How do I include an image's collection hierarchy in its name when exported?

Newbie question - I organize selected images using hierarchies of collections. When I export the images in those collections, I'd like to include the entire collection hierarchy of each image in its exported name.
For example, if I have a collection hierarchy like the following:
And I export the images from CollectionSet2, I'd like the images to have the following names:
Is this possible? Or is there a better way (I'm assuming there is ) to structure my images to enable this type of filenaming?
Also, which is a recommended book regarding in-depth discussion of cataloging and exporting techniques?
Michael Weinhardt

Is this possible? Or is there a better way (I'm assuming there is ) to structure my images to enable this type of filenaming?
Unfortunately not. At least not natively for sure. And i haven't heard of any plugins to do that.
Also, which is a recommended book regarding in-depth discussion of cataloging and exporting techniques?
If you mean digital asset management as a whole, then The DAM Book is the undisputable number one. it si not specific to Lightroom, but the fresh 2nd edition has some Lightroom stuff too.

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    This has been discussed a few times, and here is a summary of the usual solutions.
    What is it EXACTLY you are trying to do. Are you trying to export a single page from  and make it filename.psd, (without any number afterwards). In that case you could delete the extra artboards prior to export, and then you won't have to checked use artbaords as there is only one page. Otherwise I would plan ahead so your end result will be filename-01.jpg,  filename-02.jpg, and then everytime you use export artbaords those names will replace.
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    Whose mistake? The source of the problem:
    I was required to enter my recovery key. Now, there begins that huge flaw. I've forgotten it (I know it was my responsibility to remember it).
    If you had just taken the simple steps of storing your recovery key as Apple tells you to when you set it up, none of this would've happened.
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    The appearance of dashes usually suggests some kind of pre-set e.g.
    The only suggestion I can make is that you check to ensure you are using the correct parameters in the templates manager.
    Photoshop Lightroom Reference Guide | Create Your Own Custom Filename Presets | Peachpit

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    If you then click on the text to de-highlight it (as I want to amend it with a _v2 or _v3) as soon as you do ANY key press the whole text in the input box gets re-selected, meaning that any further key presses type over the file name.
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    Here's the video:
    Adobe Flash Issue - YouTube

    In Flash Pro CC 2014 on Win 7 Pro, yes it does the same thing. Any keyboard key I hit will work, but then the entire filename is selected. I'm so used to working with text from coding that I reflexively saw the selection and used an arrow key to deselect and move back to the spot I wanted to edit. It's definitely a hiccup and I would report it to the bug/wish form.
    Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form

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    Rob Horne

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