Internal Media Storage faulty

I have an issue that i hope someone can assist with. My BB Torch 9800 keeps telling me that my Built in media storage is not accesable and has errors. I try to repair but it cant. Please help.

Why can't you? What happens when you make that attempt. what error occurs?
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    Message was edited by: zanfardinom

    Hi Everyone!
    Thank you all for your suggestions. I agree...Drobo looks great, but I am finding more and more bad news when it comes to editing. It looks like a great solution for archiving. I received another solution with great reviews from one of my colleagues contacts. They work for a big company.
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    I doubt this can be relocated or moved so you might want to just repost in the macbook pro area.
      MacBook Pro
    Can you afford a new Thunderbolt case and cable? any case with FW800 is going to be slow 72MB/sec and less, and any new 1TB drive is capable of 75MB/s minimum up to 125MB/sec.
    Thunderbolt storage can of course when setup properly reach 100's of MB higher using multiple drives.
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    you might be able to take the drive - most cases allow you to open and swap drives - and use this:
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    or this: -high-performance-dual-drive-hard-drive?fnode=5f

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    Please check out the following article to get one author's opinion on using the Time Capsule as a Media Storage device: theAppleBlog: Using Time Capsule as a Media Drive

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    Hi Carmen,
    Have you recenlty taken backup of your device including in built media storage, if yes then you may restroe your data from there otherwise it would be difficult to recover the lost data.
    Further try to boot your handheld by battery pull, while device is powered ON & re-insert battery after a min, then check..!!
    Good luck...!!

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    I've re-installed the latest DM SW - Nove 5 2010.
    BES 5.0.4
    BES 10.2
    Exchange 2010

          My guess is that it's related to content protection, but was hoping someone else would have encountered it.
    Honestly though, the BES backups have been more than adequte - as long as the user account was deleted at the same time as the device wipe.
    BES 5.0.4
    BES 10.2
    Exchange 2010

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    Thanks, guys.
    CoasterFanFL - yes, I'm confused coz I have an iPhone 4 and upgrading to an iPhone so there is definitely a 3 megapixels difference in the camera and possibly the quality of the video recording as well. If I get an iPhone 5 16GB and I use 2GB for songs, 2GB for applications and 2GB for photos, I wonder how much GB remaining can I use for video recording in terms of minutes. Also, my understanding is that you don't get the full 16GB of data space / storage space when you get the iPhone 5 16GB out of the box. Is this correct ?

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    Any ideas please? thanks

    Try a clean re-load of the Device software using Desktop Manager.
    Also if you put your SD card in a Card adaptor and transfer any media onto your PC, you can then Repair or Reformat the SD card
    Craig Ashcroft Elite UK
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    Then a single drive whether USB3 or E-sata will work. The only difference between them with single drives is latency. E-sata has a lower latency than USb3. Outside of that the speed is the same for mechanical drives.

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        Hi Bourgeois,
    A factory reset should erase everything allowing room for apps to be presented. Please verify the steps on were completed.
    Thank you,
    Please follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Verizon Cloud media storage was removed

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    As you requested, access to your Verizon Cloud media storage was removed.  Please contact Customer Service if you would like to restore your previously backed up photos, videos, music, documents, messages and call logs.
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    Anyone got an idea regarding what I might have done to create this situation and, more importantly,  how to reverse it?

    You should definitely have access to your Cloud storage! Did you recently remove Verizon Cloud from your features? Did you happen to have the app on the phone and remove the app recently?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Getting meesage internal media needs repair

    Recently i had problems with handeset and it will not boot completely . It was stopping at around 75%. I took it to service centre and problem was rectified. needless to say I lost most of what what there in hamdset.
    But in last three days I got message twice ( while restarting)- Internal media needs reair. I continue to repair and it works. My worry is it may again start giving me problem.
    Is ther something which i can do to avoid this error?

    No, there is nothing you can do. If the internal memory (or any of the circuits that interact with it) is damaged, then it is very likely to happen again, and indeed degrade over time. There is nothing you can do to prevent that, if it is indeed the case.
    But, truly diagnosing that is virtually impossible at an internet-distance. Such things can only be properly diagnosed by a qualified BB technician with the device in their hands. If your fears are too great, then you should seek such professional evaluation.
    Beyond that, the only thing you can do is to conduct regular backups...consider that the device itself is a mere commodity, but the data it contains is quite priceless indeed. You can find full backup instructions via the link in my auto-sig on this post.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • HT1925 I'm sure its been asked/answered (regarding external media storage) but...

    I have 2 computers (desktop/laptop) sharing 1 iTunes account (including iTunes in cloud).  Both computers have their own external drives for the media content (basically 2 copies of everything).  I’d like to use my laptop (Win7) as the primary iTunes ‘hub.’ When I use the laptop though, it doesn’t necessarily sync to the external drive and keeps defaulting media, app info & content to the internal drive (despite changing the preferences for the external drive).  I’m debating reinstalling iTunes but how do I make sure it ‘defaults’ to the external drive ONLY for the media and not the HD?  Also, what iTunes folders that are associated with the content should (or can) be kept (playlists, for example)?

    More data would be nice.
    Such as what application do you use to do your photo editing? Same for video editing?
    My experence with networks storage for photo editing and little video editing I have done is that it is painfully slow. One of the primary reasons I use a Mac Pro with multiple internal disk drives. They give me access to the data much quicker then external disk drives never mind network storage.
    So far the only use I have found either external or network storage is backup. They are done after hours so speed is not that important.

  • I need multi-system media storage advice please...

    I have a small video production company; we currently have two workstations, a Power Mac G4 dual 1.42Ghz and a Power Mac G5 dual 2.0Ghz. Our workload is increasing at a healthy rate. But with more work comes the need for larger and more flexible storage for our media. We primarily work in DV and more recently HDV.
    Typically my editor and I will work on different projects back and forth. What we are forced to do is copy all our assets back and forth from system to system. We have multiple firewire drives on both systems but sneaker-netting them back and forth doesn't work because normally both projects we are working on may share the same drive. So inevitable, we are forced to copy it from one firewire to another or through the network. It's not over efficient to say the least, and at times it messes up backups and keeping things correctly up to date.
    What we need is some sort of shared storage that both systems can access a RAID setup at the same time, but of course has enough bandwidth to serve the Power Macs their HDV media. An Xserve is a total overkill, and honestly beyond our budget.
    Does anyone have any cost-effective suggestions? I would think, bandwidth-wise, something like a Firewire 800 or eSATA makes the most sense. I am very computer savvy, but I have to admit my knowledge of the different solutions and how they could work for out setup evades me. That’s why I've come to you guys!
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!
    PowerMac Dual 2.0 G5-PowerMac Dual 1.42 G4-MacBook Pro C2D 2.33-Mac mini 1.42 G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    can someone please recommend a solution that I can use to store and access all my dv projects? I'm using imovie, but soon to upgrade to fcp, and am looking at the lacie 2tb raid drives. My issue is that I do not understand Raid and how it will affect my ability to access and edit directly. I tend to like to import lots of footage (60-80gb) and then work through the editing process with all of it at my fingertips. I want a solution that will allow me to put all my video in and work with it from there, while knowing that I have the ability to recover the data should the drive malfunction. Ideally I'd store all my footage on that drive long term, but not sure if that's the best way. Somebody straighten me out on this.
    It's a bit daunting. I'm not afraid of spending up to about $1500 on this, but I want to be sure that I pick the correct hardware. I do not necessarily need the ability to share over network or have multiple machines access projects simultaneously, just redundancy / stability and speed for accessing during editing sessions I guess.
    thanks! BT

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