HT4623 my iphone wont start up


Press the HOME button and power button at the same time and do not release until the Apple logo appears.

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    I´ve tried everything.
    It even wont connect with iTunes oder any other computer. :-(
    What can I do now???
    Thanks and Greets

    How long has it been since you started erasing the data?
    If you chose Erase All Content and Settings, it likely needed more time to zero out or completely wipe the drive.
    +"Important: You can’t use iPhone while data is being overwritten. This can take up to two hours or more, depending on the model and storage capacity of your iPhone."+ from page 148 of the iPhone User Guide
    Try restoring the iPhone from recovery mode as described here:
    Message was edited by: Jason L

  • HT1430 iphone wont start after restore.

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    Well, since I had a video signal, I assumed that the HDMI wasn't a problem.
    Network (WIFI- using a new Time Capsule Airport) worked with all other Apple devices in the house.
    Here's what I did to solve:
    Unplugged ATV2
    Waited 3 days (no particular reason- just no time to mess with it)
    Performed a restore again (power was not plugged in to ATV during restore)
    Now it works fine.
    Can't explain why.
    (I don't think anything changed over those 3 days)
    I guess if at first you don't restore, try, try again.

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    If you're having issues doing the update directly on the phone, try using iTunes on your computer to complete the update.
    Ensure you've done a backup & imported any photos or videos from your camera roll first, just in case something goes wrong.

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    Do a Reset: Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Note: You will not lose any data

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    It hasnt been jailbroken has it?

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    I completed the DFU mode and on my computer it would not work I think because of my security settings and I did not want to disable my antivirus so I used my moms computer who hasnt updated her antivirus and it worked using her laptop....when I did it on my computer I got Unknown Error 21 which when I researched it could have been the security on my computer so I would suggest this as well but also if you get an error its probably because of your security settings on  your antivirus....good luck and thanks gdgmacguy

  • HT1212 my iphone wont start up

    My iphone wont start

    Hi getho38,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  This article has some things you can try if your iPhone won't turn on:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Will not turn on, will not turn on unless connected to power, or unexpected power off
    Verify that the Sleep/Wake button functions. If it does not function, inspect it for signs of damage. If the button is damaged or is not functioning when pressed, seek service.
    Check if a Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) is activated or there are signs of corrosion. Learn about LCIsand corrosion.
    Connect the iPhone to the iPhone's USB power adapter and let it charge for at least ten minutes.
    After at least 30 minutes, if:
    The home screen appears: The iPhone should be working. Update to the latest version of iOS if necessary. Continue charging it until it is completely charged and you see this battery icon in the upper-right corner of the screen . Then unplug the phone from power. If it immediately turns off, seek service.
    The low-battery image appears, even after the phone has charged for at least 20 minutes: See "iPhone displays the low-battery image and is unresponsive" symptom in this article.
    Something other than the Home screen or Low Battery image appears, continue with this article for further troubleshooting steps.
    If the iPhone did not turn on, reset it while connected to the iPhone USB power adapter.
    If the display turns on, go to step 4.
    If the display remains black, go to next step.
    Connect the iPhone to a computer and open iTunes. If iTunes recognizes the iPhone and indicates that it is in recovery mode, attempt to restore the iPhone. If the iPhone doesn't appear in iTunes or if you have difficulties in restoring the iPhone, see this article for further assistance.
    If restoring the iPhone resolved the issue, go to step 4. If restoring the iPhone did not solve the issue, seek service.
    - Ari

  • HT4623 My iPhone just started saying "Error in Activation"

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    You must have been running a beta version of iOS 7.  The beta has now expired.  Since iOS 7 beta was legally available only to developers, you need to log on to the Developers forum using your developer credentials for instructions on reactivating your phone.
    Beta software cannot be discussed in this forum.

  • TS3694 Iphone wont start after it turned off

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    I have tried doing a hard reset, it wont turn on.
    I cant put it in dfu mode since it starts "too quickly" or at least it feels like it starts directly into "connect to itunes" yea...

    Well first off my sleep button/power button does not work.  This is not new and I have been able to use my I phone 4 perfectly fine without it.  Yesterday it stopped working went to a totally black screen.  I have tried the Home button and signing into I tunes, but I tunes does not even recognize that I have aphone plugged in.  I am at a loss of what to do, I cannot force a restore because nothing is recognizing that the phone is plugged into the computer.  Interestingly when the phone went to black last night you could call it, never here anything and it would ring and never go to voicemail.  It was plugged in all night and now it goes to voicemail

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    If safe, carefully slide iPhone into a plastic bag, double bag it for sure. Use items like pencils or kitchen utensils so you do not touch it. Make Genius reservation, and take it to Apple for replacement under Warranty.

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  • HT4623 my iphone wont turn on

    my iphone ran out of bettery yesterday and ive had it on charge over night and it still wont turn back on. ive tried the reset option and other charges but cant get it back on... help

    Hi lacey88.
    I found a helpful article that will help troubleshoot the power issue you are having with your iPhone. I realize that you may have already attempted most of these steps, so lets review the last three:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Will not turn on, will not turn on unless connected to power, or unexpected power off
    Steps 5-7
    If the iPhone did not turn on, reset it while connected to the iPhone USB power adapter.
    If the display turns on, go to step 4.
    If the display remains black, go to next step.
    Connect the iPhone to a computer and open iTunes. If iTunes recognizes the iPhone and indicates that it is in recovery mode, attempt to restore the iPhone. If the iPhone doesn't appear in iTunes or if you have difficulties in restoring the iPhone, see this article for further assistance.
    If restoring the iPhone resolved the issue, go to step 4. If restoring the iPhone did not solve the issue, seek service.
    Matt M.

  • HT201401 Iphone wont start, issue! Please help

    Iphone is detected in iTunes, and a recovery mode is detected, but the phone just wont power up, even after hours of wall charging.. Please help

    You say Recovery Mode is detected by iTunes. Restore the Firmware with iTunes, when done, it will be obvious if Restore was successful. If not, there will be Error Code which you can look up solution. If Restore fails iPhone is most likely beyond repair. If Restore is successful, but screen is still not functioning, either screen is faulty or Logic Board display controllers are faulty, try entire front screen assembly replacement. During all this if you decide iPhone is broken, replacement at Apple Store is only $149, unless you have Warranty or AppkeCare Coverage which it will be free.

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