IOS 8.3 is draining my iPhone 6 Plus battery life. how to downgrade to iOS 8.2?

I never changed my mobile phone using habits. All that changed recently is my iPhone 6 Plus getting an iOS 8.3 update. I noticed my battery life draining quicker than the usual. It used to still have enough juice to last me until midnight, now by lunch time i am already at 63%!
Anyone experiencing this?
Know the proper legitimate way to downgrade from iOS 8.3 to 8.2? Prefer to have longer battery life than have this updated 8.3 in my phone. I don't feel the benefits of the upgrade to begin with.

The rate of battery loss is still slowly accelerating. At this rate I expect less than 8 hours usage time.
I wrote a review of my new iPhone 6 Plus here and brought up the issue:
If anybody has any ideas, or comparative battery life results, please let me know.

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    Hello Larry Calvert,
    I'm sorry to hear you are having these issues with your iPhone after the recent iOS 8.2 update; I know how frustrating that can be. To help isolate the cause of the battery drain issue, you may want to make sure you have your data backed up, then try restoring your iPhone to factory settings (with a fresh copy of iOS 8.2) and testing it in that default condition to see if the issues persist before moving your data back. You may find the information and steps outlined in the following articles helpful:
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    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support
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    Battery Type: Rechargeable Li-Ion Polymer (Embedded)
    *CREATIVE specifications.
    I had tested on my zen stone plus battery life... I used uni'versal travel adapter for zen micro to fully charged my zen stone before began my test... I let it continuous audio playback till all battery drained
    Detail :
    * 30 Song, ~80 song is rock/techno, ~50 song is pop
    * Bit Rate: 28-320 kbps
    * Audio sample rate: 44kHz
    * Bass Boost On
    * EQ set to rock
    * Continuous audio playback - No skipping Tracks
    * Volume - 3/40
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    headphone or not)
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    * Firmware .03.0
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    * Contrast - 40%
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    Next hrs - Left bar
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    Thank !Message Edited by hippon2 on 0-8-200707:34 PM
    Message Edited by hippon2 on 0-8-200707:36 PM

    ok, I will tkae that under consideration. Now I have another battery issue, after fully charging the MP3 player I noticed that the battery life drain rather quickly while it is off. I lost 9% of it's charge from taking it off the charger at midnight and then plugging it into the usb port of my computer the next morning at 10:00am. The clock is turned off so it should not be doing anything for those 0 hours.

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