How critical is the silver pasted between CPU & Heatsink?

One more newbie question for today:
During my first build I had no-post problems initially.  The D-Link card was lit up all 4 red.  I removed & re-installed the cpu & cooler 3 times trying to absolutely eliminate the "cpu not installed correctly" possibility.  I had read prior to removing the cpu that it was important to clean off the old paste and apply new paste, so -- since I am on a very tight budget and don't have any of that paste on-hand, I was very careful not to disturb the paste during the three removals/re-installations.  So my questions are:
1)  Is it absolutely critical to replace that silver paste?
2)  What would happen if I didn't?
And the reason I ask is, I've been monitoring the temp of my CPU and so far it has never risen above 28 C (82 F).  Of course I haven't pushed it hard yet... but I don't think my mom-in-law is going to be doing anything more that checking her e-mail and watching an occaisional DVD movie.
Do I need to go get some of that paste?  I'm very hesitant to pop the case again, since everything is working and knowing my luck, I'd fry something.

28°C is absolutely fine .
Run som cpu stressing like 15-20 minutes and check how much it rises .
You can use several progs for cpu stress(100% loading) , prime95 is the one most used .
( can be downloaded here :  )
Or you may use e.g superpi and select the longest run 32M .
That will give an indication if it's acceptable as aicjofs says .
If cpu is below , say 45-46 °C during a longer 100% load it's fine and you shouldnt worry .
If it pass 50°C I would look at reapplying with quality TIM stuff like artic silver products .

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    Hi Kevin,
    The Badi is RSR_OLAP_BADI.
    You can create an implementation using Transaction  SE18.
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    Import parameters               Value
    IM_DATE1                        2008-01-01
    IM_DATE2                        2008-01-01
    IM_TIME1                        10:00:00
    IM_TIME2                        11:30:00
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    EX_TIME                         01:30:00
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    you could try something similar to this, for each table pair that you want to compare:
    SELECT 'TABLE_A has these columns that are not in TABLE_B', DIFF.*
      FROM (
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_A'
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_B'
          ) DIFF
    SELECT 'TABLE_B has these columns that are not in TABLE_A', DIFF.*
      FROM (
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_B'
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_A'
          ) DIFF;that's assuming, column_name, data_type and data_length are all you want to compare on.

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    In a more general case than assumed in the first post, if you wish to have an actual key point, you may:
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