Satellite 2450-201 wont start with battery power supply

Can anyone please help, I cannot power up through the battery at all. When connecting the AC supply, the laptop powers up no problem. And after the intitial power up, I can switch to the battery without any problem. But it won't let me power up through the battery at all.
Can anyone advice, is there any settings that will help or do I need a new battery?

How about the battery charging status?
Is the battery fully charged?
Try to disconnect the AC adaptor and remove the battery from the notebook for a several time (15-30min) then plug the battery again and try to power up the notebook.
I think also you should check if the issue happens also with the new power pack. Possibly there is something wrong with the battery and you need a new one.
Sorry for such general suggestions but you know, we can only speculate about the issues.

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    Oh buddy, so silly idea. I really can not understand you. After weeks or maybe months in the box, it is logic that battery can not run with full capacity.
    Anyway, connect your notebook to AC power supply and leave it for a while. Start notebook again to see what will happen. If the setup procedure can not be finished start notebook again and press F8 immediately. Chose first option Repair my Computer and follow the menu on the screen. The OS will be installed again and you will be able to finish OS setup procedure.

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    Hi buddy,
    For your notebook model there is a BIOS update available and can be downloaded. I found it on Australian website where your notebook model is listed: > Support > Downloads
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    There is no much to explain.
    Its possible that this happens because of any 3rd connected devices
    The fact is also that after a long time of Windows usage the OS doesnt run fast like at the beginning of the OS installation.
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    In you case I would recommend starting the OS in the safe mode and then to enter the device manager.
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    Take each of these steps as needed, and check to make sure it hasn't been fixed with a reboot afterwards before trying the next step.
    Backup your data if you haven't already:
    If you use Airplay, see
    If you don't use Airplay, be sure to upgrade to 10.9.2, using this update:
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    Make sure Spotlight is not indexing.
    Make sure Time Machine is not running when you do other tasks.
    Check to make sure you have not accidently/purposefully installed MacKeeper, as it will slow down your Mac:
    Remove any other system cache cleaning applications.
    Reset the SMC:
    Reset the PRAM:
    Check to make sure there aren't any signs the power adapter might be damaged, or the wrong one*:
    If there are still issues, you may need to replace the battery:

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    ‎Thank you for using HP Support Forum. I have brought your issue to the appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publicly post ( serial numbers and case details).
    If you are unfamiliar with the Forum's private messaging please click here to learn more.
    Thank you,
    I Work for HP

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    Hi John
    As far as I know there is no driver for USB controller. When you install chipset driver all USB ports should be recognized properly. Exclamation Mark in device manager is an indication that the device is not configured correctly. Try to remove the controller and restart the unit. After that check the status in device manager again.
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