How do I delete photos from my daughter's ipod that showed up on there when she got music from her aunt's itunes? Also how do I make sure none of my iphone pics show up on her ipod in the future (we use the same itunes account and I think same icloud).

I'm totally new to iphone/ipod.  I need help with the following:
1) How do I get rid of a folder of photos that showed up on my daughter's ipod touch when she received some songs from her aunt's itunes?  After she got some songs from that itunes a folder of pictures showed up with no delete option.  Does she need to reconnect to that itunes/computer and if so what do we need to do to remove this folder of pics from her ipod?
2) Also, my daughter uses same itunes as myself, how do I make sure any pics I have on my iphone & icloud (itunes) don't show up on her ipod? I shut off my photostream so perhaps this is the solution.  But I noticed that a message I sent from her ipod to my sister (an iphone user) later showed up on my iphone (as if I had sent it from my iphone)! That was really odd. I'd like to keep our itunes account together simply so I can monitor her downloads, etc so I don't want to open up her own itunes to avoid automatic syncing.
I only want to share music between our devices.  I don't want her pics nor my pics to go to icloud/itunes.
Thank you!

1) You asked "Does she need to reconnect to that itunes/computer and if so what do we need to do to remove this folder of pics from her ipod?" Yes, you have to connect the iPod to that computer and go to the Photos pane for the iPod in iTunes and uncheck sync photos and the click on synce/apply. In the future do not check sync photos.
iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes
Create a NEW account for using these instructions. Make sure you follow the instructions. Many do not and if you do not you will not get the None option. You must use an email address that you have not used with Apple before.
Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
Then on the iPod go to
- Settings>Messages>Send and receive and sign out your ID and sign into hers. Make sure that only her ID email address is listed.
- Settings>FaceTime sign out of your ID and sign into hers. Make sure that under You can be reached at only her ID email address is listed
- Settings>iCloud and sign out and sign in with hers
Contnue to use the commpn ID/account for Settings>iTunes and App stores.

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