How can I export individual clips from iMovie?

I have 250 clips, but I want to export them ALL as individual clips, and not as a movie.  I have taken a lot of time to select these clips from many hours of video.  And I now need to get these clips to a post-production person for editing.  I wish to export them all as indivudual clips, and maintaining the original order.
I can only find the way to export either a single clip, or an entire movie.
Can anyone help me on this Thanksgiving morning??

sorry I should have been a bit clearer.
There are three sections I wish to export individually from the one sequence.
I worked out that I could export multiple sequences within the same project, which is fine... but the ability to export separate sections from one sequence would be very useful...
And thanks again for your help.

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    taquitopete wrote:
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    Got it to work.
    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're my hero BobRz   

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    Here is one way to do it, although you will see there could be variations.
    1) Open iMovie
    2) Start a new project - name it Stills for iPhoto (or a name of your choice)
    3) Go to your EVENT. Find the spot with the cursor that you want a photo of. Right-click (or control-click if you don't have a mouse) and select ADD STILL FRAME TO PROJECT.
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    Hello andrewmarkp,
    As long as the videos are in a format that can be used by iMovie, they will appear in your Event Browser, under 'iPhoto Videos.'
    iMovie '11: Use video from your iPhoto library
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    iDVD is not avail via the MAS.
    only in the boxed version of iLIfe (any version).
    consider other tools, as Roxios Toast or the free Burn .
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    We have changed the below profile option to get the data in excel by default
    Profile Name Export MIME type
    Profile Code FND_EXPORT_MIME_TYPE+
    Existing Value: text/tab-separated-values+
    Change as: Excel
    Thank you,
    Edited by: 1006649 on May 21, 2013 10:55 AM

    We have changed the below profile option to get the data in excel by default
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    Existing Value: text/tab-separated-values+
    Change as: Excel
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    There is a collection of AppleScripts called Mail Scripts you can download at this link.
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    Or this
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