I am trying to use the Mini Bridge in Adobe Photoshop CS6 (desktop) and all I get is "Waiting for Bridge CS6 ..." in the panel at the bottom of the screen.

I am running on a Core i7 iMac with 20GB or RAM and have already done the two applicable steps in the main Adobe  help area relating to Switchboard (Error: Waiting for Bridge | Mini Bridge panel) to no avail. Any ideas?

Have you tried to start the bridge CS6  then open Photoshop CS6 try to use the mini bridge.
I have a problem on windows too.  Sometimes when I open CS6 version 13.1.2 and try to use the mini bridge Its panels has a message Bridge must be running and there is a launch bridge button. When I use that button Bridge  gets launched but may hangs before displaying its application window or anything in the mini bridge panel.  I can terminate the bridge when this happens with windows task manager and start the bridge. After doing that the mini bridge launch button became a reconnect button using it mini bridge then work.
I can also start Bridge CS6 before  Photoshop CS6 and mini bridge works as soon as Photoshop is up and running.

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    In Photoshop, are you launching 'Bridge' or 'MiniBridge'? Usually the error message 'Waiting for Bridge' comes when you try to open MiniBridge in Photoshop.
    The first thing you can try is to purge preferences & cache in Bridge.
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    If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated and thank you.
    Help :-(

    Hello Gener7,
         I did try everything on the FAQ page (all steps) I also did them a few more times with "Adobe help" walking me through 2 more times.  I just don't get it, I have been on with Adobe on some days up to 5 hours at a time for over a month now.  I think it must be something with the installation disc but they say no, no, switchboard is just not working on my OS X 10.9.4.  I even took the computer into the apple store here and had them look it over, reinstall everything and they say it's the Adobe software.
         Thank you very much for your help, it's nice to know someone is reading this :-)  I do work around this by saving the files and reopening them in the next program I need but everyone in class is always waiting on me, (it sucks) and I just think it should work.  Hope you have a good day and I will put an update on here if this is ever figured out.
    Thanks one more time :-)

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    You should try to keep the title short and sweet and put the details in the message... it's a mystery what happened regarding the download link, so here's some...
    PSE 10, 11, 12 - http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/kb/photoshop-elements-10-11-downloads.html
    PE 10, 11, 12 - http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-elements/kb/premiere-elements-10-11-downloads.html

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    Hi there,
    The simplest way is to drag it across wirelessly using the 'Airdrop' application once both computers are near one another. 'Airdrop' can be found near the top, on the left hand side menu, within 'Finder'.

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