Where did "convert to mp3" go?  Am I crazy?

Okay...I could have SWORN that there used to be an option in iTunes that allowed you to convert an existing track into an mp3 (or maybe just about any format...can't remember). And I feel like the process was extremely simple...like the option for it was available by ctl-clicking the song or was up in the main menu, etc. And I feel like it was specifically entitled "convert track to mp3". Now, the only thing I can find is in the Advanced menu..."create Apple Lossless version", which doesn't help me.
Now, I know I can convert it in QT7, but I just want to know if this functionality disappeared in iTunes...or if I'm CRAZY and am making the whole thing up.

nd I feel like the process was extremely simple...like the option for it was available by ctl-clicking the song or was up in the main menu, etc
It was in both places, though now it is only in the iTunes menu -> Advanced. It was removed from the contextual menu in iTunes 9.1
Now, the only thing I can find is in the Advanced menu..."create Apple Lossless version", which doesn't help me.
You need to set your Import prefs in iTunes prefs- > General and click *Import options* button.

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    A question though. I am assuming you are converting an MP3 to 44.1/16 bit just so you can play the file in a consumer quality CD player?? IF so - that makes sense.
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    If your response was meant for me...
    I looked into Macintosh>system>library>QuickTime & found 17 items.
    Apple GVAHW.component
    Apple Pixlet video.comp
    Apple ProRes Decoder.comp
    Apple VAH 264 HW.comp
    Quartz Composer.resources
    QuickTime 3GPP.comp
    QT Components.comp
    QT Fire Wire DV.comp
    QT IIDC Digitizer.comp
    QT H264.comp
    QT Importers.comp
    QT MPEG.comp
    QT MPEG2.comp
    QT MPEG4.comp
    QT Streaming.comp
    QT USB VDC Digitizer.comp
    QT VR.comp
    If "QT MPEG2.comp" refers to this component:
    Then it would appear that you indeed have the correct component installed in the proper location.
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    2) Fix timecode breaks and set in/out points if needed.
    3) Select desired export settings (in this case AIC video at 80% quality with uncompressed audio using default settings).
    4) Set name and path for target output file.
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    also, it appears that Apple did not update the "iTunes Help" screens when they made iTunes 8 -- those screens still refer to the "advanced" tab in preferences, even though the importing functions are no longer located there:
    THEY READ as follows:
    *Choosing import settings*
    You can choose the encoding format and other settings that iTunes uses to import songs. Your choices affect the audio quality and size of the song file (the higher the quality, the larger the file size).
    To choose import options:
    Choose iTunes > Preferences and click Import Settings.
    ETC. Well, at least they didn't do an iMove-style "revamp" to iTunes.! 8)

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    The "full" name for MP3 is MPEG Audio Layer 3. It is the audio component of the MPEG video compression scheme. Where are you seeing the files reported as MPEG? iTunes lists the "kind" of MP3 files as "MPEG audio file". Perhaps you are converting files that don't need converting since they are already in the target format.
    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3 for background.

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