PE9 - One of the best products of 2010?

It seems that VideoMaker has selected Adobe Premiere Elements 9 as one of their best products of the year for 2010. Just received their email announcing the decision.
What about all the issues users are experiencing, according to this forum?

This is just me thinking, and I have done zero formal research into things, so please take it for what it is - just thinking.
On a product forum, we see a lot of problems. That is one of the functions of such a forum. There are seldom posters, who are experiencing no issues, who come to state such. The one exception will often be with some of the regulars, who may well post a "things really work well for me, with this product," sort of posts, or might include such in there replies to others.
Over the decades, the issues with an NLE (Non Linear Editor) program, normally sort out this way, and in this order:
Project settings
OE (Operator Error)
Real Bugs in the program
Note: the above can be intertwined too.
Because an NLE stresses the computer more than about anything other than heavy-duty 3D or CAD work (most systems doing those operations are usually designed specifically for those purposes), and then in the video sub-system area, extreme gaming. Many computers are just not capable of running an NLE properly, and most are probably not set up properly for that task - some tweaking can go a very long way.
Once one gets into the process of troubleshooting, they can examine the above list, pretty much in that order, to see where the problems are. With a proper system (and a properly tuned system), most of the problems will sort out. Next, with proper Assets in a correct Project, most of the rest will sort out. Then, one must study their workflow and how they are attempting to edit - might be an issue there. Last, there will always be Bugs, and glitches, but some programs, and versions of programs ARE better than others.
Most problems presented here can be sorted out, by working through the above list. One exception is with installation issues. Most of the regulars here do not have experience with those, but many seem to. We can only read of what worked for others, and try to apply that knowledge to help others, but do hit brick walls. Some of those installation issues can only be sorted out by Adobe T/S, or C/S. We see a lot here. The majority are easily handled, because of OE, with things like trying to install the Functional Content, before the program has been installed, issues with one's browser and security settings, when downloading. Then, there are often issues with other software, such as anti-virus, pop-up blockers and spy sweepers, that interfere with the installation. Oh, and then there are the likely issues with the OS security settings, or where one is attempting to install to, and how they are trying to perform the installation.
If one eliminates every post, with problems solved from the first four items on that list, the real Bugs only comprise a very small portion of issues. That would be the list that I would draw from, when rating a program. It seems that PrE 8 had more than its share of Bugs. PrE 9, while still having some (possibly too many yet?), seems to be a much better program, and more stable on a wider array of equipment. It also seems to work better with a broader array of Assets, than its predecessors.
Remember, the above are but observations and impressions on my part. There is no scientific study behind them. Also, I do not work for Adobe, and am but a lowly user. I do not yet have PrE 9 installed, so cannot add any first-hand impressions on that front. I plan on upgrading my aged PrE 4, when I go to Win7 64 on new computers, but will tread very, very carefully, as I use PrPro (will be CS5 on those new machines), and Steve Grisetti has pointed out some issues with other Adobe apps., like Bridge, which I use often, and PrE 9. As I make my living with PrPro, PS, AI and AE, and use PrE as a supplemental tool, I cannot afford to break something like Bridge, or to have a clean machine (no other Adobe programs), just for PrE. That said, I might be no better at doing a full review of PrE 9, if it DOES get in the way of my Adobe Master Collection. If I can do that review, I only hope that it will support the findings of VideoMaker, but until then, we will not know.

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    There are four main tasks to use Azure Diagnostics:
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    The original Azure SDK 1.0 included functionality to collect diagnostics and store them in Azure storage collectively known as Azure Diagnostics (WAD). This software, built upon the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework, fulfills two design requirements
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    2)       BW (BI 7.0)
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    1)       SAP ECC 6.0:
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    2)       BW (BI 7.0)
    In BW we will replicate the Balance and Income Statement that was created in SAP ECC.
    3)       SEM-BCS 6.0
    In BCS we would have to:
                                                      i.      Create automatically the Financial Statement Item, based on the items of Balance and an Income Statement hierarchies, which would be a concatenate of the two item hierarchies.
                                                        ii.      Create 2 Financial Statement Items, where which one would depend on the balance or the income statement hierarchy.
    Which of the possibilities is the best?
    Having 2 charts of accounts (company and consolidation) or just have one chart of accounts (company) and have a balance item hierarchy consolidated and create the financial statement item in BCS having this hierarchy in account and not a consolidation chart of accounts?
    In our opinion the first scenario is the best one, because is seem to be more flexible and as we have the intention to use SEM BPS in the next year, for budget purpose. Furthermore, we think that with the first scenario we can have a FS Chart of accounts (in BCS) that is not dependent of reporting purposes (based on Balance and Income statements). 
    Is this interpretation correct?

    Hi Ricardo,
    Yes, The first one is the best choice and it is the way to work.
    SAP has given some How-to documents, which are available in service market place. These documents also suggest almost same path as first choice.

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