HT1925 I'm sure its been asked/answered (regarding external media storage) but...

I have 2 computers (desktop/laptop) sharing 1 iTunes account (including iTunes in cloud).  Both computers have their own external drives for the media content (basically 2 copies of everything).  I’d like to use my laptop (Win7) as the primary iTunes ‘hub.’ When I use the laptop though, it doesn’t necessarily sync to the external drive and keeps defaulting media, app info & content to the internal drive (despite changing the preferences for the external drive).  I’m debating reinstalling iTunes but how do I make sure it ‘defaults’ to the external drive ONLY for the media and not the HD?  Also, what iTunes folders that are associated with the content should (or can) be kept (playlists, for example)?

More data would be nice.
Such as what application do you use to do your photo editing? Same for video editing?
My experence with networks storage for photo editing and little video editing I have done is that it is painfully slow. One of the primary reasons I use a Mac Pro with multiple internal disk drives. They give me access to the data much quicker then external disk drives never mind network storage.
So far the only use I have found either external or network storage is backup. They are done after hours so speed is not that important.

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    Hey there,
    One solution is to copy all the songs currently on your iPod to your new iTunes library. There are several ways you can pull the music off your iPod and onto iTunes.
    It all depends on if you have a Mac or PC with how you copy your music over. The first link after the Apple support document below provides step-by-step instructions for the direct method if you have a PC as well as a few third party applications (for both the Mac and PC) if you choose to go that route instead. You can also do a simple google search for "copy music from iPod to computer" and you should receive a number of sites that can help you out.
    Just make sure that when you have your iPod plugged into your new computer, that you don't hit "Erase and Sync" before completing the task of copying your music over.
    Also, if you have any purchased music, you will probably have to re-authorize your computer by heading to the Store drop down menu and choosing "Authorize computer." From there, restore your iPod and sync it with your new library. I did notice you did not want to go this route though.
    [5 Ways to Copy Music OFF your iPod and onto iTunes| d-windows-mac-os-x>
    Here are a few more helpful sites.
    [Copying Content from your iPod to your Computer - The Definitive Guide| d-to-computer]
    [How to copy songs your iPod to your PC| -pc-105256.php]

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    As far as I know, Apple warranty does not cover water damage. You can take it into the store for no charge and have them diagnose the problem for free, but to do any labor on it would cost you some money, I'm sure.

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    Please see whether this helps:

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    That's probably the MobileMe or iCloud password. 
    Go to System Preferences > Mobile Me (or iCloud).  If you're not logged-in, do so.  If you are, log out and back in again.

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    Hi JL Kamsoerie,
    Try using the information in this article to help you troubleshoot this issue with the Activation Lock on your iPad:
    Find My iPhone Activation Lock: Removing a device from a previous owner’s account
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    I'm a bit of fan of: lapointes add-ons.
    If you have these installed (free of charge) it is just a powershell command. (set-spolist)
    Sets a value that specifies the URI for the icon of the List.
    Good luck!

  • I'm sure its been answered before but i can't see it.

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    In iTunes go to edit/select all, then when the items in the library are highlighted in blue choose edit/delete. This will remove all the items from your library and give you the option of moving them to the trash or recycle bin where you can empty it.
    You say the files are MPEG files but that doesn't tell us much because they can be aac or mp3 (mp3 is MPEG layer 3 and aac is MPEG layer 4).
    Before you start afresh, use the edit/preferences/general menu in iTunes and there go to 'import settings'. From there you will able to choose what encoder you prefer (aac or mp3
 or even Apple Lossless which will give excellent sound quality, but at a file size that is much larger than mp3 or aac, so the trade off here is not as many songs will fit on your iPod) and the bitrate settings. The higher the bitrate, the better the sound quality but of course a higher bitrate will take up more space on your computer hard drive or iPod.
    You should probably start by encoding a piece of music you are familiar with, in either mp3 or aac at something like 192kbps, listen to it, then try again at different bit rates, both lower and higher, to see if you can hear a difference in sound quality.
If you can’t hear the difference in sound quality between various bitrates, then the lower one will suffice, and you can store more songs on your iPod. Try this in both encoding formats. You could encode the same song several times in iTunes under a slightly different name (just edit the song in iTunes and add the bitrate after the song title), transfer these songs to your iPod and do some comparative listening. Then you can make an informed decision about which format/bitrate is best for you.
    Yes it’s time consuming, but much better to rip your cds at decent sound quality now, rather than decide much later that you are not satisfied, and have to rip them again.
    A song of the same length, encoded at the same bitrate, gives an almost identical file size whether it be encoded in aac or mp3.

Where the space saving issue comes in is because many people say that if you encode a song at 128kbps in aac format, then the sound quality is as good as the same song encoded at 160 or 192kbps in mp3 format, therefor using the aac version at a lower bitrate gives a smaller file size and allows you to store more songs on your iPod.
    AAC better than MP3? Well that's a matter for your ears. Everyone has an opinion, but you should listen for yourself and don't let anyone tell you what to use.

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    One other thought is fragmentation. If you record and erase a whole lot, then your files could be fragmented, which would affect performance. There are defragmenting programs, which I have never used, available such as Norton Utilities. What I do is after a project. Say an album. I back up my work on DVD, then reformat my Audio drives. You can try that if you suspect your disk. Save your work on DVD, or another drive. Erase the disk, then put your files back to that drive. It should assemble the files continuously. You will have to re assign your record path after doing this, since the song is moved from its former "address". In older versions of Logic, you had to "search for the missing files" which the machine would do at the click of a button, but now it seems to locate them automatically without this step. Only the record path must be reset. OR If your disk is nearly full, I understand that the disk has poorer performance along the outer edge. Finally, if you are playing back samples from say, a program that uses Disk streaming, and if those sample files are located on your system disk, or I suppose even on your Audio disk, that could be creating an exhausting work load. If this is the case, you should store such samples on a separate, dedicated Hard drive of their own.

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    The various shells and hard covers like the inCase really offer no protection other than minor scratch resistance.  They offer no impact protection at all really.  I am a fan of the Booq vyper series of padded semi-rigid sleeves and have used them with my last 3 MBPs when carrying them in a backpack or briefcase.  There are other good sleeves as well, but my own experience is with Booq and I would recommend them.
    If actually backpacking in the boonies, I might still want something even more rigid to avoid other things in a large pack from pressing into or on the flat top or bottom of any laptop in the pack. A soft or even padded semi-rigid sleeve will not keep a laptop from flexing or bending if weight or objects in the pack pushes hard enough against it.  People have been known to crack screens using soft sleeves in backpacks and forgetting that a book edge or some other hard object pressing on or against the laptop will indent or flex the top case enough to crack the glass.

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    server yet, I
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    suggestions they would be appreciated! -
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    I have iTunes 6.0.5 and I have the iPod updater on the Start menu under iPod.
    Start>iPod>iPod Updater
    Presumably intalled with the iTunes software?
    If not check here

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    I start up itunes (updated, downloaded this morning)
    I plug in ipod
    Then i click on my ipod in the source list
    I then see all my music appear in a long greyed out list
    AND, where is the summary tab? What is the SUMMARY TAB?
    Where is the restore button? It is NOT there.
    Can someone screen dump me itunes with the restore button present, so i can actually see that it does exist?!?!?!!?
    Dazed and Confused
    (but still love my ipod!!!!)

    I have iTunes 6.0.5 and I have the iPod updater on the Start menu under iPod.
    Start>iPod>iPod Updater
    Presumably intalled with the iTunes software?
    If not check here

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == 6-25-10

    The location bar and search bar have a flex property and take all available space.
    You can only change the relative size of both with that resizer between the two bars.
    You can only do that by adding a lot of Space elements in the View > Toolbars > Customize window.
    You can set a fixed width by setting the min-width and max-width to the same value.
    Add code to [ userChrome.css] below the @namespace line.
    <pre><nowiki>@namespace url(""); /* only needed once */
    #urlbar-container {max-width:400px!important; min-width:400px!important;}
    #search-container {max-width:200px!important; min-width:200px!important;}
    You can chose your own values as long as the min-width and max-width for each bar have the same value.

  • Sure it's been asked already.... But whats going on with 3.1?

    iPhone 3.1 (7C144) has made me hate my iPhone. The battery life seems okay, but I can't tell what it is unless I restart the phone. It'll just display whatever it started at when i turned it on. Even the battery app I have shows the same thing. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the phone or texting not working. I can not make or receive texts on what seems to be a very random basis. I try to make a call, and the phone just sits there saying "calling iPhone...", but does nothing. With sending text messages, it runs through about 90% then just sits there until it gives up. I have to restart my phone for the phone functions to work. This started happening to me a few days after updating. The instore helper people told me to restore my phone. all that did was get rid of my high scores in games, and messed up the order of my apps. My girlfriends phone does the same thing now too. We bought our phones at the same time from the same store, from the same salesperson. Why will apple not fix this?

    More than likely Apple is working on a fix. The problem is everyone who has installed firmware update 3.1 is not experiencing the same. I'm not, and I doubt I'm the only one who isn't or in the minority. As with any bug, the cause must be identified, code written to fix the problem, and then tested before the final release. Difficult to deal with for those experiencing this problem, but it wouldn't be a good idea to provide a bug fix to fix a problem experienced by some that causes a problem for others who haven't experienced the same.
    If you get a notice with iTunes to send a report to Apple as the first step during the sync process, you should do so. This will help Apple to identify the source of the problem and to correct it with a firmware update.

  • How to add Edge content to Adobe Muse? (I know that its been asked a lot)

    Hello. I need a little help putting Edge content into my adobe muse website. I saved my file in edge and put all the content in a folder. The folder included edge_included and the other files generated. I then went to my muse site and inserted. I uploaded those files into a new folder on the root of my file manager on business catalyst and nammed it banner1.
    I then inserted the following code into muse.
    <iframe src="banner.html" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">
    Banner.html was the only html file generated by edge so thats what I replaced "Project-Header-r1v1.html"
    When I publish my site I get the error message "Page Not Found" where my Html content should be.
    I was trying to put the html5 content in the presentation widget, and thought that it might be the problem, but it didnt work anywhere else on the site.
    **The HTML5 content was just animated text used with TypeKit, Could this be the problem?
    Any help would be apreciated, troubleshooting sucks! Thanks

    From the error message "Page Not Found", it seems that you haven't given the path to "banner.html" correctly. You mentioned that you "uploaded those files to a new folder on the root..." - does that mean you put the html file and edge_included folder into a new folder in the webserver root? If yes, and if your page containing the <iframe> code is on root, you need to change the <iframe src="banner.html"... to <iframe src="folder_name/banner.html"...
    Hope that helps,

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