTunes, it overwrites the last backup. Files are kept as they are changed, so that would explain how you get different dates in your backup folder. The only backups that are saved and not overwritten are the ones done just prior to a restore. You do have the option to go back in time on a Windows computer, however depending on the last time you set a restore point in Windows, it could be back further than you are willing to go.

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    If you do a search on "maintenance" in Support the fourth item is Mac Maintenance Quick Assist:
    The things they tell you to do are:
    1) Keep Things Up to Date; 2) Put Your Files Away; 3) Name Your Files; 4) Prune Through Your Files; 5) Back Up Your Files; 6) Check for Viruses; 7) Clean the Outside
    Where is anything about running the maintenance scripts, checking permissions, checking your preferences, updating the databases, cleaning caches, or anything else that software programs like Onyx, Cocktail, etc make their purpose? Why don't they mention getting a program like Disc Warrior and running it periodically?
    The first item on their list is Keep Things Up to Date, meaning download system and application updates. Well after looking at these forums for a while I would have to say that is the worst thing you could do, as so many posts start, " Help! I updated my software and now things don't work...." Even if you look at this article about updating your software...
    ...nowhere does it mention repairing your permissions! Yet everywhere on this forum that is mentioned as one of the first things to do...unfortunately AFTER people are crazy with problems.
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    Granted, a lot of people on this forum know all these things and do them regularly, but I have several friends with Macs who never do any regular maintenance because they've never been told to. One just called me last week because his iMac auto-updated and he had all sorts of problems.
    So why is this? Why isn't basic Mac maintenance explained to people better? Going back to the car analogy, people have been taught they have to give their cars tune-ups or face an eventual breakdown. Why not with Macs?
    I have been using Macs for years and enjoy looking into this geeky stuff. And I rarely have any serious problems. I would think it has a lot to do with the fact that I don't automatically update without checking MacFixit first and seeing what problems people are having and running a few simple maintenance routines periodically, plus backing up for good measure. Why isn't Apple more upfront with people about maintaining their Macs? Am I off-base here?
    ibook G3, imac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    I'll provide you with several references you will find interesting reading:
    The document to which you referred is an old one that dates back a ways when permissions repairs were often still needed because many installers improperly changed permissions or caused permissions to change through other improper operations. In reality the only thing permissions repair affects are the permissions on OS X installed software for which there are receipts in the /Library/Receipts/ folder and third-party software that install a receipt that includes information on resetting permissions for that software. The vast majority of third-party applications provide no such information and repairing permissions has no impact on them.
    As for maintenance scripts they are now supposed to be run automatically regardless of whether the computer is turned on in the early AM, but this is an implementation with Tiger because Tiger introduced a new method of task launching. It's not 100 percent effective but it's better than it was. However, it's an easy problem to solve because there are some excellent utilities that solve the problem: Macaroni, Anacron, and Pseudo Anacron - VersionTracker or MacUpdate. I use Macaroni on all my Macs.
    Kappy's Personal Suggestions for OS X Maintenance
    For disk repairs use Disk Utility. For situations DU cannot handle the best third-party utilities are: Disk Warrior; DW only fixes problems with the disk directory, but most disk problems are caused by directory corruption; Disk Warrior 4.0 is now Intel Mac compatible. TechTool Pro provides additional repair options including file repair and recovery, system diagnostics, and disk defragmentation. TechTool Pro 4.5.2 is Intel Mac compatible; Drive Genius is similar to TechTool Pro in terms of the various repair services provided. The current version, 1.5.1, is Intel Mac compatible.
    OS X performs certain maintenance functions that are scheduled to occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly period. The maintenance scripts run in the early AM only if the computer is turned on 24/7 (no sleep.) If this isn't the case, then an excellent solution is to download and install a shareware utility such as Macaroni, JAW PseudoAnacron, or Anacron that will automate the maintenance activity regardless of whether the computer is turned off or asleep.
    OS X automatically defrags files less than 20 MBs in size, so unless you have a disk full of very large files there's little need for defragmenting the hard drive. As for virus protection there are few if any such animals affecting OS X. You can protect the computer easily using the freeware Open Source virus protection software ClamXAV. Personally I would avoid most commercial anti-virus software because of their potential for causing problems.
    I would also recommend downloading the shareware utility TinkerTool System that you can use for periodic maintenance such as removing old logfiles and archives, clearing caches, etc.
    For emergency repairs install the freeware utility Applejack. If you cannot start up in OS X, you may be able to start in single-user mode from which you can run Applejack to do a whole set of repair and maintenance routines from the commandline.
    When you install any new system software or updates be sure to repair the hard drive and permissions beforehand. I also recommend booting into safe mode before doing system software updates.
    Get an external Firewire drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
    1. Retrospect Desktop (Commercial - not yet universal binary)
    2. Synchronize! Pro X (Commercial)
    3. Synk (Backup, Standard, or Pro)
    4. Deja Vu (Shareware)
    5. PsynchX 2.1.1 and RsyncX 2.1 (Freeware)
    6. Carbon Copy Cloner (Freeware - 3.0 is a Universal Binary)
    7. SuperDuper! (Commercial)
    The following utilities can also be used for backup, but cannot create bootable clones:
    1. Backup (requires a .Mac account with Apple both to get the software and to use it.)
    2. Toast
    3. Impression
    4. arRSync
    Apple's Backup is a full backup tool capable of also backing up across multiple media such as CD/DVD. However, it cannot create bootable backups. It is primarily an "archiving" utility as are the other two.
    Impression and Toast are disk image based backups, only. Particularly useful if you need to backup to CD/DVD across multiple media.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on maintenance, optimization, virus protection, and backup and restore.
    Additional suggestions will be found in Mac Maintenance Quick Assist.
    Referenced software can be found at www.versiontracker.com and www.macupdate.com.
    I know that Joe Average has no clue, but it's not Apple's responsibility to provide Joe Average with clues on how to use a computer. No more than it's not GM's responsibility to teach you how be an automotive mechanic or how to drive. Some things you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's just that Joe Average is too lazy to read the User Guide, buy a book, or in any other way learn about computers before buying one.
    As you can tell I am somewhat heavy handed about personal responsibility. Computers are essentially toys that aren't dangerous, but the person playing with them is. What really scares the crap out of me is that same Joe Average has a driver's license and may be old enough to drink liquor. When it comes to driving or drinking and driving Joe Average is no more competent.

  • Why doesn't version show up in IE11 8.1 64-bit Manage Add-Ons?

    KB3044132 shows as installed for Flash Player update, and the Control Panel Flash Player icon for 32-bit shows installed (I have 64-bit and 32-bit), but the Manage Add-Ons for Shockwave is Enabled and showing version! When I check the version using Adobe it only shows 17.0.0 and not the important part, so I cannot tell if Adobe detects or! I think I need to know if IE11 64-bit has also. Please advise because Microsoft technical support says to contact Adobe about this. Please delete my entry in Adobe general forums, Bridge general discussion as michaelh94875078. I did not see Flash Player on the list of communities provided during my first post.

    It occurs to me that maybe Microsoft will not allow their KBitem to go out until their next update on the second Tuesday of May for their convenience and reputation! I want any update for Flash Player to be installed immediately for security. That is why I tend to use Firefox with NoScript and Web of Trust when I use a Google search. I will be watching the next Microsoft update to note if the KBitem it said was not appropriate for my computer - goes in!
    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
    From:"m_vargas" <[email protected]>
    Date:Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 4:15 PM
    Subject:[Using Flash Player] Why doesn't version show up in IE11 8.1 64-bit Manage Add-Ons?
    Why doesn't version show up in IE11 8.1 64-bit Manage Add-Ons?
    created by m_vargas in Using Flash Player - View the full discussion
    Hi michaelh94875078,
    I'm sorry, I misread your previous post and thought it had been installed. From my experience with Microsoft Updates is that some times they depend on some update being installed.  I'll run Windows Updates and install all updates, then run Windows Updates again after all updates finish installing. Sometimes it finds new updates that weren't there before, and sometimes it doesn't.  You can try that route, or download the Microsoft update posted at the bottom of the Flash Player Issues | Windows 8 page.  Download the one that corresponds with your OS version. You may want to bookmark this tech note for future reference in case Microsoft Updates fails to detect the update is available for your system.
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7467865#7467865 and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer
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    Start a new discussion in Using Flash Player by email or at Adobe Community
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    You will notice that in "My Pictures" folder you have a new folder called photostream. In photostream folder you will have another folder called "Upload" Anything you put in the "upload" folder will go to your phone and ipad. So just copy pics you want into that folder and they will go into photostream. I would not suggest moving them since I am not sure how it works on windows but there is a chance photostream might empty out the  folder after 30 days.
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  • Why doesn't the iPad have a guest screen like the PC for extra security?

    I just want to start off first by saying I just purchased my iPad about six months ago and I'm really enjoying it,but if you're like me,I believe in protecting my privacy.
    I don't like to turn down any of friends or coworkers when I'm asked to use my iPad,but when you have such things as your personal pictures,movies,music,business documents,etc...you'd like to keep them from prying eyes. I thought that with the new iOS 7 update,that issue would've been fixed, but I was wrong. I'm hoping Apple would correct this problem with the next iOS update,it would make a lot of loyal Apple consumers &amp; anyone who's new to purchasing the iPad for the first time very happy to know that feature is available.
    Why doesn't the iPad offer a guest screen?

    Tell Apple at the link below.

  • Why doesn't the CC app work properly?

    I've been using Creative Cloud for some time now and am really loving it, however I must say it is a source of annoyance that the Creative Cloud app just doesn't work properly.
    Firstly, I used it initially to download all my apps, then after an update those apps no longer appeared in the "Apps" list. Now only those that have been installed since that update appear in this list. Why doesn't the "Apps" list display all of the Adobe CC apps that I have installed on my computer?
    Why does it keep reinstalling fonts? I'm always getting "Lush Script Regular" and other fonts being added.
    It regularly comes up telling me that Dreamweaver and Premiere Pro need to be updated, but always I get an error, then the update request disappears.
    I'm regularly getting 4 files that it can't sync - even though they are the same files as others in the folder. If nothing else, why can't I say "Great, got the message". Also, why is the error message just "due to server error" with no advice on how to resolve it? Why is there a server error on only these 4 files?
    It seems to me there are still some teething issues with the CC app, but what I don't understand is why they aren't being resolved much faster, given that this is the portal to the service.
    Of course, given Adobe I doubt I'll get satisfactory answers – a little jaded with their responses. Anyway, thought I'd at least post the questions.  

    Questapo I am sorry you have been facing difficulties with your Creative Cloud experience.  I don't believe it will be possible to address all of your concerns in one discussion.  I would not be surprised if at least three of the issues are related to the same root cause.
    First in order for the applications to be visible are you regularly needing to delete the OPM.db file?  You can find this listed as solution 2 in CC desktop lists applications as "Up to Date" when not installed - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/aam-lists-removed-apps-date.html.

  • Why Doesn't the XIRR function work?

    In Excel if you have 5 records from a1:b5 then XIRR looks like this:
    XIRR(A1:A5, B1:B5) you get a nice neat answer like .35
    Here is a version that works in Crystal that would require manual entry of any new quarters numbers and dates-- and if you plug this into Crystal it works:
    (XIRR([1000000,-100000,-100000,-100000,-100000,10277.49,-100000], [DateValue(1999,2,1),DateValue(1999,3,1),DateValue(1999,6,1), DateValue(1999,12,1),DateValue(2000,3,1),DateValue(2000,6,1),DateValue(2000,9,1)]))*.100
    You do get a nice answer of something like .035.  But this is all done manually and I need it to function automatically when the report is refreshed.
    So you have a range for the currency and a range for the date fields. I need to simulate this in crystal. Crystal has an XIRR function, and with the arrays, I should be able to fill in the range, but am having difficulty getting it to work.
    After building the arrays, I made another formula to combine the arrays in the XIRR formula.
    I am down to this error now after getting this formula this far  --
    "Numerical method did not converge; try another value for guess."
    Here's where I am with the formula, although they don't want to use the guess part of the XIRR function - they just want to use the XIRR(number/currency, date).  Maybe you could pass this on too?:
    /{@Reset} for the group header (NOT using a repeated group header):
    numbervar array x := 0;
    datevar array y := date(0,0,0);
    numbervar i := 0;
    numbervar j := 0;
    //{@accum} for the detail section:
    numbervar array x;
    datevar array y;
    numbervar i := i + 1;
    numbervar j := count({table.groupfield},{table.groupfield});
    if i <= j then (
    redim preserve x[j];
    redim preserve y[j];
    x<i> := tonumber({table.currency});
    y<i> := datevalue({table.datetime})
    //{@xirr calc} to be placed in the group footer:
    numbervar array x;
    datevar array y;
    The array works correctly.  So why do I get that error and why doesn't the XIRR formula work like they say it should?  Has anyone used this successfully in Crystal--maybe you could shed some light?

    I am receiving that same error when the last item in the array is 0, otherwise all works perfectly.
    When I run the same group of numbers and dates in Excel it returns without issue.
    -265500.00,-690000.00,-570000.00,16814.25,-855000.00,-619500.00,55293.46,30411.40,15183.76,  0.00
    Is there a known bug in Crystal's XIRR function when the last value is 0? 
    Or a hot-fix that will repair this?
    Thanks in advance,
    PS. I am using Crystal XI Product Version:

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