Scheduling issue with Analysis for Excel

I am trying to schedule a workbook in Analysis for  Excel from CMC. The schedule always fails when I uncheck the APPLY DEFAULT FORMATS in the components tab of the Display Analysis. The schedule works fine if this box is checked. Has anyone come across this issue?
Analysis Excel Version:

Hi Tammy,
Sorry for getting back to you so late. We are right now BIP-add on SP5 for Analysis Office. We are planning to have BIP-add on SP6 next week. Dont know if this will solve my issue but something to try.

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    Hi Deepa,
    I'm facing the same problem, which basically is no issue but expected behaviour?!
    Reason: When allowing access on Multiproviders via queries you probably restrict the data selection with authorization variables, where users have to select characteristics they are allowed to see.
    In that way, you prevent that users can see data for which they are not authorized.
    Finally, if the direct selection via Multiprovider was allowed without any restriction, your whole authorization concept would be for the birds :-)
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    =SAPGetSourceInfo("DS_1"; "DataSourceName")
    =SAPGetSourceInfo("DS_1"; "LastDataUpdate")
    (... we all know that Multis can display only the oldest load date of any of all Cubes below....)
    I even deleted the cross-tabs, and kept only the reference to the DS_x ... But still, when users try to refresh the data sources they are not even allowed to select pure technical Cube Information :-/
    Regards, Martin
    PS: If anyone else has a different idea as solution to my problem, just let me know :-)

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    "An Exception occurred in one of the data sources. SAP BI Add in has disconnected
    Nested Exception. See inner exception below for more details
    Initial RANGE-LOW for customer exit variable ****_EXIT_001 corrected ..
    Under details
    An exception has occurred in one of the data sources.
    SAP BI Add-in has disconnected all data sources.(ID-111007)
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    Please let me know the reason for this error and how to fix this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Krishna,
               Thanks for the reply.  The Sales office field is directly mapped  in the transformation and does not have any routine. Its the Key field.
    The Billing Document Condition infocube is being feed by the DSO '2LIS_13_VDKON - Billing Document Condn' and datasource is '2LIS_13_VDKON'.
    The Open Orders infocube is being feed by the DSO Document Order item / Delivery;  below which we have another 3 DSO.
    1st DSO has the Datasource '2LIS_13_VDITM'
    2nd DSO has the Datasource '2LIS_11_VAITM'
    3rd DSO has the Datasource '2LIS_11_V_SSL'
    The Sales Office 7 has txn records for the month of April & May.
    The report built on top of a Multiprovider and the for the months June and July, we have txn records fine for the sales office 01 - 06.
    Please help me, if i am missing anything here and make me to understand better.

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    Edited by: John Dolph on Apr 15, 2010 10:50 AM

    Sorry I has been a while but the problem still occurs,
    I've defined my export button group like this in a seperate template and I expected that it would only return the resultset from TAB_A and TAB_B but it also export the resultset from the tab I'm currently on.
                <bi:BUTTON_GROUP_ITEM name="TAB_BUTTONs" designheight="23" designwidth="300" >
                    <bi:BUTTON_LIST type="ORDEREDLIST" >
                        <bi:BUTTON type="COMPOSITE" index="2" >
                            <bi:CAPTION value="EXCEL" />
                            <bi:TOOLTIP value="Table, Graph and/or Table/Graph download to PDF" />
                            <bi:ACTION type="CHOICE" value="INSTRUCTION" >
                                <bi:INSTRUCTION >
                                    <bi:EXPORT >
                                        <bi:ITEM_REF_LIST type="UNORDEREDLIST" >
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="1" value="TAB_A_ANALYSIS" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="2" value="TAB_A_CHART" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="3" value="TAB_B_ANALYSIS" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="4" value="TAB_B_CHART" />
                                        <bi:EXPORT_FORMAT value="XLS" />

  • BO Analysis for Excel – How to connect to SAP BW

    Hi Gurus,
    We recently upgrade to BO 4.1 (from 3.1).  And want to start to use Analysis for Excel.
    We are little unclear how to connect from Analysis for Excel to SAP BW 7,3.
    From Analysis select “Select Data Source” Then get a pop-up “Logon to SAP BussinessObjects BI Platform” with User, Password and Web Service URL.  All those are blank.  For the Web Service URL there is a message “Error while checking availability of SAP BussinessObjects BI Platform system”
    If choose “Skip” then get SAP Logonpad and can log on to BW.  From there I can choose the BW queries directly.
    What is the best practice to connect from Analysis for Excel to SAP BW?
    Is it not possible to connect to the BO server?  And choose OLAP connection from there to connect to BW?
    If so, is something missing in our setup?

    Yes you need to define an OLAP connection of you are connecting to BW through the BIP - see tutorial
    You can also connect directly to BW without going through BIP
    I also recommend searching before you post per SCN rules - there are many posts about creating OLAP connections

  • Issues with Analysis Authorization on Infoset

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    We are facing an issue with Analysis Authorization on Infoset, it doesnt seem to throw authorization error when we access a record that is outside the authorization. We tried to use the same authorization set up from the same user we try to access the a record that is outside the authorization it behaves correctly.
    Here is my setup
    0TCAACTVT = *
    0TCAIPROV = *
    0TCAVALID = *
    When I tried to access ZA12 it should throw an authorization error but for infoset it doesnt seem to work. Is there anything that we should take note for Infoset?

    Hi Chee,
    I am getting similar issue.
    I believe navigational attribute was already a authorization relevant in your case.
    What and where did you set it as authorization relevant to make it work on infosets.

  • Issues with Analysis Authorization checks in APO

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    I am facing an issue with Analysis authorization checks in APO.
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    Resultant trace results are as below: This should not happen..
    I have compared all Analysis Authorizations and it is same across both Instances. The Demand planner access is consistent too..
    Will it be possible for you to advise on what could I be missing.

    Hi All,
    If it helps, in Quality: the Authorization checks are listed as: Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 1
    while in Production it checks Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 1 in one place, however where it fails - the check happens as Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 0.
    Is there a way we can change this to SUBNR 1. Is there any table entry that I can look at to check if the Authorization check is functioning incorrectly..
    Please advise.. Thanks..

  • Issues with importing from excel

    I have been running into a several issues with importing from Excel.
    First my configuration
    I am running SQL Developer ver 1.5.5 Build MAIN-5969
    I am on a Windows XP Professional Version 2002 with Service Pack 3
    I am importing into an Oracle 10g database.
    1. SQL Developer doesn't work on Excel 2007, I have to save all my files into Excel 97-2003 format before I can use them.
    2. If I run into an error loading and stop the process, SQL Developer doesn't release the Excel file and I get a sharing violation if I try to save the spreadsheet without closing SQL Developer.
    3. I have found that I have to set print area to the area I want to work with, otherwise the import wizard tries to keep adding rows.
    4. When using the Import wizard, it keeps adding commas on fields with numerics unless I specify the column in excel as text. Currently the column is formatted as General in the spreadsheet or I can change the wizard format to say the column is an integer, but it actually is just a code field with numeric characters so it may have leading zeroes that I need to keep.
    This might be related,
    I have a column in excel defined as text but only contains numerics. It is of length 4, but the wizard sets a precision of 5 with a datatype of VARCHAR2. If I try to change it to 4, I get an error saying the field is not large enough. Yet, when I do a LEN on the column, it only gives me a 4. I have other fields in the same sheet that a 3 position numeric and 2 position numeric and those are fine. I am thinking this is related to the comma being inserted in a numeric field for anything greater than 3 positions.
    5. Importing excel dates to oracle dates doesn't work. I have to convert the excel date column to text then import as a VARCHAR, then convert to Date once in the database.
    6. The default of nullible is not set on any columns and I have to set them before the import. (I would prefer it set to nullible and I have to uncheck the box to make it not nullible. I would prefer to import all of the data and then deal with the nulls after they have been pulled in)
    7. When I select header columns included it uses that as the column names. Is it possible to do the name length check then? It has bit me a few times where I try to import and forget to check the name length and then I get an error when I start running the import.
    8. If one of the columns to import has all nulls, then the precision comes out to 0 and if it isn't changed an error occurs on import. Could this situation default to a precision of 1?
    9. It would be nice if there was a completion message displayed and a cancel option while running.

    On point 3.
    I have a column in excel that consists of numbers. 4 digit numeric codes. Ex, 1111, 2345, etc
    The column's format is general. It displays as just 4 numbers.
    When I start the wizard initially, the column appears with data as 1,111, 2,345, etc, on the Data Preview screen.
    It determines the precision to be 5 on the column definition screen.
    If I change the precision to 4 then continue, that field will error out when I verify with "not big enough to hold the data in source columns"
    If, I change the excel column to a TEXT column.
    Excel still displays as 1111, 2345, etc
    The wizard then displays the same data 1111, 2345 on the Data Previeiw screen
    Yet, when I get to the column definition screen it still sizes it as a 5
    If I change it to a 4, I get the same error when verifying.
    If I leave them alone as 5, then it processes just fine.

  • BEx formula change not working in existing Analysis for Olap/Analysis for Excel reports

    Hello all,
    I posted this in Analysis for OLAP, but there has been no response so I'm hoping perhaps you BEx experts can help me.
    I had to modify a formula in a Bex query to have it calculate the results of the formula by summation.
    I checked the query using BEx Analyzer and it summed correctly.  If I create a new analysis for olap report, it sums correctly.
    If I modify an existing report, it does not pick up the change.  Existing Analysis for Excel reports also do not pick up the new summary calculation.
    Using the CMC, I edited the connection and reselected the Bex query, but that did not work either.
    Here it is working in the query:
    Line Discount is a formula with logic checking to see if "product list price total amount" is 0, set the line discount to 0; otherwise calculate it as "product list price total amount" - Net Sale.  So the total needs to sum of the line discounts (0+2820+2820 = 5640) and not be the Overall result "product list price total amount" - Overall Result "net sale" (13960-96720= -82760).
    Here it is in an existing Webi report - working:
    Here is what is happening in an existing Analysis for OLAP report - not working:
    I also tried to unselect Line Discount as a key figure from the existing report and reselect it, but that did not work.
    I'd like to find a solution so that all the reports that use this query won't have to be rewritten.
    I'm on BW 7.0 EP 1 SP 10 and BI 4.0 SP7 Patch 5.
    Thank you for your help,

    Apply Exception aggregation on line discount formula--Exception aggregation as Total---Reference characteristic as Promega product.
    Make sure to refresh the webi report once after the changes has been done.
    If this does not work then you can apply summation calculation for that column at webi level as well.

  • Compare EPM add on to Analysis for Excel?

    I am loking for a tool comparison between Advanced Analysis for Excel to BPC EPM excel add on.
    Usability, flexibility, performance, etc...
    Does anyone have a good link or slide with a side by side comparison?
    Thanks all
    Rodrigo Silva

    Hi Rodrigo,
    Please go through below link:
    SAPexperts | SAP EPM 10.0 Add-In: Not Just Your Basic Excel Spreadsheet Any More
    Further, below are some of the major features of EPM Add-in
    1) Creation of Reports
    Asymmetric reports, butterfly reports, comparison reports
    2) Analyze data
    Slice and dice, EPM functions
    3) Dynamic formatting
    Excel or EPM formatting available
    4) Calculations and charts
    Use of Excel-based charting and formulas, EPM custom and local member calculations
    5) Integration
    Multiple reports with different sources of data on one worksheet, multiple reports within a workbook
    6) Drill Through
    Drill through from one data set to another
    7) Publish, Print, and Distribution
    8) Real-time data availability
    Hope this helps.

  • In Analysis for Excel, is there a way to see another user's variants?

    As an admin, I want to change them from User variants to Global, without giving them access to create Global variants.
    Analysis for Excel version, BI 4.0.

    Are you using this will an LMS?  Captivate does this by default for me using SUM TOTAL, and SCORM reporting.  I know that threre are options both in captivate and the LMS to not capture resume data, but barring setting those it happens automatically with Scorm 1.2

  • Issues with nested for loops - saving images from a camera

    Hi all,
    I've written a vi. to capture a specific number of images ('Image No') and save these images, outputted to a folder of my choice.  Each image is identified sequentially.  However, I wish to do a number of iterations ('Run') of this capture sequence, such that the filename of each image would be 'Filename (Run)_(Image No).png', e.g. run 5, image 10 would be 'Filename 5_10.png'.  I have tried a nested for loop for this but I receive an error 'Asynchronous I/O operation in progress' (I've attached a printscreen).
    Can anyone assist me in solving this problem? I preiously posted this in machine Vision but got no response (  Please find attached my vi.
    Kindest regards and thanks,
    Go to Solution.
    Labview problem.jpg ‏3841 KB
    Image sequence save to ‏48 KB

    the problem is not the filenam, but the name of the folder (AHHHHH!). You try to create the same folder in the outer for loop over and over again.... (it is the error message above the '======', not below )
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • Issue with authorizations for BPS

    Hi Experts,
    There was an issue with authorizations for BPS. We have a large number of agents that need to enter plan data via a layout. In order to control the necessary authorizations, we would like to filter via something similar to a user exit using a function module in order to avoid having to define authorization objects for each of the agents who have access to the systems. Right now, we are not sure if there is user exit concept available as it is for BW variables. Any body experienced similar issue may share their experience.

    In BPS, you can use user specific variables or you can set up a Variable of type exit. You can also have a variable of type authorization which uses the security / authorization of the BW system.
    Hope it helps...

  • Photoshop batch production - issues with 'save for web'

    I'm having an issue with 'save for web' on a batch. I've just spent the last 2 hours searching the web and this forum and although the issue gets touched upon, the threads either suddenly head off in another direction, end, or i just struggle to make sense of the answers given.
    I have 350 images that i want to resize to thumbnails and then save for web. 2 hours ago this seemed like a 5 minute job.
    I creat an action called 'batch_thumbnail' and press 'Record'.
    I then select 'File' > 'Open' and select an image to open using the dialog box.
    I then select 'Image' > 'Image Size' and resize the image to the thumbnail size (200 x 125) and press 'OK'.
    I then select 'File' > 'Save for Web and Devices', set my optimisation settings and press 'save'.
    Using the dialog box that pops up, i navigate to a pre-created directory called 'thumbs' and press 'save'.
    I then select 'File' > 'Close' and on the dialog box that pops up i select 'Don't Save'.
    I then stop the action from recording.
    So far so good.
    I then select 'File' > 'Automate' > 'Batch...' and the dialog box appears.
    I select my action in the 'Action' drop down menu.
    In 'Source' i set the drop down menu to 'Folder', select 'Choose' and select the target directory with my 350 images in.
    In 'Destination' i set the drop down menu to 'Folder', select 'Choose' and select the target directory (thumbs), where i wish to save the thumbs.
    In 'File Naming' i leave the first box as 'document name', set the second to '_thumb' and have the third as 'extension'.
    I then click 'OK'.
    And this is where the problem begins. Everything works fine till it trys to save the second image. I can see what's happening, as the directory path and image name that are used whilst setting up the SFW part of the action, are getting hardcoded into the action. So every resulting image is being saved as the same file, instead of being overriden by the settings in 'File Naming'.
    I've tried selecting 'Override action 'Save' command', but it doesn't make any difference. Is it actually possible to batch produce files using 'Save for Web and Devices'?

    I have written a couple of Save For Web batch processors, they may be of use to you?
    They can both resize and run an action if required.
    CS4 (This handles metadata)

  • Size Limit of Result Set Exceeded in Advanced Analysis for Excel

    I am getting a "Size Limit of Result Set Exceeded" error when performing a drill-down in Advanced Analysis for Excel.  Is the limit 65,000 rows in Excel?  I was able to get a drill-down of 39,000 rows to work, but failed when I exceeded 60,000 rows.
    I am using Advanced Analysis for Excel v1 SP5 and Excel 2007.

    Hi Everyone;
    I am running advanced analysis reports on HANA as datasource and I am getting the message Size Limit of Result Set Exceeded whenever I have a larger output. I have noticed that in the admin guide and in other SCN posts about this setting in Windows Registry:
    But I am having hard time finding this setting in my windows registry; can someone help me understand why I don't have it in my registry? and how to find it and change this setting?
    FYI...I am using Office 2010.

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