Image Fill on Numbers (automate)

Dear All,
I have huge collection of mages that I would like to add on my numbers (spreadsheet) and on the spreadsheet I already have all the file name of those images files as I have special pattern of it such. filename-sq.jpeg, filename2-sq.jpeg listed on on numbers.
Is there any way to automate the image fill process in numbers with the correct dimension of the images since that I already have the file name on the lists?

Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Are you referring to the white space at the bottom? That's the only white space I see in Safari or Firefox. The reason for that is that the image is only 914 pixels in height. That's not high enough to fill the browser's window. If you have Photoshop you can change the size to about 2017 x 1200 at 72 dpi and that should fill the height. However, the width will be much larger and what you want on the screen will be less than before, widthwise.
Also I would consider trying to optimize the image files so that they are smaller and will load faster. The first page's photo is 452 KB. I was able to get it down to 172 KB without any noticeable image degradation. There are 3rd party apps that can do the job.

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    Numbers does not support images as the contents of a cell, only as an image fill for the background, or formatting, of a cell.  Neither does Numbers really "save" as an Excell document; that is an export operation, which does not keep image fills.
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    Start Numbers.
    Open the worksheet with the image fill.
    Select the (Numbers) cell with the image you want to copy.
    Open Inspector from the Numbers toolbar.
    Click on either Table Inspector tab or the Fill Inspector tab. For this specific task, there is no difference.
    Click on the thumbnail image displayed. The outline should turn blue.
    Command key + C (or from the menubar, Edit, Copy) to copy the image to the clipboard.
    Now open Preview. If Preview is not already open, clicking on any image listed in Finder (.jpg, .png) will open it.
    Now in the Preview menubar, select File, New from Clipboard.
    When you click Save, you can save the image in your choice of graphic formats from the dropdown menu.
    Message was edited by: kostby

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    Click at bottom of the first page:
    Menu > Insert > Section break
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    Click into the header or footer of the second page:
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    Open the parent file. Go to Tools> Advanced Editing> Link tool. Then draw an area in the parent file with the link tool to open the new file. You will get the Create link dialog box. Under Link action, select "Open a file" and click on next. Select the file to open and click on Select button. You will get the "Specify Open Preference Window".  Select  "New Window"  and Click on OK. Save the file and re-open it. This time the new file will open in a new window keeping the parent file.
    Bobby Johnson.

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    Can you provide a little more detail, maybe a screenshot?  ExportPDF only converts PDFs to other file types, what exactly are you using to try to fill out the form?  The two Adobe form filling tools I would recommend would be:
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    The only way to get a black browser background is to set it to black. If you tile the photo there will be not browser background or make the image large enough so that it would take a very large browser window to exceed the photo's size. Or create a very large canvas with the photo in it at its original size and the rest of the area black.

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    Hi Nico_Cineaste,
    You can achieve the design by using Fullscreen Slideshow in MUSE as object.
    Open any page in MUSE , click on the "Object" >> Slideshow >> Fullscreen.
    Click on your blank web page.
    This will give you a full screen slideshow.
    You can now design as per your requirement.
    Prabhakar Kumar

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    Thank you in advance.

    This just makes it a solid color
    In that case, change the opacity to around 50%, circled green in the screen grab below.
    If you click the drop arrow obscured by your green arrow you will see what I mean.
    That is the colour preset selection box, you can't add or change the presets so you use the colour wheel to set a custom colour value.
    The colour wheel changes the values of hue, saturation, brightness and opacity of the object you have set as the background image; a texture, photograph or graphic. rather than use one of the 30 presets.
    This is a rectangle shape with a texture applied and a custom cyan setting:

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    Hi penserv,
    Please check if it is with one file or with all the files.
    If the issue is occurring on all the files, then please contact support as we are not able to recreate this issue on our end :

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    You can find the woodgrains in the Leatherbook Theme.
    Save a blank leatherbook preso (with theme images).
    Thanks for your response. The good news is that it sounds like a woodgrain image file can be created.
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    The solution I've found online was to reset the settings, but it didn't have any effect.
    Any suggestion?
    Thank you

    Hi Anna
    I must admit I’ve not tried with so many images but it could be a memory (RAM) issue. Have you tried combining images 1 to 9 and then 10 to 18. Then try joining the two saved pano images into one.
    Or you could try creating a blank template:
    File >> New >> Blank File
    Choose the overall width and height, together with resolution then drag and drop the two saved images on to the canvas. Drag each into position and use the corner handles to scale and merge. If necessary use masking with the brush tool.

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