More patches, this time to makepkg.

Makepkg needs extensibility.
What sort of extensibility, you ask?
Anything that automates a common task when building packages.
Checking sources out of CVS
Applying patches
Doing build activites that are common to a particular set of software (example: the necessary environment initialization which must precede any GNUstep builds)
Should we keep adding stuff to makepkg, and bloat it up?  No.
Makepkg needs a pre-build stage.
I see more and more PKGBUILDs where a lot of what goes on in build() has nothing to do with building.  Or installing, for that matter.  Patching files... checking files out of CVS, etc.  "makepkg -o" (another patch of mine) is useless for a lot of packages if the files are being obtained by some method other than ftp or http.  Likewise, it's useless if they're going to be heavily patched before they're useable.  A packager should be able to type "makepkg -o" and be presented with the source tree exactly as it will be before actual configuration/building begins.
Certain makepkg functions need to be separated from makepkg itself.
The specific examples I have in mind are warn, msg, and error.  Why those three?  Well, I see plenty of postinstall scripts that kludgily do something like the following:
echo "==> You now need to GNU your linux"
echo "==> Knock on Stallman's door three times"
echo "==> Yell 'freedom'"
Likewise, some packages install an installer that can be used later.
Having functions like warn, msg, and error in a separate file means that a script can simply source that file and, as a result, be able to display messages in the same manner as makepkg does during a build, thus resulting in consistency and saved time.
Now I could sit and whine, but that's pointless..
Here is how my system looks right now:
->  functions  <-- Contains warn, error, msg, and strip_url
->  patch <-- Contains routines to automate patching
->  cvs <-- Contains routines to automate CVS checkouts
And here's an example PKGBUILD that takes advantage of all this new loveliness:
pkgdesc="A library which turns any computer into Canada"
depends=(libbritain libfrance)
source=(make-the-tragically-hip-sound-good.diff.gz international-relevance.patch.bz2)
md5sums=('e117f30d93856e0517ef0b2a5dcea383' 'e7169ccd28f81dbfca44add973d7d7eb')
patch=(make-the-tragically-hip-sound-good.diff international-relevance.patch)
cvsroot=":ext:[email protected]:/cvsroot/xentac"
prebuild() {
include cvs
include patch
sed -i s/foo/bar/ $startdir/src/$cvsmod/
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$cvsmod
./configure --enable-lots-of-wheat --density=minimal
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg || return 1
And here's what running 'makepkg -o' might look like:
==> Entering fakeroot environment
==> Making package: libxentac-cvs (Mon Sep 6 03:36:56 CDT 2004)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> Retrieving Sources...
==> Validating source files with MD5sums
==> Extracting Sources...
==> Preparing for checkout over SSH...
==> Fetching sources from CVS...
==> Applying make-the-tragically-hip-sound-good.diff at level 2...
patching file libxentac/src/hearing.c
patching file libxentac/src/taste.c
==> Applying international-relevance.patch at level 0...
patching file libxentac/src/telling-the-us-where-to-shove-it.c
==> Sources are ready.
Now I kid, I kid 
I like Canada, the Tragically Hip, and Herr Doktor Chustick.
But the point remains.  Those are some cool features, no?
I'm going to do some touch-up work on these, make a nice big diff, and post it up somewhere.  Stay tuned  :!:

Sarah, I know we are frequently at odds but I will try to explain myself on this.
I think you misunderstand the main purposes of these additions to makepkg, as well as the nature of the additions itself.
First of all, the biggest change is making makepkg extensible.  This can only be a good thing.  There is lots of code duplication between PKGBUILDs, and having the ability to consolidate certain tasks into a single makepkg addition is good.  My inspiration for this particular change was Portage which allows packagers to create "classes" and have ebuilds inherit from them; I think that's a bit much, but just extensibility as a feature in itself is a good goal.
Second, you need to look beyond whether something is good for packages that go  in current/extra.  One of the beauties of ABS is that it makes the package building process so simple that the average user is encouraged to package everything they install, instead of just installing it willy-nilly over their file system.  ABS is not just a way for people to produce publically-distributable or core-repository-worthy packages; it is a way for them to make sure that their customization of their own system results in something maintainable for years to come.  Adding things like a prebuild stage, and a "--pkg-only" target let users be lazier with PKGBUILDs that they make for themselves, and thus can only be a good thing for the casual packager-for-one's-own-system.  As of right now, makepkg basically requires that a PKGBUILD be perfect before you can build a proper package; if something messes up during the build stage of a particularly messy build, you're forced to start over from scratch.  When this involves CVS checkouts (once again, something many people will want to package for themselves, regardless of whether they belong in current/extra), you are not only wasting time but the bandwidth of the cvs server if you must check out again as you keep improving your PKGBUILD.  That is a bad thing.  Likewise with -pkg-only, the user doesn't even need his PKGBUILD to be correct at all... he can configure and build the software himself, then stage it into the destroot himself, and then have makepkg package it up into an installable package.  I would hope nobody who makes packages for inclusion in any Arch repository does this, but I am lazy, most people are lazy, and I see no reason why makepkg shouldn't accomodate laziness.  One of the biggest mistakes of overly-complicated systems like RPM or dpkg is that they make package building a voodoo art, since they focus on packages as solely a distributable thing.  I think the pragmatist realizes that most packaging, at least with a simple as system as abs, is for one's own self, and why not make it simpler for them?  What flies for my own system obviously doesn't fly for [current], but it should fly nonetheless
Praise Bob.
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    may mean the problem is masked to a large extent.
    More Specific
    The lists still open in Standard View -though much more slowly than was the case before the above error started to present.
    List Details
    Referrals Tracker (10,442 items) -the list was 10,420 something items on Wednesday when all was working fine.
    LD Tracker (4,390 items)
    Both lists have grown incrementally over the period of a couple of years rather than by adding a block of data to the list. Items are added/ updated one at a time using the associated
    form or directly into cells within a datasheet  view.
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    Actions Taken So Far (no improved performance seen)
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    was undertaken to ensure that did not become a problem going forward.
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    not resolved the problem.
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    What I Need to Know
    1) I'd like to understand what is causing the problem?
    2) What the fix is? or,
    3) How I might go about diagnosing the problem further to arrive at a fix.
    With all the above, I'm part wondering if the problem is related to the virtual server or poss SQL Express related rather than being a 100% SharePoint issue?

    More often this is related to columns which are not editable by user, some columns are not editable in datasheet view. Please check if there is any new column addition and then you started getting this issue.
    Also datasheet view displays all items on same page so definitely it takes little long time then load in standard view.
    Let us know your results, thanks
    Pratik Vyas | SharePoint Consultant |
    Posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights
    Please remember to click Mark As Answer if a post solves your problem or
    Vote As Helpful if it was useful.

  • Unable to log in to the user account [username] at this time

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    Memory: 768 MB DDR SDRAM
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    Serial # 4H511OAJRJ5
    Capacity 74.4 GB
    Available: 2.3 GB
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    I tried to access both my caches folder and my Desktop folder from my “test” account, but these are the error messages I received:
    The folder “Caches” could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges.
    The folder “Desktop” could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges.
    I was shocked to see my Available space was only 2.5 GB. I don’t know how that can be right.
    I’m open to anything to retrieve my files – Any suggestions?

    Around the same time my battery was showing signs of being spent (wouldn’t take a full charge) and would shutdown my powerbook in the middle of operation. I replaced the battery within 12 hours, rebooted, and everything seemed normal; I could log in and access all programs, files, photos, music, etc. The error message reappeared to deletes some files.
    You need to delete some file not try to repair the disk volume. but anyway...
    I ran TechTool Deluxes and it suggested repairing my Volume Directory. There were a few suggestions in green and one in red. I accepted the ones in green and made the changes. It reopened TechTool and ran again, this time everything showed up as a “red” (drastic) directory change. I did not accept. I shut down. I rebooted, and that is when my heart sank.
    You need to develop a full backup plan. Get an external hd and backup to it.
    My account log in screen appeared (I have my master account and a “test” account available) and I entered my log in password. After several moments, the message “You are unable to log in to the user account [username] at this time.”
    Would you be using filevault? Which would mean you need more space.
    I can log in to my “test” account but I have not been able to access any of my files from that account. Also, my Test account appears to be running Panther instead of Tiger; could that be?
    Doubtful. What does apple > about this mac say?
    Anyway, I read some similar problem posts here and was hopeful that DiskWarrior could help restore me. I purchased and ran it successfully (at least DiskWarrior said it was a success) but I still have the same results.
    I tried to access both my caches folder and my Desktop folder from my “test” account, but these are the error messages I received:
    The folder “Caches” could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges.
    The folder “Desktop” could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges.
    Which desktop folder? these are normal messages.
    I was shocked to see my Available space was only 2.5 GB. I don’t know how that can be right.
    I’m open to anything to retrieve my files – Any suggestions?
    I buy an external disk with both fireware & usb and use carbon copy cloner to duplicate you hd.
    run batcmd from an admin account to let you change permissions.
    From an administrator account enable root & be careful. This will let you look at any file on the system & delete everything!!!
    Get a new admin id.
    "BatChmod is a Cocoa utility for manipulating file and folder privileges in Mac OS X. It allows the manipulation of ownership as well as the privileges associated to the Owner, Group or others."
    As an aside, I just noticed that the button to "apply to all enclosed items' is greyed out. I started checking other folders and best I can tell, all folders on my startup volume will not allow me to apply any permission changes to all enclosed items. Think this might have something to do with the alias issue?
    I noticed that my "apply to all enclosed items' button is greyed out too. I use BatChmod fps instead.
    Get the Mac to set up an additional administrative account. You can then change the password on your old account.
    Start with your computer power off. Hold down command-s. Power on your computer.
    Type in the following:
    The first two commands will depend on your release of Mac OS X. Look at what is typed out in the console to determine the exact format.
    # Type the follow two instructions to access the startup disk in read/write. Press return after each command.
    /sbin/fsck -fy
    /sbin/mount -uw /
    cd /var/db
    #List all files. The l is a lower case L.
    ls -a
    #The move command acts as a rename command in this format.
    mv -i .applesetupdone .applesetupdone.old
    Once you've done that the computer reboots and it's like the first time you used the machine. Your old accounts are all safe. From there you just change all other account passwords in the account preferences!!
    Limnos adds detailed explainations:
    The above the idea came from a post by JoseAranda at September 9, 2006 3:48 AM
    You will need to scroll down to see this post. Search for applesetupdone
    Or see:
    Once you have a new administrative account, you can change the password of your old administrative account
    blue apple > System Preferences > Accounts

  • TS1538 Hi technical support Team of  Apple  I am sorry but this time  I am very disappointed with IPhone and  IOS 7.1, actually I have IPhone 5,5S both and I was trying to Restore  my Phone for sell Because I want to by IPhone 64 Gold but unfortunately   

    Hi technical support Team of Apple  I am sorry but this time  I am very disappointed with IPhone and  IOS 7.1, actually I have IPhone 5,5S both and I was trying to Restore  my Phone for sell Because I want to by IPhone 64 Gold but unfortunately    both phone stuck on recovery mode with error 1, and 3
    I got Error 3 on IPhone 5 and error 1 In IPhone 5s , I did lot of try as I can my level best , like Update iTunes, stop all security, change cable even change computer format my laptop and install everything fresh in window   I did try to with Mac of my friend,
    Change Internet connections try with DFU mode, Make DFU file Also with redsnow   everything I did
    Whatever on internet information like go to  cmd and run as administrator  to make change hosts file
    Like ipconfig/flushdns everything  everything  what I can….  but I dint get good results and  good information about this error
    Somebody told me this is hardware problem, I make change my battery and charging connector too.
    I don’t know what to do next.. because  I don’t leave any experiment on my stuck phone..
    Note : one  is big issue that apple support team  is also and giving good answer
    I am in Saudi Arabia so I don’t  have any nearest store of Apple.. even Saudi Is Big Consumer of IPhone
    Its Really Bad its big Loss of Money I can’t afford more , Now will not Buy Any IPhone  in future if I don’t get solution..
    Thank You..

    What the **** is this taht you will not provide any service due to just a bit jailbreak..
    we are not much tecnical person.. and mostly consumer dont have good idea about Jailbreak. make your device  much better secure from hacker and jailbreak please we cant afford much money please give me any solution i ll not do jailbreak again please  

  • TS3694 I was making the update for my iphone 4s . then he stops. My phone in this time is in the recovery mode and do not take the firmware to open my phone, please can u help me to recover my phone. My current  ios 6.0.1. plese send me some thing that is

    was making the update for my iphone 4s . then he stops. My phone in this time is in the recovery mode and do not take the firmware to open my phone, please can u help me to recover my phone. My current  ios 6.0.1. plese send me some thing that is useful

    Thanks for that 'sberman' - because my iPhone is backed-up to my work computer (only at this stage) I have had to call our IT Department in Adleaide. (4 times this morning). The last guy managed to get the phone into 'DFU Mode' - no more recovery mode screen - (kind of 'asleep' perhaps) from my understanding of same. I am awaiting a call again from IT so they can get my computer to actually recognise my iPhone on the C Drive. This also happened to  one of my colleagues in Newman (WA). She got so frustrated with the whole process that she bought another phone the next time she was in 'civilisation.' She hasn't had any problems since. (Cross fingers).
    Thanks again, Sandra2474.

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