No order confirmation email / no items in order staus,

I placed an order this morning have not received confirmation email yet. I cannot see any items in the order status, either. Could you check if the order has processed? Thank you.

Hi there hyongju, 
Welcome to the forum and thank you for shopping with us! When placing any order, receiving an order confirmation is crucial in your reassurance that your order has been received and is being processed. I'm truly sorry you may not have yet received an order confirmation for a recent order, and if this has caused you any concern. 
Due to some maintenance on last night, some order confirmation emails were delayed. We do fully expect these confirmation emails to push through our systems this afternoon. With that said, I was unable to locate your order in our systems, so I would like to look further into this. You may check your private messages by signing into the forum then clicking the envelope icon in the top right corner of the page. 

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    We need specifics... as in who did you order it from? 
    If you ask me, this sounds fishy and you might have just been taken.  You might also want to consider looking up your recent credit card charges, and if necessary, cancelling your credit card.

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    The AppleID you are using to buy the book, must be tied to the location of the store where you are ordering the book from. Is your AppleID associated with an australian address? And are you placing the order at the Australian store? The Canadian store will not shiptoAustralia, see these policies:
    Also set the "Region" in the language & Text preferences to "Australia", while you are ordering.

  • Order Confirmation Emails -

    Hi All.
    I have an orderconfirmation page that sends out an email to
    both the
    customer and myself.
    The page uses an include that sets the details for CDONTS and
    also the body
    of the email (see code below)
    All works fine, but now i want to send two versions of the
    email, one to the customer and one to myself. The reason for
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    two versions is that my version will have, in addition, a
    simple table with
    boder to allow me to add notes for processing reasons.
    When i put two includes on the order confirmation page (one
    for each email)
    only one is executed!! - and it's always the second include.
    I have to admit that im not too familiar with using
    functions, so i'm not
    even sure if this is possible.
    Please see code below:
    <!--#include file="functions_email_ourcopy.asp" -->
    <!--#include file="functions_email.asp" -->
    SendEmail CustomersRS("CustomerEmail")
    'Start the functions
    function SendEmail(c)
    Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
    objMail.From = "[email protected]"
    objMail.To = c
    objMail.Bcc = ""
    objMail.CC = "" 'Maybe send a CC to your sales office
    objMail.Subject = "Order from Website"
    objMail.Body = Mailbody
    Set objMail = Nothing
    end function
    function SiteRoot
    'This function tries to ascertain the site root. If it's
    wrong, enter your
    own manually
    http://" &
    Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") &
    end function
    Function Mailbody
    'on error resume next
    Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    ' Call the remote machine the request "POST", SiteRoot & "email_ourcopy.asp", False
    objXML.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type",
    objXML.send("OrderID=" & OrderID)
    ' return the response
    Mailbody = objXML.responsetext
    ' clean up
    Set objXML = Nothing
    End Function
    'Start the functions
    function SendEmail(c)
    Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
    objMail.From = "[email protected]"
    objMail.To = c
    objMail.Bcc = ""
    objMail.CC = "" 'Maybe send a CC to your sales office
    objMail.Subject = "Order from Test4Less Website Customer
    objMail.Body = Mailbody
    Set objMail = Nothing
    end function
    function SiteRoot
    'This function tries to ascertain the site root. If it's
    wrong, enter your
    own manually
    http://" &
    Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") &
    end function
    Function Mailbody
    'on error resume next
    Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    ' Call the remote machine the request "POST", SiteRoot & "email.asp", False
    objXML.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type",
    objXML.send("OrderID=" & OrderID)
    ' return the response
    Mailbody = objXML.responsetext
    ' clean up
    Set objXML = Nothing
    End Function

    Hey - Thanks Dooza
    I will be working on this tomorrow and report back - much
    "Dooza" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:gkpufc$d2e$[email protected]..
    > Andy wrote:
    >> Hi All.
    >> I have an orderconfirmation page that sends out an
    email to both the
    >> customer and myself.
    >> The page uses an include that sets the details for
    CDONTS and also the
    >> body of the email (see code below)
    >> All works fine, but now i want to send two versions
    of the confirmation
    >> email, one to the customer and one to myself. The
    reason for the need for
    >> two versions is that my version will have, in
    addition, a simple table
    >> with boder to allow me to add notes for processing
    >> When i put two includes on the order confirmation
    page (one for each
    >> email) only one is executed!! - and it's always the
    second include.
    >> I have to admit that im not too familiar with using
    functions, so i'm not
    >> even sure if this is possible.
    > You are including the same function twice, then only
    sending one, the
    > second time you include the function it overwrites the
    first, so when you
    > call it, it only sends to the second one.
    > The solution? Rename the function in the second one,
    then call it after
    > you call the first one.
    > <!--#include file="functions_email_ourcopy.asp"
    > <!--#include file="functions_email.asp" -->
    > <%
    > SendEmail CustomersRS("CustomerEmail")
    > SendEmail2 CustomersRS("CustomerEmail")
    > %>
    > You might end up with the same content in both, as you
    have another
    > function called Mailbody that is defined twice, so you
    may need to rename
    > that, and where it is called as well.
    > Dooza

  • Order Confirmation Email

    Placed an order about 3 hours ago for new broadband and phone. Had expected an immediate email confirmation but so far nothing has arrived. I've logged into my account on but without a VOL number I can't check or track my order. Any ideas how long it's likely to take to receive this email?

    Welcome to the forum. In my experience confirmation emails come very quickly or not at all, but that may or may not be the general rule. I'd give it till midday tomorrow then ring the Options Team on 0800 800 030. Ignore the welcome to BT Business and say "existing order" or similar when asked why you're calling. They're UK based and tend to be helpful.
    You can click the white star next to this message if you think it was helpful.

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    When I ordered my Macbook pro online my confirmation email took appoximately 2 working days. Depending on when you ordered it online (say a friday) you won't be expecting a confirmation email untill the following week. Keep following the order on your Apple ID and/or email and you should expect it soon no later then a week.

  • Re: No Order Confirmation Email / Cannot Find Order Online

    I am having the same issue as the creator of this thread
    I just bought the Rocketfish™ - Wii U InvisiShell - Transparent at 12:41am but except I choosed to have it shipped and I have not yet recieved a text or an order confirmation e-mail stating that you recieved my order and my order isn't even showing up in the Order Status when it says Please note: It may take up to 15 minutes for new orders to show up in your account.
    What is going on here?

    Hi xBecky83,
    Thank you for taking the time to post to the forum!
    How are you to know your order was received if you did not receive a confirmation email?  I looked over your account and it appears that we have multiple email addresses on file, which could potentially cause an email to be redirected.  I would encourage you to check your email accounts spam/junk folder just to be sure the confirmation email was not sorted into one of those folders.
    From what I can see, your order has officially shipped and is currently in-transit.  I want for you to be able to monitor your package, so I am going to send you a private message with the UPS tracking number.  To check your private messages, you will want to log into the forum and click on the envelope icon at the top of the page.
    I hope you have a wonderful day.
    Derek|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

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    I pre-ordered the iPhone 6 plus on 9/12/14. I have yet to receive an order confirmation email and I have had 3 different CSRs tell me via phone three different possible ship dates. Can you please give me some clarity on this situation and possible give me my order information so that I may track it myself??

        I can only imagine how anxious you are about your pre-order.
    I would love to check on it for you since you never received the confirmation email,glmoore08.
    Once we get the order confirmation number, you can check the order status here
    Please look out for a direct message from me.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Hi periku90,
    When you say you ordered an ibook, I'm guessing you didn't order an older white portable computer, but a printed book through iPhoto, with Apple Photo Services.
    There's a help page for Apple Print Products here
    Apple Print Products - Apple Store (U.S.)
    Note there is a section for Order Status.
    Take care,

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    Thanks, Erik

    Ok, so I'll call them tomorrow

  • No order confirmation email

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    Hello cbatra507,
    I can understand your concern if you placed an order, but didn’t receive an order confirmation email. To clarify, some of our emails became slightly delayed, including the order confirmation emails. I apologize for any worry this may have caused you!
    If you haven’t recently checked, please feel welcome to check your email inbox as well as spam folders for an order confirmation email. If you haven’t received one, you may also check your Order History after logging into to ensure your order was placed successfully.
    If you should need further assistance, please let me know!
    Tasha|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Ordered a mac book pro online 2 days ago. never received any confirmation email. why?

    ordered a mac book pro online 2 days ago. never received any confirmation email. why?

    Don't know. This is a user forum not Apple.

  • Ordered Iphone but no confirmation email

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    Can anyone let me know if they had this same problem? 
    Thanks in advance. 

    That's how mine was when I ordered at 3:00 on the 7th.  Never heard one thing from them until I got an email from Verizon saying it had been shipped with a tracking number.  That happened on 8th about 6:00 pm.  I kept checking my account and saw that it had been charged about 2 hrs. before I got any info from Verizon.  I even clicked update of my phone number and it showed that I had an order pending.

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    I spoke to a verizon representative today, and they sent me a text with order number and confirmation number, and Deliver by 09/21/12. Call them on monday. We spoke for about 5 min, I think  they spoke longer than they should have. They are very tired from taking so many orders. . As long as you have your order # and conformation #. It has to say 9/21/12. They also know when you put the order in by your verizon #. If it says 9/21/12 you beat the rush hour, those were the exact words. They stated you will receive an email, and tracking number when it ships next week. I hope this helps everone.

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