NEW! Measuremen​t Studio Idea Exchange

Do you use Measurement Studio regularly? Would you like to influenece future releases of the product?
National Instruments introduced the Measurement Studio Idea Exchange for submitting and voting on feature requests to be included in future versions of Measurement Studio. This is the most direct route of communication with the Measurement Studio R&D team and we are committed to reviewing every idea submitted via the Measurement Studio Idea Exchange, so start posting your ideas today!
Anna Kozminski
Measurement Studio Product Manager
National Instruments


Similar Messages

  • Measuremen​t Studio Idea Exchange

    Do you use Measurement Studio regularly? Would you like to influenece future releases of the product?
    National Instruments introduced the Measurement Studio Idea Exchange for submitting and voting on feature requests to be included in future versions of Measurement Studio. This is the most direct route of communication with the Measurement Studio R&D team and we are committed to reviewing every idea submitted via the Measurement Studio Idea Exchange, so start posting your ideas today!
    Anna Kozminski
    Measurement Studio Product Manager
    National Instruments

    Above links is broken. Here is the proper link to the Measurement Studio Idea Exchange.
    National Instruments

  • New Idea Exchange?

    I think there should be a new board under the Idea Exchanges for new features for the forums. The only one I can think of that I would post there are this and this.
    LabVIEW 2012

    You may be interested in reading the thread Idea Exchange for Forums. (Hint: the most important post is the last one. )
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  • Make "idea exchange" read-only til 2015!!!

    why would you just make 'All of the hard work and deep thought that went into most of those ideas, as well as some very  well-thought-out replies', just vanish!!????? now there's no way to crosscheck if an idea has been sent in b4....please put it back up in forum, even if you have to make it read only......please tell me you are going to migrate the old idea exchange and all of its content  into the new 2015 version of idea exchange...please ? it shows such disregard for us if you don't

    hello? any thoughts on subject  appreciated

  • Problem switching from a non Idea Exchange board to an Idea Exchange board when typing a new post

    Tested on Chrome/XP and IE8/XP
    when I start a post in a non Idea Exchange forum and later on want to convert it into an Idea Exchange one, I can switch to the correct forum using the "Select Board" pull-down list. However, when posting, my post is refused because I haven't chosen a "Label". Well, that's because I can't!
    In other words, switching to an Idea Exchange board does not add the "Label" options on the composition webpage, hence it is impossible to post that idea unless you copy it (or rely on the autosave function), start a new post directly into a Idea Exchange forum and paste your old post in it (or alternatively, load the saved draft once you have created the new post).
    Disclaimer: this may have already reported, but as I said elsewhere, the Search function doesn't work either...

    This is my first post so be gentle with me.  I have a Pixi Plus running os 1.4.5.  Last week we upgraded to exchange 2010 (or 14 as I've heard it called).  I lost the connection on my phone.  I tried changing the inheritable permisions above and it has not solved it.  I'm pretty sure all the log in info I'm using is correct.  It acts like it's communicating with the server because it says
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    I've changed several things and when I change certain things it says it cannot validate incoming mail server so I feel like I'm close but can't figure it out.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

  • View New Posts in Idea Exchange

    Is it possible to add a feature to View the latest messages posted onto the LabVIEW Idea Exchange.  The ability to sort by last message would suffice.  I like to follow the discussions, but sometimes I see there's a new message, but I have to click through 40 pages to find which topic the reply was posted to.
    Tim Elsey
    LabVIEW 2010, 2012
    Certified LabVIEW Architect

    Yes.  That is pretty much the only way right now to be sure you get all the messages.  Occasionally, I can still miss some.  For instance, if I have an e-mail that I thought I clicked on and read the idea linked in it, but actually haven't.  Or the way the long threads that go onto multiple pages, and I miss the last message that rolls onto a new page and I didn't realize it because the link to go to the next page is at the top of the screen.  (And why don't the messages show you that 5 pages are avaible to that thread.)  You can see a count of total messages.  But it will show you Now 1-10, and a link to go to 11-21.  But there is no link to go to the last page.  You have to go through the pages one by to get the link to the following page.
    The naviagation controls in the individual threads need major improvement.  (i.e. jump links at the bottom as well as the top, and links that go to other places then the page that just follows your current page.)  And the whole board needs a real sorting mechanism that allows you to view the newest messages whether they are the original message or comments.  The "snapshot" links to the right of the screen just really don't do that.

  • Memory usage of big Array in sub-VI (was: Allow the creation of "Inplace"-VIs of Idea Exchange)

    this thread is based on my post in the LabVIEW idea exchange.
    I put my VIs in the attached .rar file.
    Go to Solution.
    Inplace_VI.ZIP ‏21 KB

    That would be a good explanation.  There was a thread on something very similar to this recently.  Can't remember exactly the topic but Daniel's answer certainly triggered some memories of a very similar discussion taking place.
    I think it had to do with LV assigning a Array created as a constant as Read-only so in order to make changes to it it needs to be copied to a new memory location, thus leaving the constant unchanged.
    I wonder how it performs in other LV versions.
    PS: Found the thread.  HERE.
    Message Edited by Intaris on 08-20-2009 03:23 AM
    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

  • Read-Only error in Sun One Studio IDE 4

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    Nobody familiar with Sun One Studio here? I don�t want to change IDE and could anyone please kindly help?

  • Is Eloqua actually doing anything with Ideas Exchange?

    I don't want this post to come across as brash, just wanted to spark some discussion.
    I'm a fairly new Eloqua customer, and part of the onboarding included promotion about the new topliners community and the driven Ideas Exchange.
    I was looking through the ideas that had more than 100 points, and I couldn't find any where a (identified) representative from Eloqua has openly commented.  Additionally, it does not appear that any suggested idea has ever come to fruition.  Is this a misperception?  It seems like there used to be another solution in place before they went to this new platform - what have some of you long time users experienced?
    I've periodically voted, commented, and posted a couple ideas of my own; I'm trying to figure out my expectations and don't want to judge too hastily.
    Thoughts and experieces with feature requests / suggestions?

    They do, as we have received news about their roadmap and some of the ideas in the Exchange are in it (the one I'm thinking about specifically is better security around assets, including Themes--yea!).  As someone who works in the development/solutions side of the business, it gets complicated so I understand that the top rated ideas may not always make it immediately into the next release.
    But on a side note, it is also my understanding that the higher the promotion points are, the more likely it will also end up in front of the product managers to consider. 
    Of course, as anyone in marketing knows , the object is to drive your "customer" to an action... you have to SELL your idea to get it promoted. 
    I've read many ideas out there that I wonder exactly what the person means or wants because it's so vague.  That does not exactly encourage me to promote an idea. (I do semi-regularly surf through them to see if there are any my users that I support would be able to use or need, etc..)  You can't just assume that everyone knows what you're talking about--or what the value add is of that particular idea.
    And even if ELQ product managers do look through all of the ideas, like any developer, they do also need to see the value add as well.
    Just my two cents...

  • Why is the Real-Time Idea Exchange completely ignored?

    Just looked at the LabVIEW Real-Time Idea Exchange and noticed that only one idea is marked completed, and two more (both posted in 2009, nearly 5 years ago) are "In Development." Those ideas aren't even the top-kudoed ones. NI - why ask for ideas for improvements, and then not implement any of them? (Yes, I have a personal interest here - the second-most kudoed idea in the real-time area is one of mine.)

    First off let me say thanks to you and all of the Idea Exchange contributors. The whole purpose of the Idea Exchange is for you, the users of the NI Platform, to bring your considerable experience to the table as we continue adding features and functionality to the NI Platform. Your passion is one of the primary forces that causes the NI Platform to grow and change in varous ways so that the application challenges of scientists and engineers all over the world can be solved.
    There are many user suggestions across the whole Idea Exchange for us to weigh when considering how to allocate our development resources. We try to judiciously consider which ideas will have the biggest impact on the NI Platform users, and as a result we often have to say "no" or "wait" to some ideas so we can say "yes" to others. You're definitely correct that the statuses need to be updated and I'll be doing so in the near future. Though this may give the impression of being ignored, I want to assure you that the ideas are read and evaluated by the R&D and Product Marketing departments with careful thought and deliberate intent.
    We hope that events such as NIWeek bolster your confidence in the progress of the NI Platform as you see the new hardware and software features being introduced. Though you may not see an immeadiate reward for your dilligence in suggesting ideas, please continue submitting your ideas. The long term effect will be a powerful platform of products designed to meet the community's needs. Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
    Deborah Y.
    LabVIEW Real-Time Product Marketing Manager
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    National Instruments

  • Pros and Cons of the Sun studio IDE

    Hi all,
    I have played a bit with the Sun studio now and I want to give you some feedback.
    First of all, my background. I am working in a team with about 20 developers, developing a C++ application on Solaris.
    Last time I stumbled across an installed Sun Studio 9 and gave it a try.
    Initially I was verry impressed by the great debugger- and analyzer frontends, they look nice and work well.
    After using the debugger from time to time and really enjoyed it, I thought about testing the studio for all-day work.
    So, here are my impressions and the things that keep me away from using it.
    1. The default editor isn't very usefull. For example, I missed regular expression search (and replace) and the feature to mark columns. Furthermore I really missed syntax highlightning for some other file types like sql- and config files, or even the feature to create my own. By the way, the predefined highlightning for C-files is also a bit too simple.
    2. I think the external editor plugin is a bit buggy too, because sometimes I have trash in files that I have edited before. But this can also be my fault, because I use gvim and some editor macros to do sccs-actions. I think the problems occur mainly if I use this macros. In every case the external editor is not really an alternative way for me.
    2. In our team we are using teamware as version-control tool and it does a really good job. So for Workshop 7 we have some editor macros and the teamware-tools from version 6. In the studio I have found the feature to create my own version control profiles, but this is a hard way with many tries and errors. For example I have never accomplished it to set further status information in the explorer window, it's 'Local' all the time.
    3. The studio needs very much memory, I think about 250 MB or so. This is impressive, especially if all the 20 people in our team would start sunstudio. I have found a hint somewhere in the docu that the studio can work in a client-server mode over a VNC, but I haven't tried it because I don't know what the admins would say if I start running my own VNC.
    4. After I have also tried eclipse with the cdt plugin, I really began to like the source-browser and missed it in the studio.
    5. All in all I hoped that the newest Sunstudio got a netbeans update, because some of the plugins that exists only for newer netbeans-versions would also be useful for me and my team. But, at least the latest linux-preview is also based on netbeans 3.5. Maybee do you have plans to update netbeans within the studio?
    Ok, that's all for now ;-)
    Please don't understand me wrong, I really like some features of the studio, and it's a great improvement compared with the workshop version 6 that I used before. But, at all for me the studio is still not useable in all-day work.
    At work I have only access to Sun studio version 9, at home I have also tried version 11, that is the reason why I mixed the version-numbers sometimes ;-)
    With kind regards,

    1. The default editor isn't very usefull. For example, I missed
    regular expression search (and replace) and the feature to
    mark columns. Furthermore I really missed syntax highlightning
    for some other file types like sql- and config files, or even the
    feature to create my own. By the way, the predefined highlightning
    for C-files is also a bit too simple.The current IDE we're working on is based on a current NetBeans
    and has regular expression search (and replace). I'm pretty sure
    NetBeans 5.0 (and presumably later versions) has syntax highlighting
    for sql (its got an "SQL Editor" module which I'm guessing has the
    highlighing you're asking for).
    We're also working on many new editor features not in current
    Sun Studio IDEs. These are mostly parser based stuff like code
    completion, code folding, and a class viewer.
    2. I think the external editor plugin is a bit buggy too, because
    sometimes I have trash in files that I have edited before. But this
    can also be my fault, because I use gvim and some editor macros
    to do sccs-actions. I think the problems occur mainly if I use this
    macros. In every case the external editor is not really an alternative
    way for me.Its very difficult keeping sources in synch between netbeans and
    an external editor. If you can give us a repeatable scenario for
    failure we can take a look.
    2. In our team we are using teamware as version-control tool and
    it does a really good job. So for Workshop 7 we have some editor
    macros and the teamware-tools from version 6. In the studio I have
    found the feature to create my own version control profiles, but this
    is a hard way with many tries and errors. For example I have never
    accomplished it to set further status information in the explorer
    window, it's 'Local' all the time.We'll definately have sccs support in the next release. TeamWare
    support depends on the status of TeamWare. Sun end-of-lifed it
    4 years ago. As long as its EOL'ed, we won't support it. But if it
    were officially brought back, we'd (most likely) support it.
    3. The studio needs very much memory, I think about 250 MB
    or so. This is impressive, especially if all the 20 people in our team
    would start sunstudio. I have found a hint somewhere in the docu
    that the studio can work in a client-server mode over a VNC, but I
    haven't tried it because I don't know what the admins would say if
    I start running my own VNC.The VNC model shouldn't help on memory. How do you use the IDE
    now? Do each of your 20 developers have Solars desktops? I'm
    guessing they don't since you're talking about 20 users on one
    system. The VNC approach runs all 20 IDEs (assuming all 20
    developers are concurrently running the IDE) on the server machine.
    So VNC won't help in that case.
    On the other hand, if the 20 developers have Windows PCs on their
    desktop then the next IDE should help substantially. We're working
    on having the IDE run locally on your desktop, and do remote building
    and debugging on your Solaris server. This puts most of the IDE
    overhead on your desktop rather than the server. This should be
    a much better model for multi-user development where Solaris
    developers don't have Solaris desktops.
    4. After I have also tried eclipse with the cdt plugin, I really began
    to like the source-browser and missed it in the studio.We're planning on some browser capabilities. Some are in the
    planning stages and others aren't even that far along. But we are
    getting repeated inquiries about a source browser.
    5. All in all I hoped that the newest Sunstudio got a netbeans
    update, because some of the plugins that exists only for newer
    netbeans-versions would also be useful for me and my team. But,
    at least the latest linux-preview is also based on netbeans 3.5.
    Maybee do you have plans to update netbeans within the studio?Well, each major netbeans release has had so many internal
    changes its been difficult keeping up. Our next release is planning
    to be much more in synch with NetBeans releases. We're doing
    current development on the NetBeans trunk (currently thats targeting
    the NetBeans 6.0 release).

  • Updated Process for the Ideas Exchange

    Hey folks! Spotify Community team here.
    If you've been around the Spotify Community for a while, you've probably noticed that we keep tabs on your suggestions for improving Spotify through our Idea Exchange. 
    In an effort to keep the Idea Exchange as organized and up-to-date as possible, we've changed the way Ideas are submitted. We've outlined the new process with a step-by-step guide below. 
    We hope that you continue submitting ideas to make Spotify even better.  While we can't promise that we'll implement every idea that you submit, but we'll always do our best consider each one and provide updates wherever possible. 
    The guidelines:
    Search for previously submitted ideas.  Someone may have already submitted the same idea.
    One idea per post.  No double dipping.  
    Ensure the idea is implementable.  Avoid posting general feedback or questions in the idea exchange--the more specific the idea the better.  
    Use an intuitive title.  
    Submitting a new idea:
    1. Go to the Idea Submissions Board.
    2. Click the New Idea button.
    3. Enter an Idea Subject that includes one of the tags above. 
    4. In the Body enter a detailed description of your idea, including any screenshots or links you'd like to share. 
    5. Select one a platform label.
    6. Then select a subcategory label.
    7. Click Post. 
    8. One of our Idea Guardians in the Rock Star Program will analyze the idea and mark it either as a "Live Idea" or close it for a specified reason (duplicate idea, unspecified, etc). Allow us to introduce our Idea Guardians: Marco, FredJ, gprocess, Peter, dinomight, Anthony, pnc, Jordi, kbrooksc, Carina, OviiiOne, and Rodrigo.
    9. If your idea reaches the Live Idea board it can then start to gain kudos and comments from other users.
    10. Once your idea reaches 100+ kudos a Community Manager or Moderator will update the status to one of the following:
    The Idea statuses: 
    New Suggestion (no status/default one): the idea was just posted, it is waiting to be reviewed by an Idea Guardian.  
    New Idea: this is a new and unique idea, you can add your kudos here. 
    Inactive Idea: Ideas that could not gather at least 25 kudos per year will get closed - you can submit this idea again if you still feel the topic should get some attention. We recommend changing the title or description if posting the same idea again.
    Good Idea, give it some kudos: We like this idea. A decision has not been made but we want to see how much the Community continues to vote on it.
    Under Consideration:  This has been brought up internally. 
    Watch this space: This feature is coming. We have a rough pipeline for its release. 
    Not right now: We talked about this internally and it’s not on our pipeline for the next few months or more.
    Case Closed:  We talked about it, but we won’t be running with it. Thanks anyway!
    Implemented:  This feature has rolled out on the specific platform.
    Needs more info:  We need more clarity or information around this idea from the original poster.
    Curious for more information about the Ideas Board? Check out The Ideas Board: How your feedback reaches Spotify.
    Thanks for your continued feedback and contributions everyone,
    The Spotify Community Team 

    Ah, yes, now I see it. For those of us with less than perfect vision, how about putting the text in red in the center of the page as opposed to in only slightly darker green to the right. I've never used this page before so I had no idea there even was something to select on the right hand side. Also, the first link in the first post on this page gives me this: "You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action.Click your browser's Back button to continue.Return to my original page"

  • LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

    National Instruments introduced the LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange for submitting and voting on feature requests to be included in future versions of LabWindows/CVI.
    The LabWindows/CVI R&D team is committed to reviewing every idea submitted via the LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange, so start posting your ideas today!
    Adri Kruger
    National Instruments
    LabVIEW Product Marketing

    One of the more valuable tools within LabWindows is the ability of the editor to fill in struct elements given the struct name. I also work with Eclipse-based tools for embedded systems work, and it has a similar ability. Unfortunately, whereas Eclipse dynamically analyzes the code as it is written, and can provide stuct elements (and other variable information) as soon as the programmer types it in, LabWindows cannot provide this information until after the code has been successfully compiled. As this may or may not happen for some time after the file has been started, or major changes begun, it is almost useless.
    Another useful tool that Eclipse offers that LabWindows does not is the ability to refactor variables and other symbols. Again, Eclipse dynamically tracks the code as it is written, not requiring compilation; refactoring is similar to global replace, except that it tracks the 'C' usage of the symbol and only changes the proper usage. So, for instance, if I use a local variable named "X1" in three different subroutines, and refactor "X1" to "X2" in one of them, only the variable in the particular routine gets changed.It works with any C symbol, including routine names, global and static variables, and structures.
    As a matter of fact, I would encourage NI to look into the possiblity of basing LabWindows on the Eclipse platform, as Atmel did in replacing its proprietary Studio software with an Eclipsed-based version. This would enable users to take advantage of a large number of available Eclipse tools, such as source-code management.

  • Change 'Kudos' to 'Votes' on the idea exchange

    Sometime I discuss an idea on another platform than the NI forum (Info-LabVIEW, LAVA, real life) and I advise them to vote for a particular idea on the Idea Exchange. For people foreign to the 'Kudos' term it's sounds strange, while calling it 'Votes' makes it more recognizable.
    Kudo is a term mainly used on internet and in youth communities, it might be astranging to more serious programmers.
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

    A use case is found here, where David Ferster made his first post in 8 years to give me moral support after I pointed him to the idea on Info-LabVIEW. What he should have done is make a Kudo to the idea, but being new to the community he didn't knew what to do and did the most natural thing people do on a forum: they post.
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

  • Support the launch of an NI TestStand Idea Exchange!

    Calling all TestStand users!
    While I love TestStand, I've got some ideas on how it could be improved, and I'm sure you do too.  NI recently launched a new platform for getting and tracking ideas on how to improve thier products called the NI Idea Exchange.  If you haven't seen what it's about, see the intro video here and then have a wander through the wildly successful LabVIEW Idea Exchange here.
    There's already a LabVIEW Idea Exchange, a LabVIEW RT Idea Exchange and a LabVIEW FPGA Idea Exchange, so why not a TestStand Idea Exchange?  Well, setting it up and supporting it takes time and resources, so, we need to let NI know that we think having one is worthwhile.  If you're interested in furthering the development of TestStand, you need to let NI know that you're interested in a TestStand Idea Exchange!  If the idea of a TestStand Idea Exchange appeals to you, please post here to show your support.
    Copyright © 2004-2015 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
    Go to Solution.

    Great idea!

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