IOS6.1 battery life rubbish!

Can someone tell me when Apple will release an upgrade for devices other than iphone4S - I have an iphone4 and need it to work properly!

I have the same problem with my iPad 1 and 2.
iPad 1:
Since updating to 4.3 the battery life drains like 1% per minute when using internet or playing online games (like Smurfs'Village).
Since updating to 4.3.1 the battery drains a bit less faster but it's still not as good as before 4.3.
iPad 2:
I bought iPad 2 last friday and upgraded to 4.3.1 when i connected it to my computer and the battery life drain really fast when surfing the internet or playing online games.
A friend of mine is having the same problem with his iPad 2 and is even thinking of returning it if it's not seen to it fast.
I tried deactivating Ping in the Restrictions section bu that did nothing to my first iPad. I'm still testing that with the second.
Is there something else that can be done? Am I missing something?
Thank you for your help!

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    Sorry this is a user to user technical forum.  There is NO APPLE here as stated in the term of use when you signed up for this forum.
    here are some battery tips

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    I would have to agree. I think that the update is affecting some users. I am guessing you are using a touch. I boutght mine a year ago, it had i4 on it, after the update to i5 i noticed a vast improvment on the battery life. After the update to i5 (which igmackenzie) has nothing to do with how you updated it, wi-fi or hard wired, as long as it takes you are good. It does seem that for some reason, i5 has a finiky issue when it comes to correctly updated apps (i5 ready) and the app store crashing. (have updated about 75% of mine and the issue seems to have resovlved its-self.)
    As a long time user of this site for issues i am having and a long time mac user, will you please keep your opinions out of it. this is a help site, for people to remedy issues. NOT a blog for user forum. Appleinsider has a great place for you to discuss your OPINIONS, as for your HELPFUL advice, that is greatly appreciated. But it does appear that the user basically figured it out on their own.

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    Hotspot functionality is entirely dependent upon the carrier.
    Do they support Hotspot?
    Is the account properly provisioned for the feature?

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    Are you certain you reset the SMC properly?

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    You are def not the only person with this issue.  However, it is NOT because of the update.  It is cause by your usage and how your phone is set up.  I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but they gave us new features that do require more attention.  All power saving setting should be applied as they directed you.  But you can also start by reducing your phones usage, when it "stays put".  Start by closing apps you don't need running in the back ground.  Turn off location services for apps you dont need...  As an example, FB allows you to post a status and include your location...  But how does it know your location...?  cause its ALWAYS checking through out the day as you travel around so that it finds your location quicker by looking at your last known location.  Then you can also start by setting your screen brighness to auto.  Even though its on "auto" you determine the brightness that it should use on auto.  So dim your screen some.  Even a 25% reduction will add an hour or more to your phone.  Turn off notifications you don't need....  Even if you dont look at them, they still light up your screen and suck battery life... You can also set your notifications to alert you once and not twice as its set as a default.  If your using "find my friends" and you have a buddy who is a little too hyped about the app and stalking someones movements, then that location tracking is sucking the life out of your phone...  Just as an example...  Lets say your using it, and your buddy added you.  If you buddy thinks his wife is up to something and hes stalking her movements, every time he goes looking to see what she's doing, he's also checking on you....  Make sense??

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    Yes the 2010 MBPs were the most efficient MBPs made in terms of battery life (and the 10.6 OS).  I have one.  The subsequent quad core/10.7 OS changed that some what with a lesser battery life span.  I also have a 2011 MBP. 
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