Split audio

Re: Why can't I separate audio tracks when I import clips from an sd card into FCP 7

Or, if this is when you are INGESTING via Log and Transfer, Click on the IMPORT SETTINGS button on the lower right logging area of the L&T interface.  Separate your audio there...make them mono tracks, not stereo.

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    I'm not aware of any cables that split audio from HDMI and in any case it would still be digital audio. You might want to think about one of the items below and use the optical cable.
    DAC (Example Only - Not a recommendation or suggestion that this is suitable in your circumstances)

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    libovh wrote:
    Especially the clip whose audio is 'covering' another... the timeline doesn't show it's audio as extending, and it would appear only that the clip for which audio has been shortened, is still there, or at "0"... what gives? If you uncollapse the audio, or detach it, you do, once again, see the split audio.
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    all the output settings - mono vs. stereo, etc - have all the audio tracks mixed into the L channel and the R channel.
    Maybe I'm missing something here but, isn't that what you wanted?  Two separate channels?

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    Well, it is true that every broadcaster has different specs for audio. Once had to do a show for Starz that also aired on MSNBC and local NBC... the specs for all were different. Video and audio...all different. Made it kinda expensive to deal with...almost restrictively so. We had to tell them that for this to be economical we needed a consensus... and they gave us some leeway.
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    *If I drag along the blank area where there is no content, but still timeline, the song gets selected.*
    This is normal. iMovie has non-destructive editing. When you split your audio clip and then deleted the last part, you weren't really deleting it. If you deselect Show Clip Volume Levels in the View menu, you can place your cursor arrow on the edge of the remaining part of the split audio clip and drag it out to full length again. So, when you place your arrow and drag in the seemingly empty time line in the area once occupied by the "deleted" portion of the clip, the remaining clip will select. But if you move your arrow farther down the empty time line, beyond the area once occupied by the deleted portion of the split clip, then the remaining portion of the split clip will not select.
    *But, I still have a video that is as long as the audio was.*
    Forgive me, but I still don't understand what you are describing here or what the problem is. Can you describe in more detail what you are seeing and how it is adversly affecting your movie. As I understand it, your audio extended beyond the last video clip, so you split the audio clip at the point where the video ended, and deleted the last part of the audio. That should leave you with the video and audio clips ending at the same spot in the time line. Are you seeing something different? Or did you do something different?

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    Select the clip and hit command L to separate the tracks.
    The real issue is why the footage is out of sync.

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    You can get stereo track for rear channels via Adobe Audition.
    Have no idea if it's easier for you or not.

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    to remove audio fade-in/fade-off from audio or video clip, select the clip, press A, toggle fade-in and fade-out to manual and drag both sliders to 0:00
    Here I'm just guessing what the actual name of the controls are in the english version of iMovie '08, mine is localized in italian.
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    Take your notebook to the store that has the TV you want to buy and try it there!
    This is how I tested the 3D function vid HDMI befor I bought my 60".
    > Was your question answered? Mark it as an Accepted Solution!
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    Thanks in advance!!

    I figured out how to reset the Youtube video upon hiding thanks to Heathrowe's answer and FigFrance's contribution to the thread found here:
    The secret was adding .empty() to my video container.  Here is my functioning button code:
    Show Video:
    //code to embed youtube into symbol
    var youtube = $("<iframe/>");
    youtube.attr('type', 'text/html');
    youtube.attr('width', '640');
    youtube.attr('height', '360');
    youtube.attr('src', 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/MyFv6UKsW70?rel=0');
    youtube.attr('frameborder', '1');
    youtube.attr('allowfullscreen', '0');
    // Show an element
    Hide Video:
    // Hide an element

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    I was considering buying an Apple TV to do something similar, but after looking everywhere, it seems that iTunes on a Mac doesn't allow to Airplay Videos to multiple Airplay devices or split the Audio and Video signals (where one device would be AppleTV for the video portion, and other devices would be an Airport Express connected to my sound system for the Audio portion, or to play the Audio part on my own Mac - like you want to do). 
    I don't know if it can help you, but I can describe the system that I am currently using, which works, but is not as elegant:
    About 4 years ago, I have purchased and installed on my Mac a software called Airfoil (http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/).  This capture software allows you to connect any numbers of Airplay enabled devices to your Mac via Wifi, and stream the captured content (Audio and/or Video). They have been doing this, way before iTunes could give you that capability for the Audio stream.  This allows me to stream music from my Mac, with the Pandora app, for example  (not just iTunes) to the multiple Airport Express I have distributed thoughout the house, where each AE has a differnet sound system connected to it.  The beauty about it, is that Airfoil ensures that they are ALL in synch - which is not always the case with the multiple speakers function which is built-in iTunes.
    Airfoil also comes with a built-in Video Player that can capture a DVD on your Mac, or any Web application like NetFlix, Hulu, etc, and output the video throught the Mac display port (where your projector could be connected), and at the same time stream the Audio portion through all your Airport Express (or any Airplay-enabled devices, like an Apple TV).  Airfoil also have an App on the iPhone (Airfoil Speaker), where you can stream the Audio from your Mac to your iPhone or iPad.  They also have Airfoil for iPhone, where any Audio playing on your iPhone or iPad can be steamed throughout the house via Airplay.
    In summary, for the Video feed, I have my projector connected to my Mac on one side of the room (using a mini-display to HDMI adaptor).  For the Audio feed, I have an Airport Express connected the sound systems accross the room (could be an Apple TV), or iPhone or iPod Touch....  Airfoil on the Mac ensures that the video stream to the projector is in synch with the Audio stream to the sound system(s) - so that the viewing doesn't look like a badly translated Japenese movie...  :-)  
    The only draw back to that system, is that it requires a lot a CPU from my Mac for Airfoil to capture, slip everything, synch and stream to the Airplay device(s) - and have noticed that the Mac CPU fans run to high speed after half an hour or so into the movies.  It works great, but I have the (bad) feeling that it stresses the CPU/GPU of my Mac, and will shorten its life over time.  That is why I would have preferred a $99 Apple TV to be able to do the same thing - but apparently not (as of yet).

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    No. This would be airplaying to multiple devices at once using an iOS device.  You can do this though in iTunes on a Mac if you have to.

  • Splitting Audio and Video Signal

    I would like to be able to split the video and audio signal from my ipad via apple tv to enable the video to be viewed on the ipad and audio out of the amp speakers.  I can do this via bluetooth (for instance in my car) but not via airplay in the home.  Any ideas or app suggestions that might make this work?  Ultimately i want to cinnect the ipad into a projector and sending audio back the amp in another room.

    U can use a digital to analogue convertor to separate the sound http://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-Optical-Coaxial-Toslink-Converter/dp/B0074JZ8ZW

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    What I'm saying is:
    Make a new MONO audio track (use the + button). Assign it to input 1
    Make a second new MONO track, assign it to input 2
    Name both tracks, record-enable both tracks, and record.
    You could, of course, make both tracks in one go via the new track dialog box, and hav ethem automatically assigned to ascending inputs.

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    well it sounds like something WireTap Anywhere or Audio Hijack Pro might do, you're going in a different direction, I believe, than they're used to. You might check with them.

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