MuVo n200 connection is

I bought the n200 a few days ago and haven't been able to put music files into it from my PC. I have no issue with it using a friend's laptop after installing all the necessary components. I downloaded the firmware from his computer because my computer has issues with it. I have gone through Device manager to discover the issue, i believe is:
This device is not configured correctly. (Code )
To reinstall the drivers for this device, click Reinstall Driver.
I have done the CD installation and followed the other FAQs like the selecti've startup and downloaded all the updates on this site, and still the issue continues. I have plugged it into all 3 of the available USB ports on the computer, not hub. I'm using Windows XP using a Dell Dimension DIM4550. Whenever i plug the n200 into my computer, it shows new device detected and the Found New Hardware Wizard pops up. It says to install the software for it, which i have done numerous times and i have unisstalled everything and repeated the process and to no avail. I would appreciate some help on this issue. Thanks.

My N200 simply cannot transfer files from my THinkpad laptop. The N200 works fine on a machine I built (I keep this machine as clean as possible .. install as little as possible). Never even loaded any N200 software on the machine, just plug it in and drag files to it .. like it should be.
I have a long post about the issue in this forum. I had this one issue a while back where I couldn't sync my cell phone with bitpim (a freeware BREW reader). I then went on the MSOFT site and found a way to "clean" my USB drivers, and have them reinstall. This worked for my cell phone, so I'm going to give it a go. I am also going to try some thumb dri'ves and my Muvo NX in the thinkpad.

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    Try this:? posts 3 and 4. Several N200 owners have gotten satisfaction from this, e.g.,? occasionally come back here to check on N200 failures, because Creative just won't put this in their FAQ, I guess they feel they have to see it work for themselves. Even the uber-posters won't acknowledge this fix discovered by AB84. Hope it works for you, as it has for several of us.

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    I will try to reflash just in case but would appreciate any other suggestions.
    In my opinion, even if FM reception is mono, sound output should still be directed to both right and left channels and not just one (left channel in my case).

    quozzbat wrote:
    I have a Muvo N200 52GB with latest firmware (.2.0). The only problem I have with it is that the FM Radio sound output is mono even if the display indicates stereo reception. I can achieve stereo sound if I pull out the headphone jack a little way but the connection is not secure if I do this and I don't have to do this to listen to WMA/MP3 music. This could be down to firmware but I have only seen one other post with this problem. I will try to reflash just in case but would appreciate any other suggestions. In my opinion, even if FM reception is mono, sound output should still be directed to both right and left channels and not just one (left channel in my case). Quozzbat
    Obviously the player is faulty as even if it's in mono you will get output from both channel. You can try reinstalling the firmware on the player and see if that helps just in case. If not, you should return to creative and get it repair.

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    Model muvo n200 GB
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    windows 2000 service pack 4

    If it's recognised on the PC, try formatting it first and then try updating the firmware again. If you can try the player on another PC, try updating the firmware there to see if it works.
    Otherwise it would be best to contact Customer Support for assistance, the player could be faulty.

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    Net I tried re-installing the software, but strangely the driver is not getting installed and now the device is also not gettign detected on the PC.
    Even tried Device Manager but it shows no driver installed. I downloaded the following drivers from the internet but nothing happens as the player is not getting detected:
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    Please download the recovery mode driver and install it first: 7954&Product_Name=MuVo+Micro+N200&OSName=Windows+X P
    Now, remove the battery from your player. With the battery removed, hold down the Play button and connect the USB cable. Wait for Windows XP to detect your unit. It will take longer then usual, and the device will most likely have a STMP or STAC name right now. Let go of the Play button.
    Install the firmware update: ic=947&Product_Name=MuVo+Micro+N200&OSName=Windows +XP
    Be sure to tick "Format Data Area". Due to flash memory corruption, your music was already lost before you started. It is likely that you will receive a warning that the flash memory is not initialised. Accept it and continue.
    Once this process completes (the Close button will become acti've), you still need to format your MuVo dri've in FAT32.
    If you receive any error messages, be sure to write them down.
    If this procedure does not make the N200 usable, you will need to contact customer support and ask for an RMA. Feel free to describe that you have tried a firmware upgrade in recovery mode. They will want to know what error messages you received in this process.
    Note that the RMA procedure only applies if the unit is less then 2 months old.

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    Can you rip some new tracks from a CD to the player, and see if they have the same problem?

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    firmware is .6.02,

    Try this:
    Disconnect the player and then open Device Manager.
    Select View Devices by Connection and Show Hidden Devices.
    Under your USB connection find all entries for your player including ones for Player Recovery Device and remove them all.
    Close Device Manager, restart PC?and then connect your player.
    Try this and let us know what happens.

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    merci d'avance

    PeeBee wrote:
    Install the drivers on the CD that came with your player.
    Connect the player in Recovery Mode by pressing and holding the Play button while you connect it to your PC. The New Hardware Wizard should start - follow its instructions.
    Then try to load the firmware again.
    En Francais:
    Installez les conducteurs sur le CD qui est venu avec votre joueur. Reliez le joueur en mode de r?tablissement en appuyant sur et en tenant le bouton de Play tandis que vous le reliez ? votre PC. Le Nouveau Magicien de Mat?riel devrait commencer - suivre ses instructions. Puis essai pour charger les progiciels encore.
    AB84 discovered a trick that he shared in this thread. It's for really sick N200s, and I wish it could be stickied, because some N200s won't accept firmware using Creative's instructions. Essentially, his two tricks are to
    ) reinstall the driver, which PB has stated above, and which can be done by just double-clicking, as that will result in a dialogue where it tells you it already has that driver, and asks if you want to overwrite it--you want to overwrite it, and
    2) Instead of waiting for a "find new hardware" dialog box, he double-clicked to open the new firmware file. This resulted in a search for the player and two popup dialogue boxes, one that said something like "Media not initialized", to which you acknowledge by hitting the OK button, and a second that asks to upgrade your firmware. MAKE SURE TO SELECT THE BOX THAT SAYS "FORMAT DATA AREA", then OK.
    Sorry, my two years of French were too long ago to be useful now.

  • Recharge batteries with MuVo N200 Mi

    hy guys,
    i'm a new subscriber of this forum. I have a Creative MuVo N200 micro and i haven't yet understand if i can recharge my batteries connecting my MuVo to pc with usb.
    Can you reply to my question.....
    Thank you all

    BognorRocks wrote:You could always take the battery out and connect it up to the USB and see if it works.
    It does. It runs off the USB power while connected, so there's no need to worry about battery power loss.
    I've got rechargeables for my N200, 800mAh ones, though I'm not sure how long they last in one go, last me about a week listening for a few hours a day

  • MuVo N200 Direct Trans

    Hi, I have an old(er) MuVo N200 256mb mp3 player and my friend has a video ipod. He is having a problem downloading a particular album that he wants that I have on my player, so he's asked if it's possible to directly transfer. I suggested e-mailing it but he seems to think that'd take longer if it can be done directly. I know the N200 has this fancy cord for encoding as well as the USB port, so is it possible to do this transfer simply by connecting our players together? And if so would we use the encoding cord or the usb cord? If I had to guess I'm betting either this can't be done or I would connect it to his using the USB which would cause his ipod to recognize it as a portable dri've, make sense? If anyone could get back to me ASAP that'd be wonderful, thanks -Ang-

    You're right, this cannot work. You need to attach both player to the computer to make those transfer.

  • Music Balance Problem -MuVo N200 Micro

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    Many thanks

    To put the player in recovery mode, you first need to have the driver installed on your pc. Use the link I gave to download the driver. Next you need to remove the battery from the player, and hold down the start button while connecting the player to the pc. Don't let go of the start button until the player is recognized by the pc.

  • Muvo N200, 1GB installation prob

    I made the mistake of connecting the Muvo to my computer before
    installing the software. Not a good idea. Even after installing
    the software the device manager keeps on indentifying the Muvo
    as an "Unknown device". I then tried installing it on my wife's
    computer in the proper order and the Muvo was recognized properly.
    But I want to install it on my computer. Unfortunately all my
    system restore points were overwritten by my many install attempts,
    so now I am sunk. I've got to figure out how to fix the damage
    manually. Even removing the device using the device manager,
    uninstalling the software, reinstalling in the proper order,
    and finally connecting the MP3 player doesn't work. When I plug
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    > Jason-CL wrote: There's no need to install driver if you're
    > using Windows XP.
    It did work on other computers, so as you pointed out, it was
    clear the problem was not with the Muvo N200. I tried updating
    the BIOS and all the MotherBoard related drivers. Then I removed
    all USB stuff via the Device Manager and let XP put it all back.
    ... Plugged the muvo back in ...
    Drat. It just says "Unknown Device" and does not show another
    disk dri've.
    > and you could try creating another user account ...
    Tried that too. Same problem
    > Try using other available USB port ...
    The four main USB ports on the MBD back panel were all
    in use so I had been using one of the four USB ports on
    a PCI add-in card I installed to give me more ports.
    I tried switching to the USB ports on the front of the
    computer (which are cabled to an aux USB connector on
    the motherboard). Same deal - unknown device. (This is
    getting old).
    Finally I tried unplugging my digital camera base unit
    from on the the four main USB ports on the MBD back panel
    and I plugged my Muvo N200 into that. Instant Recognition!!!
    A new disk dri've appears, and it even knows that it is a
    Create Muvo. So then I plugged my digital camera base unit
    into the USB add-in card and it works just fine too. (It
    also shows up as a disk dri've).
    So now all is well except for my fragile understanding.
    Here I thought all USB ports were created equal (well except
    for the ver verses ver 2 thing). But clearly on my computer
    they are not. Perhaps there is someting wrong with my MBD
    or its setup that causes this.
    Anyway, thanks for all your suggestions, especially since
    I don't think I would have figured it out on my own.

  • MuVo N200 Screen Too Small To Re

    I just bought the MuVo N200 (52MB using Win XPHome) and trying to figure it out. Now that I got the software up (w latest the firmware installed), I'm challenged by the tiny screen area.
    Dunno if I'll rue this purchase therefore!
    Getting out by sunlight or holding it under a bright light helps (The backlight goes off before I've begun to make things out). A magnifying glass helps a bit too.
    How have others of you managed with this (I can't be the only one!)

    I would like a larger display, although that would probably mean that player needs to be larger. That would be okay though, since I also want the player to use a AA battery and have an AM and FM tuner. Having models with 52 meg, gig, and 2 gigs to start(with higher capacity models coming later as flash memory prices drop). I would also like to see a deluxe model with a much higher quality mic(so students can adequately record lectures given in large lecture halls, or businessmen could record meetings) and a high quality line in(then the mic and line in could be omitted on the standard model).

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