Satellite C660 - WLAN disconnects on battery power supply

I have a new Satellite C660 which is a great wee machine BUT every time I disconnect the power cable the wireless connection looses the internet connection. Wireless is fine and all settings accurate. I have checked the amended the power settings and they are set to be ok whether on battery or power.
But still I cannot disconnect the power cable without losing the warless connection. The modem is still on and functioning and even more strongly I can access other peoples wireless connections whilst being off line.
Please any ideas?

When you use notebook on battery power supply and use FN+F8 can you enable and disable WLAN module properly?
Ave you checked WLAN settings in device manager properties (click here )?

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    Have tried to post on an older theread but they are locked as resolved. Well mine isn't. Usual problem of WLAN being fine on mains adaptor but WLAN disconnects from internet intermittenetly on battery power. I have...
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    Thanks in anticipation..

    hi ima ,
    Many thanks for sharing this , I still cannot find the latest driver for my C660-108 WLAN , can you plz plz email me the 11MB update if possible of link to download it ......
    plz email me on [email protected] .
    I am currenty running with the following :-
    windows 7 64 bit
    wireless card Realtek
    Driver Date 28/04/2010
    Driver Version 1002.2.428.2010
    PROBLEM :-
    No internet / disconnects on battery power
    help plz

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    To save battery power and allow longer notebook usage Toshiba has designed Toshiba power saver tool. As you can see there are few different power profile available. If you use battery power supply it will be automatically switch to Normal profile and there is CPU speed set to lower level. You can change it manually and set to maximum performance.
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    Very common problem with all sorts of electronic equipment.
    The whistle is caused by the high frequencies used by switch mode power supplies. It's a bit like a car where you have a rattle that happens only at certain speeds, and that speed creates a certain frequency that resonates with something in the car that then makes a noise. The same thing happens in the power supply.
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    Just like a car with a rattle, not every car of the same type will have the problem and the same goes for laptops. Someone may have a squeal only when on mains power for example, or only when the back light is on full or on dim, or they just don't notice it.
    The manufacturers do a lot to try and dampen down anything that might vibrate and squeal but are not always successful.
    You might find turning off power management settings help as the power supply is then forced to supply more power and so the frequency shifts to one that doesn't cause a squeal, but then you will find battery power doesn't last as long.
    It could easily go away after a few weeks or months and never come back, or could get worse.
    Mostly the noise isn't any sign of an impending problem or breakdown.
    Getting the laptop replaced will most likely get you one that doesn't squeal.
    Hope that information helps a bit, I know it can drive you mad when you get a high frequency squeal, and even madder when other people can't hear as their hearing isn't as good.
    The same sorts of noise are now used in areas where children hang out causing trouble, a high frequency noise is blasted out at a frequency that most adults can no longer hear but children can as it drives them insane, so if you can here the squeal and others can't that is quite normal and shows if anything you have younger hearing or are indeed younger.
    Message was edited by: Philip_l

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    Oh buddy, so silly idea. I really can not understand you. After weeks or maybe months in the box, it is logic that battery can not run with full capacity.
    Anyway, connect your notebook to AC power supply and leave it for a while. Start notebook again to see what will happen. If the setup procedure can not be finished start notebook again and press F8 immediately. Chose first option Repair my Computer and follow the menu on the screen. The OS will be installed again and you will be able to finish OS setup procedure.

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    No, it will stop. Pobably you are worrying about how to keep its battery in good shape. Please read this, it may also apply for other types od batteries too.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

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    Mike,Check your Energy Saver options (Apple Menu > System Preferences > Energy Saver > Options Tab > 'Schedule' make sure this isn't set to turn off your iBook.
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    How about the battery charging status?
    Is the battery fully charged?
    Try to disconnect the AC adaptor and remove the battery from the notebook for a several time (15-30min) then plug the battery again and try to power up the notebook.
    I think also you should check if the issue happens also with the new power pack. Possibly there is something wrong with the battery and you need a new one.
    Sorry for such general suggestions but you know, we can only speculate about the issues.

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    I use a HyperJuice Mini when I travel.  Works great.  It fully charges an iPhone and gives about a 50% charge on an iPad2.  Comes in cool colors too. B-s/165.htm

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    Model: 20BE004EUS
    Power Supply Adapter: FRU PN 45N0264

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    I have got the latest BIOS version (1.90) as well as the latest Power Saver program.

    Sorry but I dont believe you are hardware engineer, hardware designer or maybe software developer to define some behavior as bug. Or I am wrong about it? ;)
    How old is your A60? Have you ever cleaned the unit and remove the dust? Can the unit be cooled properly? Please clean it properly and unit will be able to take a breath. That means the cooling fans will run slowly and definitely not so often. After cleaning my old Satellite P20 (three cooling grills) notebook was much quieter.
    Power saver is created for battery optimization and allow user to define how the notebook should work with battery or AC power supply. This optimization means lower power consumption and longer work with battery power supply.
    > The trouble is in switching between the regimes: once
    > 'Max performance' is turned on, and then the computer
    > is switched back to 'Battery Optimized', the
    > secondary fan will never stop. It is very disturbing,
    > since the secondary fan is sort of noisy. Any ideas
    > how to fix this problem?
    This is very interesting issue and I have tested it on my notebook and it works well. I have switched few times between profiles and the result is always the same: the fun runs under max performance but every time when I switch to battery optimized the cooling fan stops immediately. Try please to create own profile with minimum level of CPU activity and cooling method. Connect it to AC power supply and with FN+F2 switch between the profiles.
    At the end, if there is some bug I believe in last two years (the unit should be about two and half years old) it should be fixed long time ago.

  • Satellite C660-115 WLan connection only works when power cable is connected

    I bought a satelite C660-115 a few weeks ago. I would like to surf the internet anywhere in my home without any wires/cables.
    From the first day I had this problem: when I disconnect the _power_ cable, the wireless connection will stop working.
    The webpage on my screen will still be there, but loading a new page is a problem.
    Sometimes it helps to reload (pressing F5), sometimes not. It always helps to "repair the ip-adress", but not for long.
    The only solution is to atach the power cable, regardless of how much power the battery still has.
    When I do so,there is no problem whith the connection at all.
    I went back to the shop where I bought it, they connected to their own wireless network and they had the same problem after a few minutes. In the shop too attaching the power cable solved the problem.
    So the problem must be in my lap top, not in my network (modem or so).
    Does this all sound familliar and if so, how can I fix it?
    I hope my English is understandable, I live in Holland.
    Thanx in advance!

    Here the solution:
    Change the Power Save options for Wlan in Win 7 power managment

  • Satellite L650 - WLAN connection disconnects when the AC adapter is removed

    I purchased Toshiba Satellite L650 in April 2011 in Canada.It works perfectly fine in Canada, however when I bring the laptop to HK to use, i found the wirless lan connection drops or completely disconnected very frequently.
    However, my 3 other laptops in hk doesn't have that problem.
    I have
    - updated all the bio for window and software for wlan card;
    - disable the power saving level,
    - increased the the TX power lever
    - did what the following link said
    and still doesn't help.
    It is really frustrated to browse when the internet is on and off.
    Could someone please help?

    Thanx guys,
    --I downloaded and install the update driver of Realtek _WLAN_driver_Win7_2.00.0013 through toshiba web site,
    --I downloaded and install Bios "PSK1EC_PSK1FC_PSK1KC_PSK00C_PSK01C_210_WIN" through toshiba web site
    -- I went to wireless Network connection -> Properties-> click on networking tab-> Configure button->Power Management tab-> uncheck the box "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" of Realtek RTL8188ce wireless lan802.11n PCI-E NIC (so now the box is empty)
    -- I went to wireless Network connection -> Properties-> click on networking tab-> Configure button->Advanced tab -> Select TX Power Level under property -> select 100% under value
    -- I went to Power Icon -> select more power option -> select change plan settings under Balance bullet ->select change advanced power settings-> select wireless adapter settings-->select power saving mode-->select maximum performance under both "On battery" & " Plugged in"
    Please let me know if I miss any steps, thanx

  • Battery is not charging on Satellite C660-108

    I've just bought a new Satellite C660-108 as a Christmas present. The laptop worked fine for a while but then I noticed that the Windows 7 power icon stated that the battery wasn't charging (even though it was correctly inserted, both sliders were in the correct position, the power cable was plugged in and switched on). Sure enough when the battery ran down the computer died.
    Current situation is that the computer will run fine with the power cable if the (now dead) battery is removed but it won't switch on with the battery inserted (whether the power cable is plugged in or not).
    Is this a fault with the battery or the laptop?

    Follow Silas's advice. I have posted battery charge issue from toshiba technical support knowledge base
    If you experience difficulty in charging the battery, or if the battery capacity has decreased over time, the following procedure might re-condition the battery:
    Unplug the computer from the AC adapter and turn it on. Let the computer run under battery power until the computer turns off, indicating that the battery is fully discharged.
    Remove the battery pack.
    Using a soft cloth, wipe off the battery packs connectors and the AC adapters connectors.
    Re-insert the battery pack.
    Plug the computer into the AC adapter and check the wall outlet, making sure the connection is firm.
    With the PC turned off, let the battery charge until the battery status light or icon glows green.
    Unplug the AC adapter.
    Remove the battery.
    Wait 30 seconds and re-insert the battery.
    Plug the AC adapter back in.
    Let the battery recharge until the battery status light turns green or the icon displays 100%.

  • Satellite A200 won't shut down when power supply is connected

    The Satellite A200 just shuts down, if the power cable is disconnected before shutting down. Otherwise the notebook shuts down and restarts immediately (max 5 seconds between shut down and restart).
    Does anybody got the same strange problem?

    Hi Thomas
    You should definitely contact the ASP in your country. Maybe its something wrong with the power supply electronic on the notebooks motherboard.
    As John said the replacement should be done for free because the A200 is a new series and the warranty should be valid.
    Good luck

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