Issue in clearing of previous data of screen cl_gui_docking_container= free

Hi All,
My program displays an idoc list(screen 100). Then if user selects any row in the method
gets the index no and details of that idoc are displayed in another screen(screen 200) .
Then control returns to this screen again. Now if user selects any row from idoc list (screen 100) then data is displayed along with data from previous screen .
In PBO of screen 200 : some code is :
create object go_docking
            dynnr     = '200'
            extension = 65
            side      = cl_gui_docking_container=>dock_at_top.
        create object go_grid_detail
            i_parent = go_docking.
some code
create object go_custom_cont
            container_name = 'DISPLAY_IDOC_CONTENT_200'.
        create object go_grid_detail
            i_parent = go_custom_cont.
some more code
call method go_grid_detail->set_table_for_first_display
            is_layout            = gs_layout
            it_toolbar_excluding = lt_exclude
            it_fieldcatalog      = fieldcatalog1
create object go_docking
              dynnr     = '200'
              extension = 65
              side      = cl_gui_docking_container=>dock_at_bottom.
          create object go_grid_detail
              i_parent = go_docking.
In PAI of 200 screen i have used :
some code      
free go_grid_detail.
      free go_custom_cont.
      go_docking->free( ).  free go_docking.
After freeing all data and on call of screen 200 from screen 100 still it shows data from which was there previously on screen 200.
How can clear all previous data . Even i have free the docking still not working .
Kindly please help.

if go_grid_detail is type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid, call go_grid_detail->free( ) before container->free( ).

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    Hi Desmukh,
    Thanks for ur reply.
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    Hi Satish,
    You got it correct. In first run users selects some input and presses submit to see output layer. Now he clicks on 'back' (history back) button to see previous input layer. He changes some parameters and submits to see 'previous' output layer containing graph and table data for previous selection until the data is reloaded from back end. Instead of this after pressing submit he should see blank chart and table and once data comes from back end it should get displayed.
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    Thanks in advance,

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    from dual)
    return c1.next_val;
    end loop;
    :P1_ID := get_pk;
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    Edited by: SUSHEEL JOSHI on Apr 9, 2010 4:47 PM

    Have multiple fields the same "name", are some field name or value too long.
    Check your Sapgui settings [[Alt]+[F12]|] and read OSS notes like  [Note 399180 - SAP GUI input history depending on field (name) length|]

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    Same for me, when install was finished all was gone, but strange enough the disk space bar was indicating 14Go other and that was exactly my content "in app" without apps, photos, video and music. So this data was not accessible due to missing apps and all my photo/video/music was gone.
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    Hope this help,

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    Can you check your planning mode and deletion mode combination defined in the ctm profile.
    Prerequisties for deleting the orders:
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    u2022 They do not have pegging relationships with demands outside of the planning period
    They lie outside of the production horizon, stock transfer horizon and the planned delivery time
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  • Error Message "No batch input data for screen SAPMF05A 0700" for FV60&FB60

    Dear All,
      I doing a BDC Upload program for Create Vendor Invoice and Park using FV60 ,But i can't upload successfully by Batch Input method and i am gettin the Error Message "No batch input data for screen SAPMF05A 0700'.I tried using FB60 and got the same error message. When i do in the direct method i can able to do it ,But can't park the document successfully and can do it untill sumilate only.
    How to overcome this issue and if you already encounter this kind of problem please advice me.
    Thanks in Advance.

      Below is my recording.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF05A'     '1100'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-ACCNT'  gwa_inv_up-lifnr.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-BLDAT'  gwa_inv_up-bldat.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-XBLNR'  gwa_inv_up-xblnr.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-BUDAT'  gwa_inv_up-budat.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-MONAT'  '9'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-BLART'  gwa_inv_up-blart.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-WRBTR'  gwa_inv_up-dmbtr.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-WAERS'  gwa_inv_up-waers.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-XMWST'  gwa_inv_up-xmwst.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-MWSKZ'  'P0'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-SGTXT'  gwa_inv_up-sgtxt.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF05A'     '1100'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'   '=PAYM'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-GSBER'  gwa_inv_up-gsber.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF05A'     '1100'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'   '=BS'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'INVFO-ZLSCH'  gwa_inv_up-zlsch.
        cnt = 1.
        cnt1 = 1.
        clear gwa_inv_line.
        loop at gt_inv_up  into gwa_inv_line  where indic = 'D'
                                       and count = gwa_inv_up-count.
          if cnt1 gt 1.
            concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-MARKSP(' cnt ')' into fld.
            perform bdc_field using fld 'X'.
            perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF05A' '1100'.
            perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=0005'.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-HKONT(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-lifnr.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-SHKZG(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-shkzg.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-WRBTR(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-dmbtr.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-MWSKZ(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-mwskz.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-SGTXT(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-sgtxt.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-GSBER(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-gsber.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-KOSTL(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-kostl.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-PROJK(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-posid.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-FISTL(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-fistl.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-FIPOS(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-fipos.
          concatenate 'ACGL_ITEM-GEBER(' cnt ')' into fld.
          perform bdc_field       using fld gwa_inv_line-geber.
          perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR' fld.
          cnt1 = cnt1 + 1.
        perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF05A' '1100'.
        perform bdc_field  using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=BS'.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMSSY0' '0120'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=BP'.
        call transaction 'FB60' using gt_bdcdata mode 'N' pdate 'S'
                                        messages into gt_bdc_messages.

  • Text not wrapping on Data Review Screen

    We are having an issue with text not wrapping on a screen, this has happened on the interview screens as well as the data review. Has anyone had this problem before? And how to fix it?
    Thank you,

    This will be a CSS issue which can be addressed by modifying main.vm.css. I don't know much about CSS, but when I had this issue with the data review screen for a custom look and feel I was working on, I was able to resolve it by specifying a data-review-item width which was smaller than the width of my banner graphic.
    In my example, my banner graphic was 960px in width, and I added "width: 820px;" for data-review-item in main.vm.css:
    .data-review-item {
        clear: both;
        width: 820px;
    }If you have a CSS person around, get them to take a look at main.vm.css and I expect they'll be able to work out the right fix for your specific situation.

  • Issue in clearing a vendor

    I have a issue in clearing this vendor it says "Exchange rate accounts are incomplete for account 240040 currency USD"  where i can do the necessary changes.please guide the path.

    Check <b>'Exchange rate difference key</b>' for that GL account in control data tab.
    you should tell the system that USD price difference goes to which GL acccount.
    Best Regards
    Ashsih Jain

  • Restrict goods issue if stock on posting date is zero

    Current Inventory period : July 2011
    Stock of a material from 01.07.2011 to 30.07.2011 is zero(in MB5B report)
    I upload stock of material  or GRN occur on 31.07.2011. Say Quantity u2013 100
    Now stock as on 31.07.2011 is 100 in MB5B
    Still, Stock of a material from 01.07.2011 to 30.07.2011 is zero(in MB5B)
    Now, If I do goods issue of a material quantity 100 on 15.07.2011. System allows goods issue. though opening and closing stock as on 15.07.2011 is zero.
    After goods issue transaction if I check stock of material on any date between 16.07.2011 to 30.07.2011 , The opening stock and closing stock shows negative.
    I want to restrict goods issue if stock on posting date is zero or less then stock available on posting date.
    Please suggest

    This is not the way SAP is designed. As the previous speakers wrote (and as you noticed yourself), SAP maintains stock figures in the database per month rather than per day. MB5B makes complex calculations in order to find out how much stock you had on a specific date - as you probably noticed on the response time. Performing such calculations every time you do a GI would be unfeasibly heavy task for the system - remember there are organisations that perform hundreds of inventory movements a minute!
    An alternative solution I suppose would be to maintain the daily stock figures in the database. This would make the finding of the stock figure very quick, but on the other hand, the maintenance of such table would be unfeasible - if you post today a GI on say July 1st, you would need to calculate 36 stock figures and update 36 database records!
    Hope this explains the technical issue.

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    it last night.  This morning I open the Ipad  to find nothing in contacts,  no notes....nothing.  I rushed back to the apple
    store and was told that apparently last night a backup took place and the Icloud backed up a clean info.  This is a
    huge problem.  Apple personel simply said sorry that the "genius" should have known better.   Attempts to restore seems to
    only go back to the last backup which of course is blank.  Now my question is it possible somehow with the cloud from a
    previous date like you can with  a PC?

    You can order recovery media here

  • No batch input data for screen SAPMSSY3 0131 in Sales order IDOC

    I am processing Sales order IDOCS in status 64 using RBDAPP01 .Some of them error out to status 51 with the message -
    No batch input data for screen SAPMSSY3 0131 .
    I know the standard IDOC inbound process tries to simulate the posting in a BDC like process.
    Now, I went to we19 and the screen hangs up in a pop up in the partners tab with partner type 'WE' and my shipto (which is actually filled in the IDOC), missing..upon repeatedly hitting enter, it goes thru and an idoc is posted in status 53. But still unable to get through the root of this issue.
    Any, insight will help.

    I think the pop-up is generated through and user-exit for which recording is missing. This is why your idoc stays in status 64...
    Handle the screen recording in the user exit IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS
    user exit routine
    PERFORM customer_function_dynpro.
                  DVTCOMAG = VTCOMAG
                  DLAST_DYNPRO = LAST_DYNPRO
                  DXVBAP    = XVBAP
                  DXVBEP    = XVBEP
                  DYVBEP    = YVBEP
                  DXVBADR   = XVBADR
                  DYVBADR   = YVBADR
                  DXVBPA    = XVBPA
                  DXVBUV    = XVBUV
                  DIDOC_DATA = IDOC_DATA
                  DXKOMV    = XKOMV
                  DXVEKP    = XVEKP
                  DYVEKP    = YVEKP
                  USER_ERROR = 01.

  • Error in LSMW for MM41 - "No batch input data for screen SAPLMGMW 0100"

    I'm trying to create an LSMW for MM41 to create new Retail articles en Mass. This will be used to only create the Basic view as other LSMW's already exist to maintain the other views. I've created the Recording and setup the LSMW already. My data is read correctly from the source file. When I execute the batch session it fails with the following error - "No batch input data for screen SAPLMGMW 0100".
    I assume the fields in MM41 screen are not setup for batch processing. Could someone with more knowledge or experience in SAP Retail please confirm my assumption and explain where this is setup or provide an alternative to creating new articles en Mass via MM41? The direct input method is more suited for MM01 and not MM41.

    Hi Guys,
    Thanks so much for all the prompt responses. My issue is now resolved.
    The issue, I'm sure, was my default settings in the MM41 screen which the recording probably took into account or the batch program didn't like. I deleted my recording and created a new one but before I started the recording, I went into the MM41 screen and removed all default values AND view selections. I made my Basic view selection constant in my recording and also in my field mapping. My LSMW for MM41 is now working perfectly.
    Just to answer some of the questions above, my LSMW was Reading and Converting the data in my source file fine. When I display the Read and Converted data, it shows the data fields in the correct place.
    Thanks again.

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