[SOLVED] Linux Console / Terminus Startup Unicode Issues

So I'm using the Linux Console (the kernel one, not really sure if this thing is going to get a window manager) and I've set it up to use Terminus as the default font.
With this, on bootup, the font does change (so I know it's not that kernel hook that I always forget to put in ), but Unicode characters don't display properly. This wouldn't be a huge deal, but it really messes with ncurses.
The odd part: if I do a
setfont Lat2-Terminus16
Then the font doesn't seem to change a bit, but now Unicode works fine. I suspect it's something going on with the font map or the unicode mapping, but I can't figure out any way to actually print out, e.g., where my unicode mapping is coming from.
I'm willing to post any log files you need. Also, not 100% sure newbie corner is the place for this, but none of the other ones seemed to be any more appropriate, and this is definitely making me feel like a newbie . Mods, if this seems grossly inappropriate, feel free to move it.
EDIT: it was indeed not having KMS loaded early enough. Thanks, all!
Last edited by arek_menner (2013-11-17 17:27:20)

karol wrote:Post your /etc/vconsole.conf. You can set font map there.
What's the output of 'localectl'?
My vconsole.conf is up there. Sorry, I should have made it more clear that that's what it was. It is, exactly, the one line:
I remember trying to put a FONT_MAP in there, and it didn't help (although I don't know which one the correct mapping would be). I don't specify a font map when I do the bare 'setfont' once the system has already booted. That sort of makes me think that Terminus has the font map in the file?
localectl output:
System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
VC Keymap: n/a
X11 Layout: n/a
And locale's output is basically a whole bunch of "en_US.UTF-8"s.
WonderWoofy wrote:I have read somewhere that if you use the systemd-vonsole-setup.service to do anything more than the defaults, it is wise to also have early KMS setup as well.  Apparently the change in font or language depends on the KMS being properly in place before it happens, and this is only guaranteed if you set up KMS in the initramfs.
I remember having a problem with that last install, but it just made the new font not show up, rather than not having Unicode support. I definitely haven't done anything regarding that this time, though, so I'll give it a try and report back to you

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    thanks for helping.
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          <ns0:dbTableName action="insert">
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    $locale -a

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