Humming power supply?

Apart fro the slight fan whirr...which appears to be normal, I get this slight deep humming noise...possibly from the power supply or hard drive. When I lift the iMac up, it is gone. I have a piece of foam on my wooden desk, which reduces the humming a bit. In the past the humming went away once the computer had warmed up properly.
Do you experience the same?

"All this ramping up and down of the cpu temp and fan speeds, when the unit goes to sleep, can't be doing it any good."
The CPU temp & fan speed varies with processing load under normal usage, even with CPU prefs set to a fixed performance level. When the machine is unattended but not asleep, various background processes will still run (maintenence scripts, Bonjour & USB 'discovery' probes, etc.), so sleeping the computer may actually reduce the net thermal cycling.
It also will reduce physical wear & tear on moving parts (fans, hard drives) & the time electrical parts are exposed to elevated temperatures, which may extend their lives. Balancing that, the "ramps" are obviously more extreme when going from sleep to wake states.
Overall, I think the best compromise is to set sleep time to an hour or so, or whatever setting for your usage pattern that avoids sleep kicking in frequently throughout the day but does allow overnight sleep.

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    Power off the AirPort Extreme for a few minutes and start it back up to see if a simple reset will get things going again. If not, replace the power supply.
    Airport Extreme Power Supply -

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    Hi, Dan:
    I don't have your model PC, so here are some generic instructions.
    Turn on the PC and at the beginning of the HP welcome screen, tap the F10 key to gain access to the BIOS.
    There should be a menu to Save Defaults and Exit, when you go to exit the BIOS.
    That is all there is to it.
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    If you have the IDT audio chip, below is the latest driver for it.
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    RS? XS? something other than those? The linked discussion OP had an XS and went to SMART unit. Before I bought CyberPower to replace one of my two 1500VAs (one XS and other RS) I decided to ditch APC this go around. And, glad I did. Quiet, green, stand-by mode.
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    Thanks in advance
    Power G4 PPC (Digital Audio Model)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   466 Mhz, 5400 rpm, Graphics-ATI Rage 128 Pro
    Power G4 PPC (Digital Audio Model)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   466 Mhz, 5400 rpm, Graphics-ATI Rage 128 Pro

    Hi, Barry!
    Insure that the PSU case is relatively clean.
    Disconnect the power cord. Using a pin oiler, place a tiny bit of fine lubricant at the base of the fan shaft and then see if the noise resolves. If it does, the fan bearing is likely worn or insufficiently lubricated.

  • G5 iMac Will Not Turn On - Power Supply Diagnosis?

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    Could anyone suggest how to diagnose the problem?

    Hi there:
    My experience with Macintosh computers has not included the G5 iMac even though I almost got one to replace a failed-under-AppleCare iMac G4 17" 1.25GHz after three/four major failures and no local support.
    ...So, I think you may be able to pull the hard disk drive out of that computer and see if an external enclosure could allow you access those files IF the drive spins up at all. Sometimes odd things happen, and the G5 iMac had some history of capacitor and other failures that could be a problem. I see there are a few free information guides here that may be helpful:
    If the battery on the logic board was dead, but the computer kept in running condition by leaving it plugged in, once the computer was left unplugged for a time then the device may fail to start. There is a way to reset the power management chip (different names for same idea as technology moved forward) and that could help in the process of troubleshooting most power related issues in the PPC Macs of later G3/G4/G5 design.
    There are troubleshooting items of interest in here ie: what to do when your computer won't turn on...
    Sorry to not be of direct help in this matter.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    All DMP's are connected to APC power bars with Surge Protection, and the LCD Screen continues to work fine. The DMP will just quickly flicker both Red and Green Lights, and remain unresponsive. We have tried cleaning teh contacts on the power supply but have had no luck.
    I have had to swap 10-12 of them now, these have been working with no issues in the field for over 3 years.
    I guess I am just wondering if anyone else has had this problem, a search on here didn't reveal anything.

    I haven't heard anything about this on the 4305, but just pointing out that this is a 2-year old post.
    We're using some Linksys POE -> 5V splitters and they've been humming away for years. I listen to feedback about reliability, but it would be helpful if a specific part # / manufacturer on the brick were identified along with any complaints about it.
    As far as replacements, be sure to use the right specifications, other DMPs operate off of 12VDC but the 4305 uses a 5-volt adapter.
    Input voltage: 5V
    Input current: 3 ADC
    Power consumption: Peak: 12W; average: 5W

  • C3750X get power supply errors

    Hi, I got a problem with some phones connected to a C3750X-48PS. Phones are Polycom SoundPoint 560. Ports most critical: gig 1/0/9 & 1/0/31.
    Actually, the C3750X belongs to a stack, with the IOS: 12.2(55)SE3.  The environment conditions: power supply working ok, temperature level: ok. (show env all). Physically the LEDs are in green, and the room does not have temperature issues.
    Also, the phones present a humming noise (high pitch). The noise keeps happening even if the phones are plugged in other ports of a stack. It was attempted to connect the phones directly to the stack ports instead of the ports in the cubicules, and the issue keeps happening.
    The Stack presents also sudden fan to spin up / spin down for a couple of minutes, and within a couple of minutes from working on and off.
    Customer has another facility with the same switches but with IOS12.2(55)SE1, in there the same phones were tested and they are working fine.
    A reboot was performed, but now the C3750X show these messages:
    %ILPOWER-3-CONTROLLER_PORT_ERR: Controller port error, Interface Gi1/0/9: Power Controller reports power Tstart error detected
    %ILPOWER-3-CONTROLLER_PORT_ERR: Controller port error, Interface Gi1/0/31: Power Controller reports power Tstart error detected

    I've found it!  In case anyone is wondering, a lot of server information is available by querying with the iLO xml tag "GET_EMBEDDED_HEALTH".
    This returns, buried way down in the results, information about power supplies (section POWER_SUPPLIES).
    While there doesn't seem to ask for just information on the power supplies, this works!

  • HD power supply under Optical disk.

    I have Sonnet E4i, a Pci-e card that has 4 internal esata ports.
    I know there is the Maxupgrade way to fit more drives under the optical bay, but I'm wondering if I can accomplish putting more drives there using the card I have. I think I can but I'm wondering about the power supply for the drives. I have a 4 disk connector that came with a G5 Jive I bought. Could I use that to connect to the one free set of HD cables under the optical tray and thread my esata cables from the card to my drives?
    Thanks much for any info.

    If storage is your cup of tea, here's another sweetener:
    $200 use to be sweet spot I thought. When the 100MB drive gained popularity, they went from $1K to $300 rather quickly at one point.... for real? a scam? and snapped up like crazy. $395 for a number of drives (100/120/160) for awhile. I 'splurged' on a couple 9 and 18GB, and I just did not like the humming pitch of 10K Cheetah - at all! 10K Raptor saved me from some more 36/74GB SCSI drives. I got "paid" in Raptors, but they were really 1.0 anyway.
    My project is to build a nice system, and I've got bookmarks, reviews on cases, coolers, what to know about PSU, all in spreadsheets, "wish lists" and more. Unfortunately and happily, I'll wait for more R&D results.
    I lost some hearing on the firing range and then during fire fights, but you needed ear plugs (and wool socks) in glass cage and those old timer systems. If someone said I'd have 8GB RAM and 10TB of storage, I"d think HAL9000 got to them!
    A case of Ensure is more my cup of tea today I'm afraid!

  • MSI Vox Power Supply...awesome!! PLEASE READ

    Welll, alll I can say is anyone that's been having issues with their Vox unit....get the power supply!!!
    I had sound, picture, record issue's!! Gone. Plugged in the power supply, no humming sound in the background, picture quality has improved 100%, over and above the improved picture quality of new Beta MSI PVS 3 by Stu. I wasn't able to record a program, once I setup for the recording of a program and hit the button close, the MSI PVS more!! I say the power supply should have initially been sold with the unit, but as MSI put it. " the Vox unit was sold to be a portable device and with the power supply it is no longer portable". My answer was, "if the unit will perform the way it was manufactured to perform only with the power supply, package it with the Vox. If those in certain parts of the world do not need to use it they can simply put it aside".
    Anyway, that's my 2 cent's of a possible solution to a lot ot the problems posted here.
    Hope this help's a few people out!

    I received it from MSI. I had sent and e-mail to sales which had been forwareded to tech support. They contacted me for address and payment info and I had it 8 days later. They sell it for $10 US and the shipping was $4.
    Stu's right though. The only thing for me is my retailer wasn't able to get it for me so I contacted MSI.
    Hope this helps.

  • An ATX P4 power supply and a MSI-6119 motherboard. Does it work?

    I am reparing my computer. (Power supply broke down)
    I found a cheap ATX 350W P4 power supply.
    It is intended for P4 motherboards, and has the same connectors as my old PSU, except one more: the ATX 12V connector (4 pin , 2 yellow 12V and 2 black earth), that you normally have to plug in a 4 PIN connector called JPW1.
    On a PII/III board such as the MSI-6119, there is no JPW1.
    Apparently the PSU doesn't start up if the ATX12V connector iis not plugged in.
    How can I make it work?

    Thanks for the manual.
    No beep when booting without RAM. No sound at all. power supply does not start.
    I did the following:
    1. Disconnect PSU from everything - do not plug ATX connector, but short circuit pin 14 (green) and 15 (black) of the 20 pin ATX connector - put in external power cable. The PSU starts humming.
    Apparently, when pin 14C is pulled low, the ATX PSU jumpstarts. ( see ).
    2. disconnect all drives ( HDD, CD, FDD ) (power supply and ATA66 cable) - plug 20 pin ATX connector in motherboard - connect power cable -  no boot;
    CONCLUSION 1: Pin 14 is not pulled low by the circuits of the motherboard, which it should. why?
    3. connect all drives ( HDD, CD, FDD )  with power supply cables to PSU and ATA66 cable to motherboard.
    PSU not connected to motherbord
    short circuit green and 15 of the 20 pin ATX connector.
    Power supply starts, HDD and CD however not ( FDD starts ).
    CONCLUSION 2: connection of ATA66 cable disables power supply to HDD and CD/RW
    4. connect only power supply cables to HDD/CD /FDD and not the ATA66 cables.
    No connection of PSU with mothetboard
    short circuit green and black of the ATX connector. ( So Motherboard not implicated )
     - Power supply starts, HDD / CD and FDD start also.
    CONCLUSION 3: my HDD etc and internal power cables are OK.
    And I am no step further. 

Maybe you are looking for