Issue inMaintenace scheduling issue in Two plants with similar data set up

Hi PM Gurus
Scenario: A) We Have two maintenance Plants which have got Factory calendar assignment as per Table Data. We need to change Non Working days of factory Calenders (D1 and T2) for work centres working and do Maintenace scheduling
Issue    A) Plant PL0B  has got factory Calender T2 set up at work centre (WCT2) .We get Maintenace schedule Calls as per Calender set up ie No Maintenace Call (Planned call and Call date) on  (Non Working Days). Here we change public holidays to working days and this throw schedule calls accordingly (thatu2019s Maintence Calls on working days only).
B)     We have similar requirement to change public holidays for Calender D1 which is assigned to Work centre WCD1, then we must get maintenance calls for working days. But we find that for Plant PL0A, Maintenace Calls are generating even on non working days. Only difference between Plant PL0A and PL0B is for Work centre set up as per screen shots for Capacity data.
C)     We have changed work centre data of WCD1 as per WCT2 ,but still PL0A is giving maintenance Calls on Non Working days (Not Controlled by Calender data of Work Centre )
D)     Info: Scheduling indicator in Maintenace plans of both plants is TIME
Plant      Factory Calender (plant      Factory Calender
(Work Centre)     Non Working Days                                                      Work Centre (PL0A)
PL0A       U1     D1     3-Public holidays                                                WCD1
PL0B     T1       T2     Sat ,Sun and 10 Public holidays                                WCT2

Greetings Upinder,
You should set the Scheduling indicator to "Time - factory calendar" and select a Factory Calendar if you want the Maintenance plan to be scheduled according to one of the calendars you set up.
The work centre capacity scheduling doesn't come into place here, yet - it'll allow for rescheduling once the orders are called.

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    Select Cast(J.Order_Date As Varchar(11))) As [Order Date]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Comm%' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Comm]
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              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'YY' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto)
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'ZZ' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Fixed)
    from [PRODUCTION].dbo.Job As J
    union all
    Select Cast(SH.Order_Date As Varchar(11))) As [Order Date]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Comm%' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Comm]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '5-Day'     then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Auto%" then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = ''          then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Fixed]
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'XX' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Comm)
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'YY' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto)
              ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'ZZ' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Fixed)
    from [PRODUCTION].dbo.SO_Detail As SD
    Inner Join [PRODUCTION].dbo.SO_Header As SH
        on SD.Sales_Order = SH.Sales_Order
    Group by J.Order_Date
    Order by J.Order_Date Desc
    Looking for output like
    Order Date   Job Comm   Job AUto   Job Fixed    SO Comm  SO AUto  SO Fixed
    Mar-11-2014    100.00     250.00       50.00     200.00   300.00    400.00
    Mar-10-2014    500.00     340.00        0.00     110.00   400.00    500.00
    Mar-09-2014    600.00     333.00       56.00     210.00   500.00    300.00
    Thanks for your help

    Seeing the output it looks like what you need is this
    select COALESCE(p.[Order Date],q.[Order Date]) AS [Order Date],
    COALESCE([Job Comm],0) AS [Job Comm],
    COALESCE([Job AUto],0) AS [Job AUto],COALESCE([Job Fixed],0) AS [Job Fixed],COALESCE([SO Comm],0) AS [SO Comm],COALESCE([SO AUto],0) AS [SO AUto],COALESCE([SO Fixed],0) AS [SO Fixed]
    Select Cast(J.Order_Date As Varchar(11))) As [Order Date]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Comm%' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Comm]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '5-Day' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Auto%" then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Fixed]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'XX' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Comm)
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'YY' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto)
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'ZZ' then (J.Order_Quantity * J.Unit_Price) Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Fixed)
    from [PRODUCTION].dbo.Job As J
    full join
    Select Cast(SH.Order_Date As Varchar(11))) As [Order Date]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Comm%' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Comm]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '5-Day' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code like '%Auto%" then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Auto]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = '' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [SO Fixed]
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'XX' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Comm)
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'YY' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Auto)
    ,Sum(Case when Sales_Code = 'ZZ' then SD.Ext_Amt Else 0 end) As Decimal(11,2) As [Job Fixed)
    from [PRODUCTION].dbo.SO_Detail As SD
    Inner Join [PRODUCTION].dbo.SO_Header As SH
    on SD.Sales_Order = SH.Sales_Order
    Group by J.Order_Date
    on p.[Order Date] = q.[Order Date]
    Order by COALESCE(p.[Order Date],q.[Order Date]) Desc
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    ID   DESC
    1     aaa
    2     bbb
    3     ccc
    Table 2
    ID   DESC
    1     aaa
    2     xxx
    3     ccc

    table tab1(ID
    int ,DE char(10))
    table tab2(ID
    int ,DE char(10))
    into tab1 Values
    into tab1  Values
    into tab1 Values(3,'ccc')
    into tab1 Values(4,'dfe')
    into tab2 Values
    into tab2  Values
    into tab2 Values(3,'ccc')
    into tab2 Values(6,'wdr')
    As T2 from tab1
    join tab2 on tab1.ID
    = tab2.ID  
    <> BINARY_CHECKSUM(tab2.ID,tab2.DE)
    OR tab1.ID
    tab2.ID IS
    ID column considered as a primary Key
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    Result Set
    ID ID 
    2  2
    4 NULL
    NULL 6

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    error address: 00016CB8
    module name: gfsview.DLL
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    Does anyone have an idea what to look for?

    Could you please upload you Citadel database to the following FTP site:
    If you want to compress (ZIP) and/or put a password on the data, that's fine. Please send me a private email at [email protected] (with the file name and password if you put one on the file) once you have uploaded the file and I will check it out.
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    this is my XML
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <banner width = "185" height = "400">
            <image scr = "nui-panforte-recipe_01.jpg" ></image>
            <description>CHOC-COCONUT PANFORTE</description>      
            <text1>Try this delicious GLUTEN FREE Christmas treat</text1>
            <text2>CHOC-COCONUT PANFORTE</text2>
    this is my HTML
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xmlns:spry="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <script src="../../SpryAssets/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../../SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("recipe_banner.xml", "banner/item");
    <div spry:region="ds1">
        <tr spry:repeat="ds1">

    It would be helpfull if you actually created an <img> tag to start with
    <img src="{image/@src}" />
    would work.

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    Hi all,
    I am trying to target a specific data item, on a page with
    multiple data sets, from a link on another page. (I also have to
    pass the link through Flash, but lets start with the simple
    You can take a look at the site in progress here:
    From the Home page I want to link to specific news or concert
    items on the News page
    I have been trying to get SpryURLUtils to do it but I can't
    seem to get it working.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    did u try if it even passes the row value?? with a simple
    alert? alert(params.row)
    Also maby u need to reorder the scripts to this;
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js"
    <script src="../SpryAssets/xpath.js"
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryData.js"
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryCollapsiblePanel.js"
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryEffects.js"
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js"
    and your js script
    var params = Spry.Utils.getLocationParamsAsObject();
    var dsConcerts = new
    Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("includes/concerts.xml", "Concerts/concert");
    dsConcerts.setColumnType("image", "image");
    var dsNews = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("includes/news.xml",
    //Set an observer so that when the data is loaded, we update
    the current row to the url param value
    dsNews.addObserver({ onPostLoad: function(ds, type) {
    dsNews.setCurrentRow(params.row); }
    function MM_effectBlind(targetElement, duration, from, to,
    Spry.Effect.DoBlind(targetElement, {duration: duration,
    from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    So url params get loaded before the data

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    If  you are talking about the PO release process, then it is not possible ..
    The PO release Strategy will be applicable to entire PO, Not for Line Item wise..
    As the Plant will be at Item Level, If you set two release strategies for two plants,
    then you will not get release strategy for PO,
    If you delete the First Line Item then the Release Strategy for Second Line Item will trigger..
    Similarly, If you delete the Second Line Item then the Release Strategy for First  Line Item will trigger..
    Try to Choose Header Level fields for PO Release process..
    If the release process is for PR, Then check this Link

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    We have two databases with SID 'uiivc' and 'uiivc1' running from one of the HP Unix 11.11 PA-RISC server. I did configured RMAN backup for both databases. But it is found that both databases have same DBID [connected to target database: UIIVC (DBID=3005194057) for UIIVC & connected to target database: UIIVC1 (DBID=3005194057) for UIIVC1] and backup configured via crontab seen running fine with full backup at weekend and archivelog backup at daily for both databases. Now my query is that will it create any issues at time of restoration since both databases have similar DBID? Does RMAN uses DBID to distinguish databases?
    Kindly help to clarifiy
    Manoj Thakkan
    [email protected]

    Hi Tycho,
    I configured RMAN to store controlfile backups in different folders on each database.
    UIIVC database:
    UIIVC1 database:
    Server output:
    uii-79:uiivc1 > ls -lrt /hot_backups/rmanbkp/uiivc
    total 43904816
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 21144928256 Jul 15 10:58 8rkk68p5_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 287110144 Jul 15 13:41 8tkk6sfv_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 862700544 Jul 16 08:00 90kk8sel_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 152350720 Jul 16 08:09 92kk8tgg_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 32145408 Jul 16 08:09 cfc-3005194057-20090716-01
    uii-79:uiivc1 > ls -lrt /hot_backups/rmanbkp/uiivc1
    total 24186112
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 6373965824 Jul 13 13:10 83kk1ftf_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 784803840 Jul 13 13:46 85kk1j5e_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 1022674944 Jul 13 23:07 87kk2kjs_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 1814230016 Jul 14 23:46 89kk591i_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 1211042816 Jul 15 23:06 8bkk7tc0_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 1165975552 Jul 15 23:10 8ckk7tnr_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 10534912 Jul 15 23:10 cfc-3005194057-20090715-00
    And I saw backups are placing in the respective folders too. So with these settings, can I safely assume there is no issues with RMAN backup and restore having similar DBID for two databases running on same server?
    Manoj Thakkan

  • Connect Crystal 11 with SAS data sets

    Hi, when I try to start making a report from scratch in Crystal, first I set a connection data source with SAS data files and then when I move a field of this sets it's appera a message error; "Failed to retrieve data from the database.", and after click OK appere another error message; "Error Code: 08x00a0bb9, Source: ADODB.Command, Descrition: Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another."
    Anyboy who help me??

    Are you facing this issue with a particular SAS data file? and are the arguments provided compatible with the datatypes defined?
    Which version of CR are you using ?
    Please let me know the above information.So that I can proceed further.
    Pradeep Hulke

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    Chris G.
    Attachments: ‏262 KB

    But I expect my autocorrelation function will decay much more rapidly than my total acquisition time, so I dont believe "zero-buffing" will solve my problem.
    The shape of my autocorrelation function is triangular because my raw data acts like a square pulse with noise.  Since this triangular shape dominates my resulting autocorrelation function, it makes it very difficult to analyze.  Any suggestions on how I can resolve this issue?
    Chris G.

  • Tooltip with xml data set

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    I have an xml data set of events and within it there is a tooltip element. How can I get another element to act as a trigger so my tooltip appears when I mouseover the element?
    My data set is displaying correctly. I'm trying to get the event title element to act as the trigger and the code that I have so far:
    <div spry:region="eventsDS">
            <table width="533">
                <th width="108" spry:sort="date">Date</th>
                <th width="105" spry:sort="title">Title</th>
                <th width="98" spry:sort="location">Location</th>
                <th width="202" spry:sort="price">Price</th>
              <tr spry:repeat="eventsDS">
                <td><a href="#tooltiptrigger">{title}</a></td>
          <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip" spry:detailregion="eventsDS">{tooltip}</div>
    <p><a href="#top">back to top</a></p>
          <script type="text/javascript">
    var sprytooltip = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip", "#tooltiptrigger");

    I see & chars in your xml, try wrapping it in <[CDATA[
    ]> tags like this:
    <description> <[CDATA[Beer (B), Beer & Wine (BW)
    or Beer, Wine & Liquor (BWL)<br />
    Off sale only, no consumption on the licensed
    Also if check out your xml in firefox, you will see that it
    shows a parsing error, most likely caused by the issue i addressed

  • 64-bit LabVIEW - still major problems with large data sets

    Hi Folks -
    I have LabVIEW 2009 64-bit version running on a Win7 64-bit OS with Intel Xeon dual quad core processor, 16 gbyte RAM.  With the release of this 64-bit version of LabVIEW, I expected to easily be able to handle x-ray computed tomography data sets in the 2 and 3-gbyte range in RAM since we now have access to all of the available RAM.  But I am having major problems - sluggish (and stoppage) operation of the program, inability to perform certain operations, etc.
    Here is how I store the 3-D data that consists of a series of images. I store each of my 2d images in a cluster, and then have the entire image series as an array of these clusters.  I then store this entire array of clusters in a queue which I regularly access using 'Preview Queue' and then operate on the image set, subsets of the images, or single images.
    Then enqueue:
    I remember talking to LabVIEW R&D years ago that this was a good way to do things because it allowed non-contiguous access to memory (versus contigous access that would be required if I stored my image series as 3-D array without the clusters) (R&D - this is what I remember, please correct if wrong).
    Because I am experiencing tremendous slowness in the program after these large data sets are loaded, and I think disk access as well to obtain memory beyond 16 gbytes, I am wondering if I need to use a different storage strategy that will allow seamless program operation while still using RAM storage (do not want to have to recall images from disk).
    I have other CT imaging programs that are running very well with these large data sets.
    This is a critical issue for me as I move forward with LabVIEW in this application.   I would like to work with LabVIEW R&D to solve this issue.  I am wondering if I should be thinking about establishing say, 10 queues, instead of 1, to address this.  It would mean a major program rewrite.

    First, I want to add that this strategy works reasonably well for data sets in the 600 - 700 mbyte range with the 64-bit LabVIEW. 
    With LabVIEW 32-bit, I00 - 200 mbyte sets were about the limit before I experienced problems.
    So I definitely noticed an improvement.
    I use the queuing strategy to move this large amount of data in RAM.   We could have used other means such a LV2 globals.  But the idea of clustering the 2-d array (image) and then having a series of those clustered arrays in an array (to see the final structure I showed in my diagram) versus using a 3-D array I believe even allowed me to get this far using RAM instead of recalling the images from disk.
    I am sure data copies are being made - yes, the memory is ballooning to 15 gbyte.  I probably need to have someone examine this code while I am explaining things to them live.  This is a very large application, and a significant amount of time would be required to simplify it, and that might not allow us to duplicate the problem.  In some of my applications, I use the in-place structure for indexing
    data out of arrays to minimize data copies.  I expect I might have to
    consider this strategy now here as well.  Just a thought.
    What I can do is send someone (in US) via large file transfer a 1.3 - 2.7 gbyte set of image data - and see how they would best advise on storing and extracting the images using RAM, how best to optimize the RAM usage, and not make data copies.  The operations that I apply on the images are irrelevant.  It is the storage, movement, and extractions that are causing the problems.  I can also show a screen shot(s) of how I extract the images (but I have major problems even before I get to that point),
    Can someone else comment on how data value references may help here, or how they have helped in one of their applications?  Would the use of this eliminate copies?   I currently have to wait for 64-bit version of the Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit for LabVIEW 2010 before I can move to LabVIEW 2010.

  • Fighting with typed data set and GetChildRows() method

    I have problems with the GetChildRows method of a typed data set of a VS2005 data set designer generated code to get all child rows from a parent table. Its not working the way it should and throws a "invalid cast exception" on the line
    DataSet.T_CHILDRow[] childs = parent.GetT_CHILDRows();
    I don't know if the problem is me and my still limited VS/C# knowledge or the Oracle .NET provider (local installed oracle10gR2 and Oracle .NET provider v2.0.50727) or VS2005 and the code generator for the data set.
    I attach the sample script to create my test table T_PARENT and T_CHILD as well as some test data and my program.cs console test application. To create the data set, just add a new data set to the solution named "DataSet.xsd" and drop the two test tables from the database explorer onto the data set designer window.
    ================ sample.sql =================
    create table T_PARENT (
    PARENT_ID number(10) not null,
    PARENT_NAME varchar2(100) not null,
    constraint T_PARENT_PK primary key(PARENT_ID)
    using index
    create table T_CHILD (
    CHILD_ID number(10) not null,
    PARENT_ID number(10) not null,
    CHILD_NAME varchar2(100) not null,
    constraint T_CHILD_PK primary key(CHILD_ID)
    using index
    alter table T_CHILD
    add constraint T_CHILD_FK1 foreign key(PARENT_ID)
    references T_PARENT(PARENT_ID);
    insert into T_PARENT(PARENT_ID, PARENT_NAME) values (1, 'Parent 1');
    insert into T_PARENT(PARENT_ID, PARENT_NAME) values (2, 'Parent 2');
    insert into T_PARENT(PARENT_ID, PARENT_NAME) values (3, 'Parent 3');
    insert into T_CHILD(CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_NAME) values (11, 1, 'First Child of Parent 1');
    insert into T_CHILD(CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_NAME) values (12, 1, 'Second Child of Parent 1');
    insert into T_CHILD(CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_NAME) values (13, 1, 'Third Child of Parent 1');
    insert into T_CHILD(CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_NAME) values (31, 3, 'First Child of Parent 3');
    ================ program.cs =================
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using TestChildRows.DataSetTableAdapters;
    namespace TestChildRows
         class Program
              static void Main(string[] args)
                   T_PARENTTableAdapter taParent = new T_PARENTTableAdapter();
                   DataSet.T_PARENTDataTable dtParents = taParent.GetData();
                   foreach (DataSet.T_PARENTRow parent in dtParents)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nParent Name: " + parent.PARENT_NAME);
                        DataSet.T_CHILDRow[] childs = parent.GetT_CHILDRows();
                        if (childs.Length > 0)
                             foreach (DataSet.T_CHILDRow child in childs)
                                  Console.WriteLine("\tChild Name: " + child.CHILD_NAME);
                             Console.WriteLine("\tThis parent has no childs!");
                   Console.Write("\nPress any key to end program ");

    I found it: the problem is a bug in VS2005. Even SP1 provides no fix. MS just states that it will be fixed in the next VS release, but provides no info which release this will be.
    For a work arround see:

  • Working with Large data sets Waveforms

    When collection data at a high rate ( 30K ) and for a long period (120 seconds) I'm unable rearrange the data due to memory errors, is there a more efficient method?
    Attachments: ‏36 KB

    Some suggestions:
    Preallocate your final data before you start your calculations.  The build array you have in your loop will tend to fragment memory, giving you issues.
    Use the In Place Element to get data to/from your waveforms.  You can use it to get single waveforms from your 2D array and Y data from a waveform.
    Do not use the Transpose and autoindex.  It is adding a copy of data.
    Use the Array palette functions (e.g. Reshape Array) to change sizes of current data in place (if possible).
    You may want to read Managing Large Data Sets in LabVIEW.
    Your initial post is missing some information.  How many channels are you acquiring and what is the bit depth of each channel?  30kHz is a relatively slow acquisition rate for a single channel (NI sells instruments which acquire at 2GHz).  120s of data from said single channel is modestly large, but not huge.  If you have 100 channels, things change.  If you are acquiring them at 32-bit resolution, things change (although not as much).  Please post these parameters and we can help more.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

  • Help Working With Variable Data Sets (PS CS3)

    I have two different projects for which I believe the Variable Data Sets would / could work.
    Project 1:
    I have created a student badge for our TV Media class and I would like to be able to use a Variable Data Set to automatically read a data file with First and Last names and then place them in the locations of my choosing. I would like to be able to import the list and have it automatically create the 30 ID cards I need and/or print them too.
    Project 2:
    I have created a really nice looking school dance ticket. Currently they are about 1.5" x 6". I would like to be able to use a Variable Data Set to automatically add a couple of different pieces of information: Date, Ticket Number (sequential).
    In each case, I have been able to successfully create a data set and replace a single variable, but I have not been able to modify more than one variable in a file.
    Each text selection is on its own layer. I have tried to create a text file that looks like this:
    FName, LName
    Joe, Smith
    Barney, Jones
    Thalia, Chamoix
    I have also tried to create two different files, such as for project two:
    January 04
    February 12
    March 19
    No matter what I have tried, I still cannot seem to get more than one variable to function at a time.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!

    I don't hink Data Merge is sophisticated enough to skip a page if the entire record is null, but it will skip blank lines if there is a null field and nothing else on the line.

Maybe you are looking for

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