HT4623 My iPhone just started saying "Error in Activation"

Basically I just tried to use my iPhone and it started to say, "Error in Activation" then "This device is not registered as part of the developers program of iPhone. If you are a memeber and part of the Developers Program for iPhone, register this device in the program portal for the Developers Program at" and it wont even let me restore the iPhone since it says that it has encountered an error as followed. Please help?

You must have been running a beta version of iOS 7.  The beta has now expired.  Since iOS 7 beta was legally available only to developers, you need to log on to the Developers forum using your developer credentials for instructions on reactivating your phone.
Beta software cannot be discussed in this forum.

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    Hey June762,
    Sorry to hear you are having these issues with your iPad. If you continue to get activation errors in FaceTime or Messages, you may find the info and troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article helpful:
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    Rule (target: 0SUBTOT_2S, group: 01 Standard Group): Syntax error in routine
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    Edited by: bala dondeti on Jun 20, 2011 12:32 PM
    Edited by: bala dondeti on Jun 20, 2011 12:43 PM

    Thanks for the info Umesh,
    Just to be sure - I should simply change "SOURCE_PACKAGE" to "DATA_PACKAGE" in the code of the start routine? "Source_Package" is present in two places in that code:
              request                  type rsrequest
              datapackid               type rsdatapid
              monitor                  type rstr_ty_t_monitors
              SOURCE_PACKAGE              type tyt_SC_1
    and then after that in:
    Migrated update rule call
      Perform routine_9998
    Or should I revert to the 3.5 version? (as a side note, that Data Source (2LIS_13_VDITM) has been activated in 7.0 version by default, when I replicated data sources in BW).
    Praveen, as to your remarks, I have the datasource 2LIS_13_VDITM (in version 7.0) active, along with the appropriate Infosource. Transformation between the DataSource and InfoSource is active, and only the transformation between the InforSource and the Cube poses problems.

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    Hello konankiani,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    To troubleshoot this issue you're having with your accessory, please review the following support article for the resolution:
    Resolve issues with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch accessories
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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