New battery/power supply problems

i bought my ibook on ebay, put in some upgrades and am pretty happy with it. One thing keeps making me extrememly angry. Randomly, without warning, the power supply cuts out. When I look at the port, the light's still on. This wouldn't be so bad because usually the battery would kick in. However, mine came without a battery. So, everytime my power supply cuts, the computer shuts off. What's the problem?

Mike,Check your Energy Saver options (Apple Menu > System Preferences > Energy Saver > Options Tab > 'Schedule' make sure this isn't set to turn off your iBook.
I'd also try resetting the Power Management Unit. (Click this link and follow the instructions).
At least your clamshell's a good deal lighter! (Doesn't it tip back too easily without the weight under the front?).
The problem with running a machine like this is that the Clamshell has no internal battery (unlike every other Mac ever!) this means that you really do need the main battery for correct operation of the system. You'll be forever re-setting date/time etc so it may be worth inv a main battery - even if it's a really cheap one that only gives you 10 minutes run time - it will guard against this type of problem.

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    Originally posted by DarkDuelist
    yea, it comes with the 4-pin atx1 connector and 20-pin atx2 connector.
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    [ edit ] p.s. really looking forward to trying Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard [/ edit ]
    Message was edited by: danieljohnlewis
    Message was edited by: danieljohnlewis

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    Does anyone have any ideas?
    Edit: I just tested the new PSU on a different system and it works just fine.
    Message Edited by BSU Dude on 04-29-2009 08:38 AM

    Do you remember that post about creatind a resistor connector to bypass? I have a fan not detected eror with my new PSU on the DC5750.

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    How about the battery charging status?
    Is the battery fully charged?
    Try to disconnect the AC adaptor and remove the battery from the notebook for a several time (15-30min) then plug the battery again and try to power up the notebook.
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    Ask him to unplug the power supply and remove the battery.
    inspect the battery to ensure there is no plastic covering the gold contacts and if any is found, remove it
    and then put the battery back in place and start up the notebook with the power adapter.
    Calibrate the battery 
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • T540p power supply problems

    EDIT NOTE : This thread and post have been moved to the top for our escalation purpose. For all furture post and comments please continue to post in this thread.
    This issue was about receiving pop up message with title "Lenovo Settings Power" as below:
    "Lenovo Settings Power has found a problem with your power supply and has activated the Airplane power mode"
    Customer's note:
    "We have the same problem on T540p with Windows 8.1 installed.
    If someone have a solution, this would be great.
    In the case that I found a solution, I will post it here. "
    Go to Solution.

    Similar problem here. I think it's due to intermittent contact between the pins on the output connector of the ac power adapter and the power receptacle on the laptop.
    With the power connector firmly plugged in at the back of the laptop, if I move the connector slightly from side to side, there are some positions where the slightest movement disconnects and reconnects the external supply. This is quite serious because often you need to be sure that external power is connected. For example, at the moment I can't rely on the battery being charged up if I leave the machine unattended. 
    (I wonder why Lenovo left off the customary LED to indicate when AC power is connected? Without a lamp, it's quite difficult to trouble-shoot problems like this).
    (Edit: Continued in new thread at
    T540p / 64-bit Win7 / 840 Pro SSD / Ultradock.

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