HELP HELP Battery Life

My Ipod Nano is about 6 months old and they battery life is really bad
I charged it fully yesterday and only used it for a short time last night and now the battery is empty.
What can I do???

Here's some essential reading on the iPod battery.
How to accurately determine your iPod battery life.
Beef up my iPod battery.
iPod Battery Unplugged.
iPod Battery FAQ.
iPod Battery Tips and Tricks.

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    Some tips to help with battery life
    -disable location services(for apps that do not need it)
    -turn off ask to join networks under wifi, so your phone will not keep searching for networks unless you tell it to
    -turn off airdrop/bluetooth if you don’t use it
    - reduce motion off in settings>general>accessibility
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    -fetch mail manually in the settings>mail,contacts,calendars>fetch new data
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    If you do not use Bluetooth devices, Settings > General > Bluetooth to OFF, when away from WiFi and not using a 3G unit, put Airplane Mode ON.
    Change the email push setting to a long period of time.
    Simple things that stop the unit from transmitting or seaking responses.

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    Not necessary.
    Apple - Batteries - Notebooks

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    You can search the forum and read the many helpful posts with suggestions on how to improve your battery life.

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    Haven't done anything different but battery life seems to be improving.  I have run the battery down a couple of times, just normal use but the fast battery drain caused it go get below 20% by the time I would normally plug it in at night when I go to bed.  Used to be 50 - 60 % at this point.  And I have noticed over the past couple of days that the battery drain issues I was seeing seem to have stopped.
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    After installing the update, did you perform a Factory Data Reset on your phone?
    You might want to consider backing up your important photos, music, videos, other downloaded content. Write down critical things like your email settings. Jot down important contacts, and any calendar events. Diagram where you've located certain icons.
    Then perform the FDR.
    Allow three charge cycles for the phone to model battery consumption.
    Other things you can do, YMMV:
    Go to Settings | Tethering and networks | Mobile Networks | System Select | Network Mode | LTE/CDMA (change it from Global).
    Instead of screen brightness automatic, choose something like 40-50%.
    For email synching / polling, choose a polling interval of 15 or 30minutes (maybe not as often).
    Go to Settings | WiFi  then press the Menu button. Choose Advanced. Make sure "Battery saving for Wi-Fi" is enabled. Deselect Scanning always available, and Deselect Wif-Fi signal weak.
    Now do the following: Go to Settings | Mobile Data. Press the Menu Button. Select Show Wi-Fi usage.
    Power cycle your phone.
    Now you can go to Settings | Mobile Data and choose Mobile or Wi-Fi tabs and see what applications are using the corresponding radios. That and using the Settings | Battery | Select the battery, then scroll down... The three of these should show you want is consuming the battery and the radios... thus heating up your device and lowering your battery runtime.
    Good luck.

  • Help! Battery Life

    As many others have posted I have had my MacBook Pro for less than a year, about 8 months, and I have terrible battery life.
    This is what I get from system profiler:
    Battery Information:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: SMP-ASMB014-370e-bd6
    Manufacturer: SMP
    Device name: ASMB014
    Pack Lot Code: 0002
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 102a
    Hardware Revision: 0500
    Cell Revision: 0102
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 1049
    Fully charged: No
    Charging: Yes
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 6263
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 242
    Condition: Good
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): 2862
    Voltage (mV): 11045
    System Power Settings:
    AC Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 5
    Automatic Restart On Power Loss: No
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On Clamshell Open: Yes
    Wake On LAN: Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
    Battery Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 5
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 1
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On Clamshell Open: Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
    Reduce Brightness: Yes
    Hardware Configuration:
    UPS Installed: No
    AC Charger Information:
    Connected: Yes
    Charging: Yes
    Any suggestions???

    Your battery is in great shape based on the specs (you must have a 17" MBP, and your health is 99% after 242 cycles - everyone should be so lucky!). What's "terrible" battery life? Most likely, something is using a lot of CPU power, perhaps a background process - check in Activity Monitor, show Active Processes and look for something using a high % of CPU activity.
    Hope this helps...

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    Plz help me .....LoL....

    Screen brightness 9 is pretty bright and will drain the battery quicker but off hand something fishy does seem up with your battery.   Hopefully someone else will know more
    X220~i5 2520M~8GB~Vertex2~IPS~Win7Prox64~ It's amazing.

  • HT1490 If I use my mabook pro 2011 more on AC power does it help increasing battery life

    Help me in  understanding  this problem?

    Even when you are constantly plugged into the AC outlet when you are using the MBP, the battery will slowly discharge during the times when it is idle.  When it drops below 95% charge level the battery will again be recharged to 100%.  These 5% discharges will eventually add up to an entire cycle.  This may take several weeks.
    If you follow the instructions in the link provided by OrangeMarlin, you will gain the maximum useful life of your battery.

  • Does a Dark Desktop Image Help Save Battery Life?

    I know this is a weird question.
    But think about it: if you use a very bright desktop image, say something like this:
    and if, in the second case, you use a quite dark one, with a lot of "black" pixels that actually does give a lot less light (the one here is my desktop picture, a map with a light-rendering effect):
    1. does the darker desktop screen consume less battery power for the smaller amount of "glowing" pixels?
    and, as I am asking stuipid questions,
    2. does the darker screen help in prolonging your Powerbook screen's lifespan?
    I have been asking myself these questions ever since I got my brandnew PB 17" HD (October 2005), and although they seam strange I am serious about it.
    PowerBook G4 17" 1.67 HD + G4 QS 867   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Your backligth seems to be white is'nt it ?
    So to known how much you use electric power to switch a pixel from white to black, the best way is:
    1) to turn off all your ligths in your house
    2) to remember your electricity company counter index
    3) mesure the time the powerbook is on
    4) put your screen with a white background
    5) change the background to black
    6) run to the electricity company counter and write down the index
    7) substract the start index from the end index
    8) substract powerbook electric comsuption
    9) divide this result by the number of pixel your LCD have it will give you the electric comsuption for one pixel.
    Hope this help

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    If you do not use Bluetooth devices, Settings > General > Bluetooth to OFF, when away from WiFi and not using a 3G unit, put Airplane Mode ON.
    Change the email push setting to a long period of time.
    Simple things that stop the unit from transmitting or seaking responses.

  • Help: Mac Battery Life

    I swear my battery barely lasts 30 minutes these days. It is fairly new (2 months give or take). When I went into the Mac store they acted like I was crazed. They looked at the cycles and told me it is normal. But i feel like my previous battery last much longer (they replaced it after a year and gave me this new lemon). And worse yet my Powerbook battery felt like it could last weeks without a charge.
    Outside of going to meet with the genius folks again what should i do?
    Message was edited by: MarketingDepartment

    Have you recalibrated your battery? Also, you might have better luck finding people familiar with your issue in the forum for MacBook Pro. Looking up the URL for the forum, I noticed there seemed to be several discussions of that sort of problem in the area devoted to Power and Batteries. Here's the forum:
    You might find some answers already posted.

  • Battery Life after iOS 7. Ways to help the battery.

    Some tips to help with battery life
    -disable location services(for apps that do not need it)
    -turn off ask to join networks under wifi, so your phone will not keep searching for networks unless you tell it to
    -turn off airdrop/bluetooth if you don’t use it
    - reduce motion off in settings>general>accessibility
    -turn off automatic downloads in iTunes and app store  in settings
    -fetch mail manually in the settings>mail,contacts,calendars>fetch new data
    -turn off raise to speak feature in settings>general>siri
    -of course turn off notifications for apps that you do not need in settings>notifications
    -turn off background app refresh in settings>general>background app refresh
    -turn off 4g when you are connected to wifi under settings>cellular>enable lte/enable 4g

    no problem.

  • How to save battery life for ios 7

    How do you save battery life

    There is many things to help save battery life on IOS, hear are some battery saving tips I use when with low battery  .
    Battery saver 1: Turn off Bluetooth , by going to "Settings>Bluetooth" and switching the little "On/Off" toggle.
    Battery saver 2: Turn down the screen brightness half way or just below is fine, for at home, but if you use your idevice outside turn it up just below max brightness so you can see the screen, to turn up or down brightness you can navigate to "Settings>Wallpaper and Brightness" and there will be a slider to adjust brightness.Or if you are on IOS 7 you can swipe up from the bottom of the screen and it will bring up "Action Centre" and there will be a little sun icon, next to it will be another brightness slider, to exit "Action Centre" press the home button or just swipe the little down arrow.
    Battery saver 3: Volume turn the volume up and down at certain times of day "eg: I turn volume up full or just below in the afternoons because most things are going on in the afternoon that probably make lots of noise, and at night turn it down because your ears have adjusted to quietness  and can pickup on quieter sounds".
    Battery saver 4: Turn off WIFI when not in use "eg when playing games or just switched off" you can do this by going to "Settings>WIFI" there will be a "On/Off" toggle or via "Action Centre" "IOS 7+".
    Battery saver 5: When your not going to be using your device for a while shut it down by holding the "Sleep/Wake" button.
    Battery saver 6: Close apps running in the background by double tapping the home button and holding down the running apps then tap the little "-" minus in a red circle to close "IOS 6 and lower", things are a little different with IOS 7 its the same process of double tapping  the home button but a different way to execute the apps, you do this by swiping "Up" on the open apps. "Tip: You can swipe 3 at once!".

  • My battery life is draining even when IPad is powered off?

    I've had my iPad2 for about 15 months now, of course just out of warranty, and within the past week the battery has gone to ****. Before a charge use to last me 4-5 days with usage and on stand-by the rest of the time. Within a night it suddenly changed to that over a 8 hour stand-by cycle that the battery would lose 30-35%. I did a restore to see if that changed anything and it didn't. Went to the Genius Bar and they ran a diagnostic test on the battery and said it was still running excellently at 100% function. He suggested a few things to help preserve battery life but couldn't replicate the problem.
    I went home and did a full clean sweep, getting rid of all apps and settings and shutting off my cellular data, in case that might be the issue. Then let the battery drain down until it died. I recharged it back up to 100% over a 24 hour span. Then I just left it sitting there untouched for the next 18 hours. Over that time he battery drained 60%. I again took it to the Genius Bar and they said that was normal, I disagree and understand that standby still uses battery but 60% really? They said at this point the only thing I can do is live with it and just turn my iPad off when I'm not using it or they can replace it for $250. I don't have the money so I said I'll just live with it and turn it off. That was on Tuesday. I spent Tuesday and most of Wednesday using it very little and noticed the battery was doing well. Thursday it was charged back up to a 100% and I read and used it for a few things then went to bed at 2:30, before going to bed I turned the iPad off with a battery charge of 88% and let it be.i woke up at 1030 and just turned it on and now the charge is it 62%. Since typing this it had gone down to 57%. From my understanding this is not normal at all. The Genius Bar so far doesn't know what the issue could be other than something in the software and I am out of ideas. Is there anything you can recommend? I'd really hate to spend the $250 but at this point with no usage to very little usage the battery life won't last much more than a day.
    Thanks for any help you might be able to offer and sorry for the long read. KR54/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1370630282&sr=8-6&keywords=ipad+external+battery
    Good bang for buck but a little pricey VBNYDS/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1370630282&sr=8-11&keywords=ipad+external+battery
    Still good but less exspencive

  • OG Droid Razr battery life

    I have an original Droid and since I am not a big cellphone user I have never had a problem with battery life. I am just wondering if the Razr has similar battery life. I know the Maxx just came out but I am not sure if I would need the extra battery life. Thanks for any advice.

    Yes, the battery life isn't the greatest with smartphones.
    As a reminder,
    Battery life depends on the network, signal strength, temperature, features and accessories used. 
    It is common for batteries to be warm from use or charging.
    Tips for extending battery life
    Avoid exposing the battery to extreme heat and cold. 
    For the first 3 charge cycles, fully charge the battery overnight and allow it to fully discharge before recharging (battery conditioning). 
    Charge and re-condition a battery after an extended idle period. 
    A Lithium-ion battery may be damaged by extensive overcharging (continuously on a charger for more than 24 hours). 
    Use the battery. If possible, avoid letting your battery sit idle for long periods of time. 
    Use only the phone options and accessories that are really needed.
    Here are some tips that will help extend the battery life on your Droid Razr.
    I also make sure I use my smart actions to help with battery life. I make sure my Razr is in sleep mode when I sleep.
    Hopefully, these tips/tricks will help you with the battery life on your Razr and even the Razr Maxx!
    Tamara H.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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