TS3988 More detail steps about iCloud.

when i trying to login into iCloud with my Apple Id it says "cannont sign in-the maximum number of free accounts have been activated on this iPad."
what should i do now..list the steps please

Welcome to the Apple community.
Are you sure that you are trying to login to an existing account or trying to create a new one.
Unfortunately once all the 3 iCloud accounts have been created on your mobile device, you cannot create any more regardless of what you do. You will need to re-use one of the accounts that you have already created or create your new account on another device or computer.
Have you tried resetting your device.
Is your device new or did you purchase it used or refurbished.

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    The easiest way is to create an oracle report, switch the output to xml and format using XML publisher. That has worked well for us in most cases.
    Good luck,

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    Hi Swamy,
       Check the following.
    Control break statements are used to create statement blocks which process only specific table lines the LOOP – ENDLOOP block.
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: zwetan [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 2:25 AM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: more details about mustella
    A new discussion was started by zwetan in
    Developers --
    more details about mustella
    would it be possible to have more details on how mustella work ?
    I like the fact to be able to launch a swf and communicate back the
    to ant or other tools
    or if giving details about mustella is not possible could be possible to
    a "special" flash player that does not span a GUI when run ?
    my goal is to be able to run unit tests working withing the SWF bytecode
    but the GUI get in the way for server-side scenarios, etc.
    View/reply at
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    cancel your email subscription.

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    _HDD User Password and HDD Master Password:_
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    When I politely asked for the usage detail on the phone today, I had a point blank refusal! I know the customer version of the usage monitor doesnt provide this level of detail, but really BT, are you telling me you do not have (or could create a report) on my usage by day?
    This leaves me with a problem because (again in my opinion) BT are able to abuse the "usage" total and top up their revenue as & when they see fit!!! As a customer, I now feel powerless to challenge it!
    My only option is to upgrade to a higher service, when out of the principle of handing over more money, I'm not happy to do at the moment - again BT could easily abuse the supplier position to "push" customers into more expensive service!!!
    Back to the phone call today, after explaining my problem & concerns, I got nowhere but the BT agent agreed with everything I said (thanks??? ) and basically said she agreed it was a poor service! lol
    Is this a new tactic to agree with everything the customer says but then keep repeating the fact they cant help???
    So to wrap this up, I have lost trust in BT and the usage "statistics" and would love for them to try and improve this situation, even make some effort to try to rebuild my lost trust!
    I'm almost annoyed enough by this if there is a general consensus/concern to take it further to a watchdog type body, the analogy is putting fuel in the motor without any reading/display at the pump... i.e would you really trust the system is regulated and not open to abuse?? And if you ask for evidence and they wont provide any??? Come on BT, time to improve your customer service!!!
    Thanks for reading, please let me know if you have similar experiences

    Ok, so this is a list of your addons that will work:
    Ad-Block Plus: This will work. You'll have to update to version 2.2.2 after you install Firefox 18, but it will work fine.
    Autoformer: This will work fine
    iMacros for Firefox: This will also work after an update to
    Personas: You don't really need this anymore, Firefox has the ability to load Personas built in now. you can remove that add-ons. If you want the addon you can continue to use it.
    Tabkit: This was abandoned by it's developer, but you can uninstall it and use https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tabkit-2nd-edition, which is the same thing, just compatible with modern versions of Firefox
    Tineye: This will also work after an update to 1.1
    All the other extensions you have are disabled.
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