Loading Impossible  from ODS

I want to load a cube (CUBE1) from an ods (ODS1), but with corresponding info-package, my loading is never initiate. When I launch this loading, info-package compiling programs, etc. but never execute loading.
I try load another structure. I create another ods (ODS2) like ODS1 and I've same problem to load this.
I've checked ODS1 with rsrv, only test return error (foreign key et SID). According RSRV, ODS1 haven't SID for different caracteristics.
When I check tables (/BIC/AODS110, /BIC/AODS140 and /BIC/AODS150) with SE14, SAP BW say me these 3 tables are consistent.
I peruse different posts on this forum, the solution to reload master data can be solve this problem ? I don't think. If master data miss, during loading of CUBE1 SAP create a dummy or blank entry but they can't restrain the start of loading. Isn't it ?
What's solution ? others check with rsrv show me green light. How can I repair my ODS1 ?

sm21 :
MNo | Text                                 
R11 | No Active Link Found in the Link Table
Documentation for system log message R1 1 :                     
You connection has been deleted from the table of active CPIC  
connections.  Check the preceding system log entries to find out
whether a CPIC error has occurred.                             
MNo | Text                      
R5A | Conversation ID: 81093568
Documentation for system log message R5 A :                 
Conversation ID of the connection where the error occurred.
MNo | Text                   
R64 | CPI-C function: CMRCV
Documentation for system log message R6 4 : 
CPIC function where the error occurred.    

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    Caller 09 contains an error message.
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    But we are getting Data till ODS, when we manually load from ODS to infoobject this error is coming up.
    Please help in resolving this,

    You are welcome Sairam
    The generated objects are export datasources based on the ODS objects. These are automatically generated because ODS objects are a key component to a data model or datawarehouse strategy where their role is to stage the data for consolidation or harmonization purposes. The generated datasource helps you to load data into further data targets. The use of a cube as an export datasource is not as common, and so the datasource is not automatically generated for them.
    Hope this helps...

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    In Details tab of monitor, in extraction step,
    Extraction(messages): Errors occured
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    Green Light for Data Selection Scheduled
    Yellow for 25000 Records sent(0 records received)
    Yellow for 25000 Records sent(0 records received)
    Yellow for 15000 Records sent(0 records received)
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    R R

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    Also can any one provide me a document that contians the lenght of all teh technames? I know I can find it out by looking into each one of the Tech Names. But I would be nice if anyone of you can provide me a document.
    Can anyone of you please help me.

    By reading the error:
    No transfer structure for InfoSource 8ZYNA_ODS and source system B3TCLNT800
    I think the problem is actually with a Datamart. You can try to regenerate the export datasource and activate it.
    Also, you can try to activate only the transfer structure again using the report "RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL".
    I hope this helps!

  • Error while loading data from ODS to CUBE.

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    Transfer Rules : Missing Massage.
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    Plz any inputs.
    Message was edited by:
            hari reddy

    Might means that IDocs flow is not defined properly in your QA system for myself-SourceSystem.

  • Error when trying to load data from ODS to CUBE

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    Check this thread.........Ajeet Singh  has given a good solution here.........
    Re: Error With Data Load-Getting Canceled Right Away
    Also check SAP note: 382480..................for ur reference............
    A DART extraction job terminates with runtime error TYPELOAD_NEW_VERSION and error message:
    Data type "TXW_INDEX" was found in a newer version than required.
    The termination occurs in the ABAP/4 program "SAPLTXW2 " in "TXW_SEGMENT_RECORD_EXPORT".
    Additional key words
    Cause and prerequisites
    This problem seems to happen when several DART extraction jobs are running in parallel, and both jobs access table TXW_INDEX.
    If possible, avoid running DART extractions in parallel.
    If you do plan to run such jobs in parallel, please consider the following points:
    In the DART Extract configuration, increase the value of the parameter "Maximum memory allocation for index (MB)" if possible. You can estimate reasonable values with the "File size worksheet" utility.
    Run parallel DART jobs on different application servers.
    As an alternative, please apply note 400195.
    It may help u.........

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    Please advise, how I can load hierarchies from ODS, if
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    Hierarchies data one type of data master data.
    BW data base was desifned master data stored out side the cube. When ever other data target (cube) can use those master data .I.E you can load data on info object level. Becose this is master data.
    You can load data from flat files .
    The structure is like this.
    when ever u r creating hierarchies three table is going to create /BIC/HZGLACOUNT,/BIC/KZGLACOUNT,/BIC/IZGLACOUNT
    While loadong falt file you need to take this table /BIC/HZGLACOUNT structure. According that structure  you need to create excel sheet and loading is like flat file.

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    Activate the data in ur ODS. Then right click on ur ODS n choose "create export datasource". Now right click ur ODS and go to "Manage" and make sure that the QM status is green and the Datamart status is checked with a green mark. Now carry on the load from ODS to infocube.
    Hope this helps...Let me know

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    point will be definitely awarded for the proper answers.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Vasuvasu
    Once the edit is done and reloade the sata it wont show u the records in Red..
    Hope itz Helps..!
    **Winners Don't Do Different things,They Do things Differently...!**
    > I dont whink this is with Disk space Y because after
    > every full load we are deleting data.

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    "Error in the unit conversion. Error 110 occurred"

    Hi Chintai,
    You can see the record number where the error occured in the monitor (RSMO) for this data load > goto the details tab and open up the Processing area (+ sign). Try it out...
    Also about ignoring the error record and uploading the rest, this is done if you have set Error Handling in your InfoPackage (Update tab), but this would have to be done before the load starts, not after the error happens.
    Hope this helps...
    And since you thanked me twice, also please see here:-) https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn?rid=/webcontent/uuid/7201c12f-0701-0010-f2a6-de5f8ea81a9e [original link is broken]

  • Error While Loading Data from ODS to ODS

    Hi Experts,
    When i'm loading the data from ods to further ods, i'm facing an error while activating the data saying that 0ref_doc_no consists of invalid characters.Also it is saying that Error when assigning SID.
                          I'm unable to see the  long text for further information.

    Hi vijay bhaskar,
    first go to RSA1 -> go to datasource -> search for the data source with name "8<old DSO>". Go to dispaly and click on PSA button on top. Now you can see PSA data request. in the bottom left you select error records and display. now you will see all the error records. go through each and every records and see what is the special characteristic in that record and copy that special character in notepad. After collecting all the special characters in notepad, goto RSKC -> paste all the special characteristics from note pad. execute it.
    Now, go back to PSA, delete the request from PSA. Schedure the infopackage to load the data. Now, will not see any error like special characteristics.
    I hope you understood and can handle your issue.
    Assign points if it is helpful.
    S P.

  • After upgrade to BI NW4.0S issue in loading cube from ODS

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      I have done all prerequisite , replicated the 80 datsource , deleted and re activated the update rule and transfer rule again.. and then tried to load the Cube from ODS.. however everytime I am getting the following error
    DataSource 80CRM_OPPI does not have the same status as the source system in the Business Information Warehouse.
    The time stamp in the source system is 12/23/2005 10:09:36.
    The time stamp in the BW system is 11/09/2005 13:02:29.
    Is it due to the upgrade?? I have done everything so that this dosen't happen, still could not resolve..

    Are you sure you've replicated the DataSource 80CRM_OPPI? Try replicating it individually again. If that doesn't help, have you tried reactivating the ODS Object itself?
    Regards, Klaus

  • Problem while loading data from ODS to infoobject

    Hi guys,
    I am facing problem while loading data from <b>ODS to infoobject</b>.
    If I load data via PSA it works fine but
    if I load data without PSA its giving error as Duplicate records.
    Do u have any idea why it is so.
    Thanks in advance

    when you load the data via the PSA, what did you select? Serial or Paralel?
    If you select serial most likely you don't have duplicates within the same datapackage and your load can go through.
    Loading directly in the IObj will happen thefore if you have the same key in two different packages, the "duplicate records" will be raised; you can perhaps flag your IPack with the option "ignore duplicate records" as suggested...
    hope this helps...

  • Load data from ODS 3.5 to Info Cube 7.0  ?

    Hi BI Experts
    I am new to BI 7.0 , my requirement is  i want to load the data from ODS  3.5 to Info Cube 7.0
    Is this Possible to load from old version to new version?
    If Possible please let me the steps
    Thanks in advance

    Hi there,
    ODS 3.5 is just like DSO 7.0 and InfoCube 7.0 is just like InfoCube 3.5
    So you can still use the old fashion 3.5 mode with InfoSource, update rules, transfer rules and InfoPackage to the InfoCube, or you can now use a transformation with DTP

  • Short Dump while loading Delta from ODS to ODS

    Hi Experts,
    I have run into a short dump error while loading delta from one ODS to another via a process chain.
    Following is the error message:
    Error analysis                                                                               
    Short text of error message:                                                                 
        Request 0000259294 is not completely activated. Please activate it again                     
    Technical information about the message:                                                     
    Activation of request 0000259294 has terminated, or is not yet                          
    System response                                                                               
    If the process has terminated, all of the requests that the system                      
             was unabe to activate in the most recent activation process have to                     
             be reactivated before the new requests can be activated.                                
             If you are not able to carry out this activation step, delete the                       
             relevant requests from the administration of the ODS object (on the                     
             Requests tabstrip).                                                                     
         Procedure for System Administration                                                         
        Message classe...... "RSM1"                                                                  
        Number.............. 180                                                                     
        Variable 1.......... 0000259294                                                              
        Variable 2.......... " "                                                                     
        Variable 3.......... " "                                                                     
        Variable 4.......... " "                                                                     
        Variable 3.......... " "                                                                     
        Variable 4.......... " "                                                                     
    Can someone help me resolve this?
    Thank you

    Check the status of request SID 259294  in ODS, whether the Activation got completed or not. If not wait till the activation completes.
    If there is any problem in the activation process, correct that complete the activation process and load the ne request that you want to load..

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