I can't download Photoshop CS6 to my Win 7 64 bit PC.  When I click on the installer, it just clocks

When I click on the Download Photoshop CS6 beta for Windows (ZIP, 1.7 GB) option, the window tab gets the revolving circle in the corner, but nothing happens.  There is no window to choose open/save.  There is no other message.  Nothing seems to happen.  Please help.

My suggestion: manual download driver from the following link & install to your machine:
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    Yes, if you repurchase it you may lose your progress. The exception would be a game that stored all your progress on a server under your ID
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    Hi 637beach,
    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    If it says up to date in the creative cloud and is not present on your system.
    Then please follow the below article
    You can also download CS6 Photoshop directly

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    For CS6 downloads, Please refer:
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/cs6-product-download s.html

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    Hi gmra,
    You can download Phtoshop CS6 from the direct download links available at : http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cs6-direct-download-links.html
    But make sure you follow the important steps mentioned on the page before initiating the download.

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    Access Denied
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    try to download anything here : http://www.adobe.com/mena_ar/downloads.html

    Chris Cox wrote: 
    There isn't much you can do other than purchase a license or run the trial on another machine
    Cait98 wrote:
    I don't know what to do now
    I'm guessing, assuming you have continued interest in Photoshop, what you can do now might involve purchasing a license or running the trial on another machine. 

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