Water Damaged iPod Touch - worth a new battery?

I had put my iPod Touch through the washing machine around Christmas time last year. I just put it aside - thinking it was damaged beyond repair.
Today I plugged it in to my Macbook Pro - and lo and behold - I got the red battery charging symbol!
After charging for about 15 minutes, I powered off and then on - VOILA! I had my iPod touch back! I saw icons, etc. Or so it seemed. I was excited and so paid for and d/l the new 2.2 software. The upgrade tried to run, then failed. Now I did notice that the iPod Touch was not even warm after charging for 15 minutes - I think the battery is no longer functional - and maybe the software upgrade only works if it detects a functional battery?
My question is this - if I pay for a battery replacement now, will I have a functional iPod after the battery replacement, or have I "bricked" the iPod Touch for good?

Having it sitting unused for so long, it will need a good full charge.
Let it charge overnight; make sure you are charging from a wall outlet, or a powered up computer via USB (sleeping is OK). Connected to a powered off computer may drain the battery further.
After fully charging, use it for a bit to determine whether battery life has been reduced.
If it's OK, plug in to your computer again, and see if it will show up in iTunes.
If she boots into iTunes, update and/or restore software using the Summary.
If it has been damaged by an incomplete install of 2.2, I would take it to an apple store to see if they can reinstall or replace the unit due to software installation corruption.

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    Thanks for your replies in advance.

    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Repair pricing
    The can tell by liquid indicators that the iPod was wetted. It appears that the water damaged some parts and it may be more that the battery.

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    If your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad is Broken
    Apple does not fix iDevices. Instead, they exchange yours for a refurbished or new replacement depending upon the age of your device and refurbished inventories. On rare occasions when there are no longer refurbished units for your older model, they may replace it with the next newer model.
    ATTN: Beginning July 2013 Apple Stores are now equipped to do screen repairs/replacements in-house on iPhone 5 and 5C. In some cases while you wait. According to Apple this is the beginning of equipping Apple Stores with the resources needed to do most repairs for iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches that would not require major replacements. Later in the year the services may be extended as Apple Stores become equipped and staffed with the proper repair expertise. So, if you need a screen repaired or a broken screen replaced or have your stuck Home button fixed, call your local Apple Store to see if they are now doing these in-house.
    You may take your device to an Apple retailer for help or you may call Customer Service and arrange to send your device to Apple:
    Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775 or visit online Help for more information.
    To contact product and tech support: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers.
    You will find respective repair costs in the appropriate link:
    iPod Service Support and Costs
    iPhone Service Support and Costs
    iPad Service Support and Costs
    There are third-party firms that do repairs on iDevices, and there are places where you can order parts to DIY if you feel up to the task:
    1. iResq or Google for others.
    2. Buy and replace screen yourself: iFixit

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    If your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad is Broken
    Apple does not fix iDevices. Instead, they exchange yours for a refurbished or new replacement depending upon the age of your device and refurbished inventories. On rare occasions when there are no longer refurbished units for your older model, they may replace it with the next newer model.
    ATTN: Beginning July 2013 Apple Stores are now equipped to do screen repairs/replacements in-house on iPhone 5 and 5C. In some cases while you wait. According to Apple this is the beginning of equipping Apple Stores with the resources needed to do most repairs for iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches that would not require major replacements. Later in the year the services may be extended as Apple Stores become equipped and staffed with the proper repair expertise. So, if you need a screen repaired or a broken screen replaced or have your stuck Home button fixed, call your local Apple Store to see if they are now doing these in-house.
    You may take your device to an Apple retailer for help or you may call Customer Service and arrange to send your device to Apple:
    Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775 or visit online Help for more information.
    To contact product and tech support: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers.
    You will find respective repair costs in the appropriate link:
    iPod Service Support and Costs
    iPhone Service Support and Costs
    iPad Service Support and Costs
    There are third-party firms that do repairs on iDevices, and there are places where you can order parts to DIY if you feel up to the task:
    1. iResq or Google for others.
    2. Buy and replace screen yourself: iFixit

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    The refurb units used for the warranty and out-of-warranty exchanges go through the same sort of refurbishment process as the refurb units Apple sells in their online store.  The units go back to China and are factory refurbished to basically like-new condition.

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    If your iPod Touch came in contact with water while it was ON and the damage that was done initially while it was ON cannot be reversed. The submersion in rice works when one needs to completely dry out the wet undamaged components internally as the rice will absorb the moisture out of the iPod Touch.
    I would recommend [*_RESETTING your iPod Touch*|http://www.apple.com/support/ipodtouch/assistant/ipodtouch/#section2] while connected to a wall outlet and after it has been connected to a wall outlet for at least 20 minutes. If RESET does not get a response out of your iPod Touch then I am afraid your device has been water damaged and needs repair. You are right, Apple will not honor the warranty in this case.
    Axel F.

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    10% if you buy your new iPod from an Apple Store.

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    Go to Solution.

    There is no iPod Touch 6th Generation. 4th Generation is the newest iPod Touch. However if you have the Advanced Black Tie Protection (which includes Accidental Handling) Best Buy can send it out for rapid exchange. If you just have the standard Black Tie protection accidental damage (water) would not be covered and you would be subject to the above repair prices to get it repaired by Apple.
    If you dont have the receipt or Black Tie number that is not a issue. Go to any best Buy and they can pull up the service plan.

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    Depends on whether you send it to Apple to be serviced or a 3rd party repair company.  Here are Apple's prices.  Keep in mind they don't actually repair the iPod, but instead replace it with a refurbished model.
    For 3rd party companies, do a Google search for iPod Touch repair and you should get a plethora of results with a varied price range.

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    Done something very similar to what Jolly Giant's link led to but just a tad bit different.
    My wife washed my son's iPod Touch 2nd gen just this year. We pulled a web page (cant remember it now) that said:
    What you will need.
    Isopropol alcohol
    Dry Rice
    Cup or bowl large enough so you can completely submerge your ipod.
    1. DON'T TRY TO TURN ON THE iPOD!!! if the ipod is wet it will make a short circuit inside all the electronics inside the device. If you keep trying to turn it on it will fry the electronics and can burn up the device which will never work again.
    2. Emerge the device into a cup, our bowl of Isopropol alcohol for about 2 or 3 hours.
    3. Next emerge the ipod in a cup, or bowl of dry rice for at least 2 days.
    This worked for us... My son still uses his ipod just like before.
    Hope it not to late
    Good luck

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    Your very best option would be to take it to an apple store and exchange it for an alike model which can be a refurbished, or new unit. The repair/exchange price is about 99USD.  http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=servicefaq&viewlocale=en_US&geo=United_St ates&product=ipod&select=REPAIR_PRICING

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    All the people here do not really know because all are just users like you, not from Apple
    but ...
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    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device

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    - Transfer iTunes purchased by:
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    - Transfer other stuff via the third-party programs discusses in this prevous discussion:
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