Links to "idea exchange"?

if you enter the home monitoring and control forum today there is a link across the top as follows: 
Don't forget to VOTE for ideas you would like to see implemented in the Idea Exchange, or suggest a new idea!
since the idea exchange isn't available, you might want to scour your site for other broken links to it and remove them.

Thanks the_madscanner. We will make sure that is passed along.

Similar Messages

  • Links to "idea exchange"? version 2.0

    hi,on the forum home page ( today there is a link to the "idea exchange" see the bad link, scroll down  below the "idea exchange update" message in the right column,and just above the "twitter feed" ....see the facebook ad?scroll right within that ad, the second ad is for idea this intended behavior?wishing a good day to you all

    did i mark this solved before i checked to see if it was fixed? i think i did! however, the ad w bad link is still there

  • New Idea Exchange?

    I think there should be a new board under the Idea Exchanges for new features for the forums. The only one I can think of that I would post there are this and this.
    LabVIEW 2012

    You may be interested in reading the thread Idea Exchange for Forums. (Hint: the most important post is the last one. )
    a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"] {color: black;} a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"]:after {content: '';} .jrd-sig {height: 80px; overflow: visible;} .jrd-sig-deploy {float:left; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img {float:right; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img:hover {opacity:0.8;} .jrd-sig-deploy:hover {opacity:0.8;}

  • Updated Process for the Ideas Exchange

    Hey folks! Spotify Community team here.
    If you've been around the Spotify Community for a while, you've probably noticed that we keep tabs on your suggestions for improving Spotify through our Idea Exchange. 
    In an effort to keep the Idea Exchange as organized and up-to-date as possible, we've changed the way Ideas are submitted. We've outlined the new process with a step-by-step guide below. 
    We hope that you continue submitting ideas to make Spotify even better.  While we can't promise that we'll implement every idea that you submit, but we'll always do our best consider each one and provide updates wherever possible. 
    The guidelines:
    Search for previously submitted ideas.  Someone may have already submitted the same idea.
    One idea per post.  No double dipping.  
    Ensure the idea is implementable.  Avoid posting general feedback or questions in the idea exchange--the more specific the idea the better.  
    Use an intuitive title.  
    Submitting a new idea:
    1. Go to the Idea Submissions Board.
    2. Click the New Idea button.
    3. Enter an Idea Subject that includes one of the tags above. 
    4. In the Body enter a detailed description of your idea, including any screenshots or links you'd like to share. 
    5. Select one a platform label.
    6. Then select a subcategory label.
    7. Click Post. 
    8. One of our Idea Guardians in the Rock Star Program will analyze the idea and mark it either as a "Live Idea" or close it for a specified reason (duplicate idea, unspecified, etc). Allow us to introduce our Idea Guardians: Marco, FredJ, gprocess, Peter, dinomight, Anthony, pnc, Jordi, kbrooksc, Carina, OviiiOne, and Rodrigo.
    9. If your idea reaches the Live Idea board it can then start to gain kudos and comments from other users.
    10. Once your idea reaches 100+ kudos a Community Manager or Moderator will update the status to one of the following:
    The Idea statuses: 
    New Suggestion (no status/default one): the idea was just posted, it is waiting to be reviewed by an Idea Guardian.  
    New Idea: this is a new and unique idea, you can add your kudos here. 
    Inactive Idea: Ideas that could not gather at least 25 kudos per year will get closed - you can submit this idea again if you still feel the topic should get some attention. We recommend changing the title or description if posting the same idea again.
    Good Idea, give it some kudos: We like this idea. A decision has not been made but we want to see how much the Community continues to vote on it.
    Under Consideration:  This has been brought up internally. 
    Watch this space: This feature is coming. We have a rough pipeline for its release. 
    Not right now: We talked about this internally and it’s not on our pipeline for the next few months or more.
    Case Closed:  We talked about it, but we won’t be running with it. Thanks anyway!
    Implemented:  This feature has rolled out on the specific platform.
    Needs more info:  We need more clarity or information around this idea from the original poster.
    Curious for more information about the Ideas Board? Check out The Ideas Board: How your feedback reaches Spotify.
    Thanks for your continued feedback and contributions everyone,
    The Spotify Community Team 

    Ah, yes, now I see it. For those of us with less than perfect vision, how about putting the text in red in the center of the page as opposed to in only slightly darker green to the right. I've never used this page before so I had no idea there even was something to select on the right hand side. Also, the first link in the first post on this page gives me this: "You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action.Click your browser's Back button to continue.Return to my original page"

  • Idea Exchange...can't find it?

    When I click on Help, there's a help topic about some type of forum called "Idea Exchange" in which you can submit and vote on different ideas for Verizon. I've looked every where on this site and can't find it? Is there a link that I need to click on to get to the Idea Exchange section? Can someone provide more details please?
    Go to Solution.

    I don't think it exists yet. If you follow this link:
    The lightbulb on the lower right says "coming soon". I think that is what you are referring to but I'm not sure.
    Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
    QIP6416-P1, IMG 1.7C, Build 09.83
    Keller, TX 76248

  • Downstream polymorphism example for Idea Exchange comment

    Because I cannot put attachments on comments in the Idea Exchange, I am posting the VIs here and linking to this post from there.
    This is for this idea.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏39 KB

    I'm trying to actually implement this idea in LV 2012 SP1 and I'm getting an error which seems to specifically prevent me doing what I want to do.
    "The property definition folder named "Events" overrides a property in a parent class, but the overriding property accessor VI in the child class has a different filename than the accessor VI in the parent class."
    Well, yeah, that's what I want to do.  The code provided by AQ works without error, but trying to reproduce a similar behaviour in my own code produces this error.  I have also created static VIs which reside within the property folder, each with a different datatype and different name but with the same name property folder.
    What am I doing wrong?
    The property of interest in "Parent" and "Child" is "Events".  Both of these VIs return different datatypes for each class.  Both are static VIs (non-DD).
    Oh, I think I see the big problem here.... The classes in AQs code are not inherited from each other (They are not parent and child).  This ability only seems to work between "unrelated" classes.  This is a major problem for me.  I don't want an "Override" functionality, I just want it to behave as it does in AQs example.
    Looks like I have to go back to maintaining polymorphic VIs....... Bah humbug.
    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

  • Measuremen​t Studio Idea Exchange

    Do you use Measurement Studio regularly? Would you like to influenece future releases of the product?
    National Instruments introduced the Measurement Studio Idea Exchange for submitting and voting on feature requests to be included in future versions of Measurement Studio. This is the most direct route of communication with the Measurement Studio R&D team and we are committed to reviewing every idea submitted via the Measurement Studio Idea Exchange, so start posting your ideas today!
    Anna Kozminski
    Measurement Studio Product Manager
    National Instruments

    Above links is broken. Here is the proper link to the Measurement Studio Idea Exchange.
    National Instruments

  • View New Posts in Idea Exchange

    Is it possible to add a feature to View the latest messages posted onto the LabVIEW Idea Exchange.  The ability to sort by last message would suffice.  I like to follow the discussions, but sometimes I see there's a new message, but I have to click through 40 pages to find which topic the reply was posted to.
    Tim Elsey
    LabVIEW 2010, 2012
    Certified LabVIEW Architect

    Yes.  That is pretty much the only way right now to be sure you get all the messages.  Occasionally, I can still miss some.  For instance, if I have an e-mail that I thought I clicked on and read the idea linked in it, but actually haven't.  Or the way the long threads that go onto multiple pages, and I miss the last message that rolls onto a new page and I didn't realize it because the link to go to the next page is at the top of the screen.  (And why don't the messages show you that 5 pages are avaible to that thread.)  You can see a count of total messages.  But it will show you Now 1-10, and a link to go to 11-21.  But there is no link to go to the last page.  You have to go through the pages one by to get the link to the following page.
    The naviagation controls in the individual threads need major improvement.  (i.e. jump links at the bottom as well as the top, and links that go to other places then the page that just follows your current page.)  And the whole board needs a real sorting mechanism that allows you to view the newest messages whether they are the original message or comments.  The "snapshot" links to the right of the screen just really don't do that.

  • Idea Exchange for Forums

    The Idea Exchanges seem like a great way for NI to judge customers' sentiment and importance of feature requests for LabVIEW. It provides a formalized and centralized means exclusively for improving NI products and services. I presume it also is a factor in budgeting resources for R&D.
    I would propose an Idea Exchange be made for the forums as well. This forum (the Feedback on NI Discussion Forums) has got great little tidbits scattered throughout on features that would make these forums AWESOME (not to mention all the tidbits scattered throughout other forums). The problem is that those tidbits are buried in so many places that it would be extremely difficult to centralize them into one list, and it would be impossible to prioritize the ideas. The other problem is that since the ideas are so scattered, the number of people who would read them and say "YES! I want to see that too!" is dramatically reduced (compare readership of this current Feedback forum to that of other forums - it just doesn't get the same exposure).
    Basically, it's unfair for me and others to continually make snarky comments here and there about how the forums suck and Lithium doesn't know squat about web development or user interfaces. It would be much more beneficial for the us the community and for the developers/maintainers of these forums if we could get some structured, formalized feedback on how to make the forums better through the use of an Idea Exchange. This would provide sufficient, constructive means for people like me to vent frustration about bugs and features that I want in upcoming forum upgrades. (I'm here because I like the forums, not because I want to gripe about the forums!)
    One important benefit for both NI and the community that an Idea Exchange would offer is that we all can see loads of these Ideas being marked as "Completed" when forum upgrades are implemented. It feels good to see our feedback is being heard and knowing we have worked together to make a better product/service. If we don't see a list of "Completed" features and bugs, it will be all too easy to focus negative attention on the new bugs.
    (I am aware the current process is such: one of us makes a suggestion here or there, and then Laura makes an Idea on the actual Lithium Idea Exchange. She's really diligent about this, but the problem with that process is that it's not our community that prioritizes the features we request, it's Laura's peers on that other forum who decide if our Ideas are worth implementing or not. I think it should be the LabVIEW community that prioritizes feature requests, and then Delegate Laura and Delegate Todd are able to go to Lithium directly with their constituents' priorities. I mean, it's not even worth bugging Lithium about a feature if nobody but the creator likes it!)
    a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"] {color: black;} a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"]:after {content: '';} .jrd-sig {height: 80px; overflow: visible;} .jrd-sig-deploy {float:left; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img {float:right; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img:hover {opacity:0.8;} .jrd-sig-deploy:hover {opacity:0.8;}

    Laura F. wrote:
    I actually talked to a contact at Lithium recently about our forum users voting on the Idea Exchange and it seemed like it would be fine.  If you want to register and vote on ideas that I've submitted on your behalf, please do so.  You could also submit new ideas, but they may get more visibility if I submit them as I am a known user / customer of the platform.  I'm convinced there's not enough crowd momentum of LabVIEW forum users who would invest the time to make this venture worthwhile. Also, based on your comment below, I realize I'm not qualified to do this.
    One problem I also see with our users submitting ideas directly is that sometimes the idea has to do with a feature of the Lithium platform that we don't have turned on.  That just means that I can provide some insight into whether or not your idea falls into this category prior to submitting the idea to Lithium. See next comment...
    I am open to creating an Idea Exchange for the forums themselves. Neat! This would solve your comment above. An internal Idea Exchange would help you prioritize which components/widgets to turn off/on without bothering Lithium with potentially moot requests.  Some of your suggestions are things that are not directly tied to improvements in Lithium's software but rather to how NI has chosen to implement the forums.  Those sorts of ideas we have control over.  I am solely responsible for the features on the forums now, Neat! I hope it came with a pay raise so it may take some time for me to implement some ideas but I would be willing to give it a shot.  We would need to keep the Feedback board for bug reports and other more support focused questions. Agreed, an Idea Exchange is not a replacement for the Feedback Forum. The Idea Exchange should not be used for "day to day" maintenance such as broken links, that's what this forum is for.
    However, my first priority is getting the forums upgraded what's your expected launch date... days, weeks...? This forum upgrade I would like to see the Idea Exchange upgraded a few weeks before NIWeek so we can test-drive it a little while, because like last year, we're going to see a little surge on the Exchange after NIWeek. so that you can see the new version because some ideas and bugs are addressed.  And then, we will start on a new list of ideas and bugs
    I appreciate all of the time and effort all of you put in to make the forums better for everyone AND all of the questions that you answer throughout the community.  I look forward to continuing to work with you all on improvements.
    Regards, My reciprocate regards  
    a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"] {color: black;} a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"]:after {content: '';} .jrd-sig {height: 80px; overflow: visible;} .jrd-sig-deploy {float:left; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img {float:right; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img:hover {opacity:0.8;} .jrd-sig-deploy:hover {opacity:0.8;}

  • Memory usage of big Array in sub-VI (was: Allow the creation of "Inplace"-VIs of Idea Exchange)

    this thread is based on my post in the LabVIEW idea exchange.
    I put my VIs in the attached .rar file.
    Go to Solution.
    Inplace_VI.ZIP ‏21 KB

    That would be a good explanation.  There was a thread on something very similar to this recently.  Can't remember exactly the topic but Daniel's answer certainly triggered some memories of a very similar discussion taking place.
    I think it had to do with LV assigning a Array created as a constant as Read-only so in order to make changes to it it needs to be copied to a new memory location, thus leaving the constant unchanged.
    I wonder how it performs in other LV versions.
    PS: Found the thread.  HERE.
    Message Edited by Intaris on 08-20-2009 03:23 AM
    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

  • Problem switching from a non Idea Exchange board to an Idea Exchange board when typing a new post

    Tested on Chrome/XP and IE8/XP
    when I start a post in a non Idea Exchange forum and later on want to convert it into an Idea Exchange one, I can switch to the correct forum using the "Select Board" pull-down list. However, when posting, my post is refused because I haven't chosen a "Label". Well, that's because I can't!
    In other words, switching to an Idea Exchange board does not add the "Label" options on the composition webpage, hence it is impossible to post that idea unless you copy it (or rely on the autosave function), start a new post directly into a Idea Exchange forum and paste your old post in it (or alternatively, load the saved draft once you have created the new post).
    Disclaimer: this may have already reported, but as I said elsewhere, the Search function doesn't work either...

    This is my first post so be gentle with me.  I have a Pixi Plus running os 1.4.5.  Last week we upgraded to exchange 2010 (or 14 as I've heard it called).  I lost the connection on my phone.  I tried changing the inheritable permisions above and it has not solved it.  I'm pretty sure all the log in info I'm using is correct.  It acts like it's communicating with the server because it says
    Unable to sign in
    Could not sign into account
    THe mail server responded: bad login/password
    I've changed several things and when I change certain things it says it cannot validate incoming mail server so I feel like I'm close but can't figure it out.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

  • Make "idea exchange" read-only til 2015!!!

    why would you just make 'All of the hard work and deep thought that went into most of those ideas, as well as some very  well-thought-out replies', just vanish!!????? now there's no way to crosscheck if an idea has been sent in b4....please put it back up in forum, even if you have to make it read only......please tell me you are going to migrate the old idea exchange and all of its content  into the new 2015 version of idea exchange...please ? it shows such disregard for us if you don't

    hello? any thoughts on subject  appreciated

  • Is Eloqua actually doing anything with Ideas Exchange?

    I don't want this post to come across as brash, just wanted to spark some discussion.
    I'm a fairly new Eloqua customer, and part of the onboarding included promotion about the new topliners community and the driven Ideas Exchange.
    I was looking through the ideas that had more than 100 points, and I couldn't find any where a (identified) representative from Eloqua has openly commented.  Additionally, it does not appear that any suggested idea has ever come to fruition.  Is this a misperception?  It seems like there used to be another solution in place before they went to this new platform - what have some of you long time users experienced?
    I've periodically voted, commented, and posted a couple ideas of my own; I'm trying to figure out my expectations and don't want to judge too hastily.
    Thoughts and experieces with feature requests / suggestions?

    They do, as we have received news about their roadmap and some of the ideas in the Exchange are in it (the one I'm thinking about specifically is better security around assets, including Themes--yea!).  As someone who works in the development/solutions side of the business, it gets complicated so I understand that the top rated ideas may not always make it immediately into the next release.
    But on a side note, it is also my understanding that the higher the promotion points are, the more likely it will also end up in front of the product managers to consider. 
    Of course, as anyone in marketing knows , the object is to drive your "customer" to an action... you have to SELL your idea to get it promoted. 
    I've read many ideas out there that I wonder exactly what the person means or wants because it's so vague.  That does not exactly encourage me to promote an idea. (I do semi-regularly surf through them to see if there are any my users that I support would be able to use or need, etc..)  You can't just assume that everyone knows what you're talking about--or what the value add is of that particular idea.
    And even if ELQ product managers do look through all of the ideas, like any developer, they do also need to see the value add as well.
    Just my two cents...

  • Picture in a Comment on the LabVIEW Idea Exchange

    How do you post a picture in a Comment on the LabVIEW Idea Exchange?
    Go to Solution.

    altenbach wrote:
    Broken Arrow wrote:
    How do you post a picture in a Comment on the LabVIEW Idea Exchange?
    Submit the comment without picture, the edit it.
    Once you edit the comment, you have the full editor, including the "attach" button.
    Now attach the image and submit the edited comment.
    Now edit it again and embed the attachment (you only see it whe editing).
    Do all this quickly so you don't run out of time.
    Since the last forum update, we can no longer attach anything when editing an idea so these instructions are no longer valid. Can we have the old functionality back? Please?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Thought on idea exchange "duplicates"

    I'm not really sure where to post this so...
    I think it would be beneficial if when an idea exchange idea is marked as duplicate, kudos that have been given to the duplicate idea should be transfered to non-duplicate (i.e. original idea). Is this done already, and if not could it be implemented? Of course, if a member kudod both, their kudo should not be transfered, as they already kudod the original.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

    Just look at the bonus of getting extra kudos for a duplicated idea. 
    The idea was revived...  Especially being a good one.

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