IMac Freezing & Microsoft Office for Mac

I took my 7 day old iMac back to the store I purchased from. After two days of solid testing, the techs there were unable to make my machine freeze or crash. This is after I experienced either a freeze or completely black screen/reboot every 2 to 5 minutes.
I brought the machine back to my office, fired it up and you guessed froze. Here's the thing...the only software open was Microsoft's Entourage.
Yeah, I know...seems to go against all things good to have to load Microsoft products on a Mac, but my clients all use Office.
I uninstalled Entourage and so far so crashing or freezing or black screens or anything.
I'm keeping a log of the software I have open for the next few days just in case the freezing happens again. That way, I'll know exactly what I have open at the time of the failure.
So I'm wondering if anyone else with a freezing iMac has Office 2004 loaded and could this perhaps be the culprit?

Hi Bee,
Thanks for the welcome. My original post about my iMac problems are over in the Freezing iMac thread. After talking with AppleCare, I decided to take my new machine back to the store I bought it. They are what I think called a boutique Mac store. Anyway, they have a 7 day return policy...get all your money back.
I was so frustrated with the freezing, crashing, black screens, I went in with the intent of returning it for a refund. This small neighborhood store has been averaging selling 3 iMacs a week for since these Alum ones were released. Mine is the only one they have heard of with these issues. They were mystified and were really curious about this problem.
Anyway, I uninstalled the trial software before installing my copy of Microsoft Office. So even though your suggestion is very thoughtful and helpful, it doesn't apply to my machine.
I'm going to continue to monitor and record what I'm doing, although if I have many more unproductive days due to this machine, I will simply have to return it. As I've posted before, I'm workey, no eatey.
I was just wondering since Office for Mac 2004 was written as universal and not specifically for Intel Macs, could they be the culprit...although it looks like the problem people are having is pretty wide and so most likely the software is not the problem. Just trying to grasp for an answer...

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    In the MS Office folder is a folder named Addtional Tools. Inside that folder is the uninstaller. You must uninstall the Trial version (if you have installed it) before installing the normal version of Office. If you have never installed the Trial version then simply drag the entire Trial folder to the Trash and delete it. Then install your normal version of Office.
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    It isn't being supported any longer.
    If you haven't done this you might want to consider doing it for security.
    NTP fix for Snow Leopard:

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    First try iWork free for 30 days here.
    To get your files remove the hard drive from the dead computer and put it into an external enclosure, connect to either the firewire or usb port of your mac depending on which enclosure you buy and get your files. The dead motherboard should have no ill effect on your files as long as the hard drive still works.
    A good source for enclosures is
    Also I like ures

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    This is not possible.
    Apps for the Mac are for Mac conputers only running Mac OS X only. iDevices use Apple's mobile OS iOS. They are not cross compatible OSes.
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    Good Luck.

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    Depending on which version of Office for Mac you have, you can find updates here:

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    Use any number of free alternatives to your nearly decade old version of MS Office.
    LibreOffice (donation-supported)
    NeoOffice (free)
    OpenOffice (free)
    In addition to the above I also recommend Apple's Pages ($19.99). I use OpenOffice and Pages and have been completely Microsoft - free for years. Life is better without Microsoft.

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