Shared calendars gone after I set up iCloud

My wife and I have a shared calendar. I moved over to the iCloud and now the shared calendar is gone. I tired to re-share the calendar from her calendar that is still on Mobile Me and it would not go through. Is it not possible to share the old MobileMe calendar with an iCLoud calendar?

I was having the same problem as most of you.  I was not able to share my calendars after the move to iCloud from MobileMe, but my wife was.  I am not sure what caused it, whether it was because the calendars were on share with everyone before the move or not.  I did however figure out a way to solve the issue.
1- Open iCal on your Mac, close iCal on the internet (iCloud)
2- On your Mac choose each calendar (right click on name) and choose stop sharing
3- On your Mac choose each calendar ( right click on name), chose sharing settings, then click on button for "only the people you invite", enter person's apple ID/email, click update.
4- reopen iCal calendar on web
5- Choose calendar that wasn't working, now you should have option to add people to share with, and the person you specified in step 3 will already be there.  Hit "resend calendar invitation" (it will be in blue).  The person you sent the invite to will now be able to share your calendar.
Hope this works for all of you the way it worked for me.

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    richvid wrote:
    As for gdgmacguy, don't be so naive, of course Apple read every comment made on here, and my purpose for posting was pretty obvious, I thought I had missed the obvious ability to add attachments to typed out emails - thanks for the link to Apple feedback for the iPhone.
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    If the device was backed up prior to the update (it should have been as this is part of the update process) simply restore from the backup.  Otherwise they are gone.
    Why do you choose to not backup the device regularly?  The same "loss of data" would occur should the device fail, be lost, or stolen.

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    Screenshot of the error message:
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    I. van Gelder
    The Netherlands.

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    Going to answer my own question after searching the web a bit more...
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    Going to answer my own question after searching the web a bit more...
    The setting is not in the Notification Center, where you'd expect...  it's in the Calendar app on OS X, and in the Mail, Contacts and Calendar settings in iOS 6 (don't know about 7 yet ).
    In OS X, open your Calendar and from the menu bar choose Calendar > Preferences and then highlight the Alerts tab.  Second from the bottom is a checkbox labelled "Turn off shared calendar messages in Notification Center"... it's unchecked, and you need to put a check mark (aka tick) in that box.  To be honest, I think this is poorly designed, because putting a check mark in a box to disable a setting is rather like a double negative, and probably why I've seen so many people think they have this set correctly when in fact the opposite is true.
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    Welcome to the Apple Community Diane.
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