Sound stream problem?

I don't know if this is an issue with Flex, or how I've set my webserver up but basically I've made an MP3 player component in flex based on the Sound class.  It works fine apart from the position slider I have made for the player (using the HSlider class in Flex 4) cannot navigate towards the end portion of the track -  the audio freezes up and the player stops playing.
I have made sure that the position slider is only activated when the bytes loaded is equal to the total bytes, so that shouldn't be the problem - it is all buffered before I try to navigate to towards the end of the track.
So why does it freeze up when I set the position slider towards the end of the track?
Only thing I can think is that you have to call the stop() function to stop the Sound playing and then seek the new position.  Does stopping the sound, remove the data that you have buffered?  Is this a caching problem with webservers that I am not understanding, or can I code something in actionscript to overcome it?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated...
Another thought I had is whether my maths in providing  the new sound position to play from is trying to seek a position which is too precise, ie too many decimal places and that may confuse the play function so that it doesn't bother... By the way, I am having to set a new property called snap interval on the flex 4 slider for it to navigate to all values, not just 0 and 1.  Could this also be part of the problem - why does it not, by default, glide through all values from 0 to 1 like it used to?
Thanks for any help anyone can provide...

Forgot to mention, that the reason I think it might not be a Flex problem is because the player works fine when tested on local server.  It is only when uploaded to web server that the tracking issues I mentioned occur..  But perhaps there are settings I can sort in Flex to overcome this, or someone knows what this may be due to?

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    It also takes time for the photos to be transferred out of your iPhone and into Photo stream on Apple's iCloud servers.
    Note that this can't happen if your iPhone is not connected to a WiFi network:
    When you enable My Photo Stream on your devices, all new photos you take or import to those devices will be automatically added to your photo stream.
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    from here:

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    Use Google’s Public DNS Server To Fix Apple TV Streaming Problems
    1. Navigate to Settings >> General >> Network and select Configure TCP/IP.
    2. Select “Manually” next to Configure IP.
    3. Dont change the IP address or the Subnet Mask and Router Address. Just click "Done".
    4. Set the DNS Address screen with the following: and click “Done.”
    You should now be able to stream Netflix on your Apple TV.
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    match: /dev/sound/*
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    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          10 Sep 17 14:50 /dev/audioctl -> sound/0ctl
    crw-------   1 root     root      34,  0 Sep 17 14:50 /dev/sound/0
    crw-------   1 root     root      34,  1 Sep 17 14:50 /dev/sound/0ctlThe problem is: how to change the /dev/sound/* files for all users to read and write, permanently?
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    /usr/bin/chmod a+rw /dev/sound/*
    echo `date '+%D %H:%M:%S' > /var/tmp/
    ls -le /dev/sound/* >> /var/tmp/ content of /var/tmp/ is something like:
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     root      34,  0  9月 17 14:50:30 2005 /dev/sound/0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     root      34,  1  9月 17 14:50:30 2005 /dev/sound/0ctlBut oddly, the permissions of these files would always be changed back to the original state soon, automatically.
    3. I added an entry in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root to change the permissions every 10 mins, and it did work, strangely. However I think it's not a good method, because I have to wait for 10 minutes before I can login it (if I login the zone before the permissions were changed, the sound device will never work)
    Thanks in advance.

    It's probably /etc/logindevperm that's fighting you. Read the comments in that file, then you can modify /dev/sound in it.
    The idea is that only the user logged in on the console would normally have access to the audio device and the frame buffer, so the permissions are reset at login.
    If you're having folks login through a separate zone, this changes that assumption.

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    Speakers create noise when increase the sound or change window.
    Bluetooth icon & drivers dissappear after sometime.(Fn + F5 doesn't work)
    They appear again after restart.
    Warranty Status Lookup
    Product ID:        Type-Model:        Serial number:
    59304299        0679-N/A        CBxxxxxxxx
    Location:        Expiration date:        
    India                  2012-08-31        
    Moderator Note; s/n edited for member's own protection

    Hi lenovoG60,
    Welcome to Lenovo Community!
    You may want to try updating all of your machine drivers such as
    Lenovo Energy Management (power management)
    Bluetooth drivers
    Sound card drivers
    Chipset drivers
    Look for the drivers from our support site.
    Best regards,
    WW Social Media
    T61, T410, x240, Z500, Flex 14
    Important Note: If you need help, post your question in the forum, and include your system type, model number and OS. Do not post your serial number.
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  • Audigy 2 sound card problems

    I am hoping that someone out there can help me in a crucial situation.
    I am using an Audigy 2 sound card with creative 5. speakers.
    I also use Adobe Audition to edit, record sessions for my voice-over jobs.
    Recently, I attempted to hook up a web cam so that I could see my grand daughter on the west coast.
    After hooking up the web cam, I noticed my home studio environment changed drastically. I began having trouble with recording using my microphone through my Macki mixer. I began hearing a continuous hiss that I had never experienced before.
    In fact after uninstalling the web cam, and restarting my computer, I got that horrible blue screen on my computer indicating the world was about to end! Smile
    Long story short, I was able to finally get my computer back up, but I continue to experience problems recording "clean' audio".
    Three things, after reinstalling Creative from disc several times and restarting my computer I receive a window stating Creative Media Source Detector.....Unable to load needed components....Please reinstall the application"
    Also, when trying to test my sound hardware I get a message stating...Direct play voice setup..."an error occurred during direct play voice setup....error code 0x80004005
    Last but not least I cannot access the "Creative diagnostic feature on my computer. I only get a small window for this feature that will not open up fully and allow me to run a diagnostic test!
    I know this is a lot to absorb, but I cannot get anyone from Creative to address my problems because I am out of warranty and therefore not getting any love from this company.
    Need your advice and or guidance on this.
    Please respond when time allows.

    Re: Audigy 2 sound card problems? use add/remove programs and remove all creative software and drivers, then do the same for your web cam and unplug it
    restart your pc
    download and install [url="" rel="nofollow">driver sweeper[/url] and use it to clean up any left over creative bits and bobs and restart your pc when it asks you to
    now download and install the [url="" rel="nofollow">latest audigy drivers[/url]
    once your back in to windows try recording something and see if everything's back to normal
    now reinstalling your web cam but don't reinstall using the cd that came with it
    find the manufacturer's website and get the latest drivers
    install cd's best avoided simply because the software and drivers they contain are typically the initial release versions, and so potentially very old
    and i think we can all agree that old, buggy drivers can be a real pain

  • Use Google's Public DNS Server To Fix Apple TV Streaming Problems

    Many people have been having a streaming problem with the Apple TV - especially with Netflix. In fact, it's often the most popular topic on this forum. After having the same problem off and on for two years, I finally figured out the following solution. It uses Google's public DNS service instead of your ISPs DNS.
    1. Navigate to Settings >> General >> Network and select Configure TCP/IP.
    2. Select “Manually” next to Configure IP.
    3. Dont change the IP address or the Subnet Mask and Router Address. Just click "Done".
    4. Set the DNS Address screen with the following: and click “Done.”
    You should now be able to stream more smoothly on your Apple TV.
    This problem is probably caused by a bad streaming server somewhere on Netflix's CDN (Content Delivery Network). The DNS points your Apple TV based on location. By using Google's DNS, you get a different streaming server. That is, of course, a wild guess and is not verifiable by me. But, it makes sense so I'm going with that.
    If this works for you, please buy a cup of coffee for a complete stranger or some other selfless, random act of kindness.

    Welcome to the  tv Discussion Forums.
    Barring interference to the network (which is probably unlikely but not totally out of the question) I'd agree that your problem seems specific to one mac. IMHO reinstalling an OS is more often than not a lazy mans way of saying they can't be bothered to look for the problem and totally unnecessary so far as I am concerned. I don't believe any version of itunes has been a problem for the tv, although there have been the usual problems posted that usually accompany any upgrade (these are more than likely due to updating over damaged files).
    Reinstalling itunes will replace the application but not many of the associated preference files that are more likely to be a problem than the application itself. Rather than reinstalling itunes, I'd try creating a new user and try itunes in the new user account to see if the problem persists.
    You could also create a new library in the original user account and see if you have similar problems with that library.
    Check your network settings and compare them to the other macs that work OK, check for proxy servers and DNS addresses.

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    Attach camera via USB or put card in card reader.
    Go to FCP, and go to the Log and TRANSFER window.
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