Fuzzing Sound When Bouncing

When i bounce to an MP3, I am getting a strange static-y buzzing sound. I don't know that much yet about mixing properly, but so far, with all the songs I written, I haven't had this problem when bouncing. I don't hear this sound when listening to the song in Logic, just when it's bounced. Any suggestions? Is this related to the mix, to something I might not know about yet?
ps. What is the standard way that people communicate back and forth. When I make a post and someone responds and I want to say thank you, is it standard to post thank-you replies on the board? OR does that clutter up the postings?
Thanks much,

If you're new to mixing, the best advice that I can think of is to mix down to a basic AIFF to get the feel of it. I have discovered that I haven't had any difficulties mixing down to an MP3 as long as I have an AIFF as well. Ensure that your PCM checkbox is checked and set it accordingly when you bounce.

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    Rob1.0 wrote:
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    Your keyboard doesn't have a "sound card", it is a synthesizer/sample playback keyboard with a standard audio amplifier with speakers. I presume it has "Audio Out" line out connectors? You will have to route the audio output of the keyboard into whatever you're using for a soundcard on the Mac and then record it as an audio file.

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    Bounce in aiff to see if the problem persists; if not the import the file into iTunes and use it to convert to mp3.
    If you obtain the same result in aiff too then you could have some phase coherence problem and you should have a closer looks to every single track to check with different eq or efx settings.
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    Thank you...

    MUYconfundido wrote:
    I am in the process of embedding 3 mp3's into a PDF to submit as a portfolio. The PDF also has text, and two scores included, and with the 3 embedded mp3's it can't be more than 10mb.
    So my question is: When bouncing a project out of Logic, what is the best method for getting the smallest file size, but retaining the best audio quality?
    The highest bitrate that falls within your limits. You'll have to calculate how big your MP3's can be, then choose the bitrate that keeps the size within your limit. The formula is simple: bitrate is the number of kilobits per second, so a 46 second stereo file at 96 kbps would be 96 x 46 = 4416 kbits / 8* = 552 kBytes or 0.552 MB. (*8 bits = 1 Byte)
    So if you know the length of your tracks you can calculate what bitrate you need to keep it within 10 MB total.
    I consider 128 kbps the lowest bearable bitrate for popsongs and other modern drumkit based music. Deterioration of sound quality is often directly related to the quality of the initial mix and the type of instruments used in it. Piano(-like) tones tend to sound watery pretty quickly at lower bitrates, as do crash and ride cymbals. But don't take my word for it, try it out.
    And once it's out of Logic and it is an mp3 or other type of audio file, is there a best format for compressing it further, and still maintaining the relative quality?
    You can only ZIP the whole thing after that, but that is just for transport. You'll have to unzip it again to use it. And no, you cannot compress an MP3 any further and still play it.
    I bounced out the three projects into wav's. Now I am using Switch for Mac to compress them down to smaller Mp3's.
    That is silly, you could have done that in Logic, which has one of the best MP3 encoders built in. And how good encoders are will especially come out at bitrates around or below 128, which you might be looking at.
    I basically need them to be about 3 mb each.
    So, one more scrap of info we need here: how long are those three pieces, exactly? I'll calculate the bitrate for you - but please bounce 'm directly out of Logic as MP3's. They will very probably sound better than your WAV-conversions made with Switch.
    Two of the recordings sound OK at that size, but they are just MIDI(one project is piano and string quartet, the other is just piano- all software instruments. The recording that combines MIDI and Audio and has more tracks (three audio tracks and 10 Midi/software instrument tracks)and sounds completely horrible if I get it under 5 mb as an mp3. The problem is that I need all three to equal around 9mb, but still sound good enough to submit as a portfolio for consideration into a Master's program.
    Length of the piece? And does the .Wav bounce you have sound OK?

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    Are you listening on exactly the same system that you're mixing on, you can be listening to Logic with the volume of the audio interface turned down and then playing back the Mp3 file on a system with the volume turned up, that's one possibility.
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    Thanks Jim,
    Seems to be this song. Other projects don't have this issue.
    I even took and opened the project on another computer, bounced it again and got the same "click" at the same 13 second area.
    I've bounced each track solo, listened and NO click at the 13 sec. mark
    No third party plug-ins.
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    This is making me nuts!

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    jendubllu wrote:
    When bouncing my film to a .mov from Logic, the final QT movie has double, original audio.  This audio is the original from the film but I've sweetened it and want to use my version, not the original that I've muted.  Its only during playback after a bounce that I get both versions.
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    This is the normal (if unexpected) behaviour when exporting the 'mix' back to a movie in Logic. The original 'movie soundtrack' is still present in the movie file, and Logic assumes that you wish to include it. One of the last steps of the export to movie process is a dialog box where one has to actively de-select the existing audio tracks.
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    If anyone has expirenced the same problem and overcome it.....please advise.

    Try playing the music over headphones and/or external speakers.  Do you stilll have the problem?

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    See Here for Troubleshooting Siri,
    Check your Sound Settings... and Restrictions...
    iPhone User Guide

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    I can capture audio without video or capture video without audio, but not at the same time !
    Any feed back will be greatly appreciated.. thx in advance..

    Well before someone could answer me i found a post here very similar to my problem....
    Decided to test and the guilty was my rca cable...got a knew one and everything is just fine...
    Hope this help someone else someday .. thx u all

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    nno sound when I use in app streaming

    Hello Saranginotes,
    After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help with iOS audio issues. It contains a number of troubleshooting steps and helpful advice for the issue you are experiencing:
    If you hear no sound or distorted sound from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch speaker
    Can't hear anything from the built-in speaker of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch? Maybe you can hear, but the sound is distorted, muffled, intermittent. Or maybe you hear static or crackling noises. If your iOS device has any of these issues, follow these steps.
    Follow these steps and test the sound after each one.
    Go to Settings > Sounds and drag the Ringer And Alerts slider to turn the volume up.
    If you can hear sound from the speaker, then the speaker works. Continue with these steps to find the setting or switch that's affecting the sound. If you can't hear sound from the speaker, contact Apple Support.
    Make sure the Ring/Silent switch is set to ring. If you can see orange, it's set to silent.
    Restart your device.
    Open an app that has music or sound effects. Adjust the volume with the volume buttons or the slider in Control Center.
    Go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn off Bluetooth.
    If there's still no sound, connect a headset. If you can hear sound through the headset, remove it and clear any dust or debris from the headset jack of your device.
    If the device is in a case, make sure that the case doesn't block the speaker.
    Use a brush to gently clear any debris from the speaker and Lightning connector (or 30-pin dock connector). The brush should be clean and dry and have soft bristles.
    Update your device to the latest version of iOS.
    If you followed these steps and still hear no sound or distorted sound, contact Apple Support.
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

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    how to get sound when my laptop is hooked to my tv w/hdmi cable?  it's a hd tv and my mac's os 10.6.8
    tried using an external speaker both w/the computer and then the tv, but neither worked......
    Message was edited by: bevmex

    Open windows Control Panel, open Device Manager and open up Display Devices - make a note of the hardware listed here i.e. ATI, NVidia or Intel.
    Next, connect your notebook via HDMI to your Tv.  Right click the speaker icon in the Taskbar and select Playback Devices.  Left click once ( just to highlight the entry ) the HDMI Output that has the same name as your display adapter and then click the Set Default button - see if you now have audio.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

  • Mac Mini HDMI into AV HDMI Switch - Lose sound when monitor is shutoff

    I'd like to use the Mac Mini to listen to internet radio and have the display shutoff. I have the Mini's HDMI output cable connected to Yamaha audio video home theater receiver that acts as a HDMI switch from various HDMI inputs (blue ray player, xbox, and mac mini). A single HDMI output from the av receiver goes to my Samsung flat screen TV.
    All works well (I have the system preferences sound option set to hdmi on the Mini) until I shut off the TV. Then the sound that was going to the AV receiver shuts off and the mini switches its sound output back to its internal speaker.
    Can't find a way around it. Appreciate an answer if anyone has one.
    Reading the booklet that came with the Mini regarding HDMI output, it appears that Apple assumes that cable is going directly to a monitor. I'm wondering if the Mini gets a signal that monitor goes off (via the av receiver) the designers didn't factor the av receiver's capability to continue handling the sound.

    When the TV is turned off or disconnected from the Mac, or if you are using an AV Receiver also when the AV Receiver is switched to a different source than the Mac, the result is that the Mac no longer sees a signal on the HDMI interface. The Mac will then deactive the HDMI interface and switch the sound back to the built-in speaker.
    The best solution involves spending money, and is to buy a Gefen HDMI Detective+. This learns the signal from the TV and will keep sending it to the Mac even if the TV is turned off, unplugged or the AV Receiver switches the connection.
    See http://www.gefen.com/kvm/dproduct.jsp?prod_id=8005

  • No sound when I connect my Macbook pro (2012) to TV via HDMI!

    Hi! I have a problem with the sound when I connect my Macbook pro (bought in 2012) to a Phillips HD TV. The strange thing is that it only happens with some videos (specially youtube videos) but the sound works perfectly with films and audio files I have in my computer, and also when I watch TV online (Eurosport player for instance and other similar applications). It's even stranger because it doesn't happen all the time; last week I tried many times to watch some youtube videos and after unplugging the HDMI cable it seemed to work. As I said, with Eurosport player and many films downloaded in my macbook I don't have this problem (sound is ok all the time), and this is why I'm really confused. I suppose it's not a connection problem, otherwise I wouldn't have sound in any video, right? I've tried two different HDMI's cables but nothing has changed. Please, someone help me, as I can't figure out what's happening. Thank you very much!

    Well Im not sure what the fix is for your problem, but can you please open up the sound preference next time you connect the philips tv, and make sure that sound output is set to hdmi out. Then try and play your video's etc and see if they are affected. 
    I can tell you I get a similar problem when, for example, I have a youtube window open and then connect the external display. The youtube video will not sound out through the cable, however if i refresh the window it works. Also the same when I use bluray player on mac, I have to close it and open it again for the sound to output through the external monitor.

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