Iphone5 battery life

How long should the battery last when fully charged, with location services turned OFF? I'm going on 13 hrs while using WIFI and different apps throughout the day, I "kill" apps when not in use. Is there something I'm missing or is this it as far as battery life goes?

Tons and Tons of threads on this issue.
But today I have been testing my battery..
my stats are 22 hours 27 min standy, usage 7 hours 6 min, and at 5% battery left.
To me that is pretty good, but Apple should improve with an IOS upgrade.

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  • Another thread: Poor iphone5 battery life.

    Wondered if anyone had any similar experience and if they could fix it without a replacement phone:
    10 days old iphone5 16G.
    Initial Battery life with very light use: 22h.
    Reconfigured: Turned pretty much everything off apart from 15min fetch email: 36h
    Reset: No improvement.
    Restore as new: 48h with ony 2x 30 secs calls so mainly standby only.
    Any suggestions guys?

    Post Restore as new: Did NOT restore from backup. Then did deep discharge.  Now battery life is in excess of 54h with full pretty heavy use. (although crazy location and icloud stuff turned off).
    Really happy.  Great practical real-world phone.  I guess it is a software issue post 6.0.2 update.
    Just goes to show; listen to the support guys and do what they say *exactly*.  Dont skip any steps or add anything to what they say and all will be well.  I was skeptical but now converted.  Respect.
    Good luck to anyone with this issue.

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    What makes you so sure it isn't software?
    The camera can be focused by take the point of focus on the touch screen.
    If it is new as you said, it should be under warranty. Make a Genius Bar appointment or contact Apple with a repair request.

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    Is Iphone5 really weak in terms of battery life?

    Review the topics in this forum and you can see for yourself what problems people are coming here with. Keep in mind that judging a phone by the posts in a support forum gives you a very skewed view. Most people who bought the iPhone 5 are not having problems with it and they are not dropping into the forums to say "Hi, guys! Phone works great!" The people who aren't having battery issues aren't posting here. Keep that in mind as you read through the forums.

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    Lots of tips here:

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    1. If you don't use LTE, turn it off (Settings app)
    2. Let the battery run completely flat and recharge it fully; repeat that a few times
    3. Close all running apps and restart the phone.
    On the first day I had it, my iPhone got through the battery in about 7 hors. After doing the above, it still shows 34% and I haven't charged it for 2 full days

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    Without knowing what battery life you are seeing we can't determine if you have a problem. Have you compared your usage to the Technical Specifications?
    Talk time: Up to 8 hours on 3G
    Standby time: Up to 225 hours
    Internet use: Up to 8 hours on 3G, up to 8 hours on LTE, up to 10 hours on Wi-Fi
    Video playback: Up to 10 hours
    Audio playback: Up to 40 hours
    Under normal use, unless there's a problem with your phone, battery life is comparable to any other smart phone and better than some. If you've never owned a smart phone before you will be disappointed with the battery life on all smart phones. You should expect to charge any of them daily. It's a mistake to think of it as a phone at all; it's a very powerful pocket-sized computer that can also make phone calls.

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    Do you have background app refresh enabled under settings then general. Also check under Settings->General->Accessibility->check if reduce motion is turned on. Also if you are using Dynamic wallpapers the movement in the background will eat your battery life quite a bit.

  • How I fixed my short battery life on iPhone 5, and ActiveSync problems at the same time.

    For anyone still having activesync or battery problems I have a potential fix:
    I've had two issues lately. 
    First, my battery life was draining at an insane rate.  iPhone5 lasted about 3-4 hours before absolutely dead from a full charge.  LTE disabled, WiFi disabled, icloud turned off...about as power efficient as I could make it, and I was hardly using it at all.  I was losing 1% batt every 2-4 minutes. 
    I solved this problem by removing my work account (Exchange Activesync) from my mail accounts.  Obviously I couldn't stay like that for very long, so after confirming it stemmed the battery issue, I tried to add it back.  Did a bunch of different methods and tests, and what ended up working for me was:
    Remove ALL accounts (Had Exchange, gmail, icloud)
    hard reset the phone. 
    After it came back up, I reset the Network Settings just for good measure. 
    In Mail control panel, make sure "Default Account" doesn't have an old mail account listed (option may be not even present if you've removed all accounts, but I was having issues earlier where even though I'd removed accounts, it kept listing them in the Default Account/Calendar sections
    Add the Account
    Open Mail
    It actually took a min or two to start populating data, I didn't think it had worked, so give it a few minutes.
    My battery life issue seems to be fixed, and my ActiveSync account works again.  I've been off the charge for about 4h 40m now, and battery is at 90%, and that's with moderate usage on LTE.
    Hopefully this helps out anyone having similar issues.  For what it's worth, I removed/readded my Exchange account several times and it never worked until I had removed all accounts (my iCloud account was the last one to be removed), so if possible, just remove everything.  I had already restored, DFU'd, and tried several other steps.  This was what worked for me.
    I have NOT added my iCloud account back yet, but will be doing this now to see if any issues reappear.

    I am experiencng rapid battery drain as well. Before checking the forums I have closed apps running in background, turned off LTE, turned off location services, turned off wi-if & turned off Bluetooth...my battery drained to 53% in 3 1/2 hours.
    This is my 1st personal iDevice so I do not understand some of the verbiage. 
    What is "disabled safari on icloud"? 
    I go to Setting - iCloud & I am not signed in
    I don't see anything in Safari Settings about iCloud
    Thank you in advance for your assistance

  • IPhone5 Battery Issues *Fixed*

    I wanted to come share my experience with everyone, and maybe it will help some others out there.
    Backstory: Bought an iphone5, slowly after adding emails, apps, wifi, and whatever else I can think of, I actually thought the battery life was good. However, sometime in late November I went from being able to unplug my phone before work, and not have to charge it until I got home, to having to have it plugged in at work, or at least charge it multiple times a day. If I went out after work, with phone @ 100%, it would be dead before I got home. At most, the battery life was about 3 hours.
    No one at the apple store or sprint store was very helpful. I was told to turn off wifi (we don;t have LTE in seattle, so that was off) make sure all apps are closed through the double tapping homescreen, making sure bluetooth is off, I disabled icloud..... it didn't even give me 20 minutes worth of life.
    I was getting so fed up, I seriously considered buying a galaxy 3 and just eating the cost. Thankfully, I found someone online who had the same story as me. I followed his steps of simply "resetting network settings" It didn't erase any of my info on my phone, but my phone is back to working properly. I went all weekend without having to charge it more then once, and I have been at work streaming pandora since about 8am, and I am at 68% currently. Whatever the network reset was, fixed the issue. It closed whatever was running, that was destroying my battery.
    I hope this helps.

    Why don't you try to search for the many other threads instead of creating a new one.

  • Why "Home & Lock Screen" consume more than 20% battery life in iOS 8.3?

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    My battery will drop from 100% to 30% within 4 hour battery usage (you can find this is the data in the Settings->General->Battery Usage->Usage)
    When I go to check the battery usage of each app, I see "Home & Lock Screen" use 23% battery within 24 hours.
    I just dont understand what does "Home & Lock Screen" do basically, and why it consumed so much battery usage?
    Anyone has idea or the similar situation?
    I'm using iPhone 5s

    Hey guys, I believe it can let you extends your battery life significantly by doing the following.
    (I did an experiment by myself in these days)
    1. Turn off the hands off
    2. Turn off the non-necessary background app refresh
    3. Turn off the Suggested Apps, both My Apps and App Store
    4. Set the location service for every app into "While Using" if you are able to
    By doing the settings above, I can extends my battery life 15% and more.
    I am using iPhone5s and iOS8.3

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    Does anyone know why IOS8 drains my iphone5 battery?  The battery life was not great before and now it has about half the life on it. I've also noticed that my phone's programs run slower (particularly iphoto and safari).  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is there a way to change this?  Is it possible to go back to IOS7 or is a new update coming out to fix this problem?

    It's probably an app that's gotten stuck. First thing to do is to is the following procedure:
    Close all open apps by double-tapping the home button, then swiping up and off the screen with the app window (not the smaller icon).
    Reset your device: hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until the screen goes black and you see the Apple, then let go. (No data loss)
    Now read this article and adjust your settings as advised: http://www.overthought.org/blog/2014/the-ultimate-guide-to-solving-ios-battery-d rain

  • My iPhone5 battery dies when I'm not using it

    My iPhone5 battery dies even when I'm not using it its like I put my phone down and it's a 10% then when I look at the battery later when I look at the battery it's like at 1% please help me thank you

    Battery life seems short
    Click ( www.apple.com/batteries/iphone.html) for tips on how to prolong iPhone's battery life.
    Try turning iPhone off and then on again.
    Connect iPhone to iTunes and restore iPhone.
    If the screen shows a low-battery image, the battery is low on power and needs to charge for up to ten minutes before you can use it.
    When charging iPhone, make sure to leave it charging until it is fully charged. You'll know the battery is fully charged when the battery icon in the upper-right corner of the screen looks like this .
    Note: When charging using a computer, don't connect iPhone to a keyboard. Also, the computer must be turned on and not in sleep or standby mode. If iPhone is connected to a computer that's not turned on or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPhone battery may drain.

  • IPhone 5 shuts down with 20% battery life

    This started after installing iOS8 (currently on iOS 8.1.1): At around 20% battery life, if I'm using any app at all the phone will shut down like there's no battery left. It will not restart. Plug it into the charger and get the display showing there's no battery life and it needs charging. After about 30 seconds, phone powers back up and shows 20%+ battery.
    I have tried draining it to shut down, but it's hard to get it past 20%. I have made sure there were no background apps running, turned off just about everything I could. No joy. And this never happened under iOS7; it started right after I installed iOS8.
    I've seen threads on this behavior, but no definitive answers. Thoughts?

    See if your phone is one that Apple has noted as requiring a replacement battery: https://www.apple.com/support/iphone5-battery/

  • Battery life is rubbish

    my bartery life keeps going from 55% to 6% in about 15 minutes does anybody know why this is or knows a solution to fix this problem, it's the iPhone 5 i0s8

    See if your phone qualifies for a battery replacement here: https://www.apple.com/support/iphone5-battery/

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