Fehler 9810

Ich bekomme seit 2 Wochen keine Verbindung, um die 8.000 Songs hochzuladen.
Permanent wird der Fehler --9810 angezeigt.
Was kann ich tun?
Gruß, Bob

Hi and Welcome to the Community!
Here is a KB that discusses that error:
Article ID: KB29522 "Error backing up databases" message is generated at Smart Card Options database when backing up the BlackBerry smartphone using the BlackBerry Desktop Software
Hopefully it contains something useful! There also are multiple existing threads on this site that discuss that exact error...your review of those might prove useful, and a search of this site, using the error message, error code, or symptom, should reveal all applicable existing threads to you.
Good luck and let us know!
Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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    Seit zwei Wochen tritt der Fehler immer wieder auf, die offiziellen Hilfehinweise bringen keine Änderung und haben keinen Erfolg.
    Was kann ich tun. Zumal das iTunes Match Abo läuft...

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    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
    Seit rund einem Jahr bin ich Abonnent der Creative Cloud. Ich stelle nun folgendes fest:
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    Danke und Gruss
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    Lukas Marbacher
    Hammerstrasse 7, 6312 Steinhausen
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    Hallo Lukas,
    als Erstes vielleicht dieses: Wir hier im Forum sind Anwender wie Du und ich. Nur hin und wieder taucht hier jemand der Adobe Mannschaft auf.
    Zum Thema:
    So seltsam es erscheinen mag, aber das ist wohl wieder eine Sache für das Cleaner Tool.
    Manchmal - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - will" CC (auch bei mir) nicht richtig arbeiten. In diesem Fall solltest Du CC komplett löschen (nicht nur mit PC-Bordmitteln) und neu installieren und zwar mit Hilfe des "Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool".
    Ich zitiere: Mit dem Cleaner Tool für Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) können Installationsprobleme bei Adobe Creative Cloud- und Adobe Creative Suite (CS3-CS6)-Anwendungen behoben werden. Das Tool kann Installationsdaten von Prerelease-Installationen von Creative Cloud- und Creative Suite-Anwendungen bereinigen. Es entfernt keine Installationsdaten aus früheren Versionen von Adobe Creative Cloud- oder Creative Suite-Produkten.
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  • Error 1 is to open file vi:. Openfile occurred - Fehler 1 ist bei Open File .vi:Open File aufgetreten

    Hi there,
    I'm using Labview 7.1 and Windows 7.
    I built a VI and it ran perfectly yesterday. Today when I tried to run it, the following message appeared:
    Fehler 1 ist bei Open File+.vipen File aufgetreten
    Mögliche Gründe:
    LabVIEW:  Ein Ausgabeparameter ist ungültig.
    NI-488:  Befehl erfordert, daß der GPIB-Regler der aktive Regler ist.
    Translation (google translator):
    Error 1 is to open file vi:. Openfile occurred
    Possible reasons for this:
    LabVIEW: An input parameter is invalid.
    NI 488: command requires that the GPIB controller is the active controller.
    In the attachment I am sending the file. The file is very simple. I'm just importing some data from excel.
    Go to Solution.
    Error.jpg ‏49 KB

    Cottbus wrote:
    I have the VI in a loop, because I want to make operations with a specific cell from Excel in each iteration. First loop, use the first cell, second loop the second one and so on. Maybe there is another way to do that, but that is how I figured it ou. If you have any suggestions to make it simpler I appreciate.
    First of all, you don't have an "excel" file, which is a proprietary format. You have a delimited plain text table with semicolons separating columns and linefeeds separating rows.
    You have only one loop. You are probably talking about first iteration, second iteration etc.
    Your loop spins so fast that you will only see the last row after the VI has completed. Use a small wait.
    All you need is the following code (looks slightly different, because it is LabVIEW 2010). This will display all rows in sequence for however many rows you have. If you only want to display the first 5 rows, you can wire a 5 constant to the N of the FOR loop.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    ReadRows.png ‏3 KB

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    You can't install a previous version on your Mac since it came with Mavericks pre installed.
    Read here >  Don't install a version of Mac OS X earlier than what came with your Mac
    Some Macs are still shipping with Mountain Lion. I should have asked you.
    I'm glad macjack caught that 

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    Has anyone had a similar problem, and how can I fix it?  Or is it one of those ones when you just get a new phone.   I have only had it since Feb 29, 2012

    Hello Champi,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community.
    The following article will assist regarding the issue you are experiencing with the keyboard and trackpad on your BlackBerry® Torch™ 9810 smartphone:
    Trackpad, trackball, or keyboard not working on a BlackBerry Smartphone - http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB29640
    We hope this helps.
    Thank you.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click "Accept as a Solution" for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • My Blackberry 9810 is creating a hell lot of problems, I need to get it replaced but no one is helping me out

    Well guys I just bought a new Blackberry 9810 on April 23rd 2012 from Jalandhar(Punjab) and on the very first date i faced a problem. It was so that I couldnt hear the call coming and if at all my attention was towrds my phone and i happened to picked it I couldnt hear the caller's voice and neither could he hear mine. I took out my battery and restarted the phone to rectify it. It happened about three to four days the very first day. Next morning I went to vendor, who told me to get the software updated from service centre. I did as told, went to service centre and got the software uploaded the very second day of my purchase.For nearly three four days everything was fine with my handset. As i had to travel out of station for wedding in family, i left my city Jalandhar on 4th May 2012. It was on 5th May 2012 i faced the same problem and during my ten days stay there I was completely bugged up as everyday I had to go through the same turmoil about 7 to 8 times a day. I was being mocked by my frens and relatives that " you have wasted Rs. 27000" on this wrong purchase. I was really taken a back as i m freelance writer, so i lost much of my business due to my phone being swithced off. I spoke to the vendor from Delhi he told me you come back i ill speak to service centre authority and will get ur handset changed. When I was back I visited the service centre and made him speak to my vendor too. He returned my battery and back cover of handset so i understood they wont change the handet. I insisted them to replace it but all they could say the company will replace it if need be. So i kept quiet, i got my handset back after three weeks from the service centre with a hope that it will be well in shape, but to my dismay the very next day i faced the problem again. In all this chaos i noticed that it is only when i put the memory card i face this problem so i formated my card and tried again but problem persisted than i took memory card out from my phone and it worked well for a week's time. After which i bought a new memory card thinking that my last memory card might have been infected with virus but the problem started agin. I again went to vendor he told me to go to service centre and tell the person to change the handset or IME number, I did the same. But again when I got my handet back neither was it replaced nor the IME number was changed and on top of it the problem still persited and also its hanging a lot. I am in an imbroglio and literally repenting over this purchase. Also i have to listen to constant rebuking of my parents. I seriously want to get it replaced. Can anyone tell me how? 

    Well first off you should demand that the vendor who sold it to you stand up and do what is right and exchange the unit for a new working one!
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  • Error while opening LabView files - Bei der Weitergabe des Befehls an das Programm ist ein Fehler aufgetrete​n

    Hy Forum
    Some times ago i had some troubles while opening files in labiew....
    I want to open a LabView file (no matter if *.vi or *.lvproj file) from a network path (mapped network drive). The Windows User Account Control (Windows 7, 32bit) appears to asking me for giving access to my system settings! Oops, never seen this before, pressing yes button....
    Ok, but after this the following error message appears: 
    I don't know what the correct message in english is
    "An error occurred while executing this command"????
    "Bei Weitergabe des Befehls an das Programm ist ein Fehler aufgetreten"
    The LabView Getting Startet windows will be opened, but not the desired vi or project. Even if i try to open a project from the getting startet window or from the windows explorer, just the UAC window and the same error message.
    Easy as it is, just remove the "run as administrator" options on the compatibility settings of Labview and it will run without UAC confirm.
    And also files on network drives will be opened.
    Hope this would be helpful..

    Hi Dominik,
    thanks for posting your experience here. This may help someone down the line.
    LabVIEW should indeed not normally be run as admin as it works fine in Win7 when run as a standard user.
    Joseph Tagg

  • Fehler javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: System Error

    I tried to create a web service with XI with the help of the blog: Invoke Webservice using SAP XI under https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/pub/wlg/2292. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] When I create the web service with the url from the tutorial: http://host:port/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?channel=:<service>:<channel> the url is not found. If I use the proposed url I got the error: Fehler javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: System Error.
    What could be the problem?
    Thank you!
    Message was edited by: Julia Seifert

    RWB = runtime Workbench
    when you start integration builder you 4 choices (Integration Repository, Integration Directory, System Landscape Directory and Runtime Workbench)
    Go their and on the next Webpage on the first link "Comp. Monitioring"
    Go to "Integration Server" and their to Adapter Engine
    you will get another window below.
    Go their on button Adapter Monitoring and we will get a overview which are working and which not.
    Hope this helps!
    Regards Matt

  • ITunes 10.5 will not sync to my BlackBerry. I sync's outlook fine with desk top manager, but when I select music DM says connect device. It also tells me to install iTunes!?!? Running XP Pro w/SR3 and BBerry Tourch 9810.

    iTunes 10.5 will not sync to my BlackBerry. I sync's outlook fine with desk top manager, but when I select music DM says connect device. It also tells me to install iTunes!?!? Running XP Pro w/SR3 and BBerry Tourch 9810.

    LowerFilters: AFS2K (, PXHELP20 (, IVIASPI (, CDR4_XP (,
    UpperFilters: Cdralw2k (, GEARAspiWDM (,
    hmmmm. you've got rather a lot of burning software entries in there. (it looks like you've got some kind of Roxio product installed, as well as itunes and Alcohol 120%.)
    by way of experiment, try the technique described in the following document (remember to take a backup of your device filter registry keys first).
    iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting CD issues caused by device filters
    do you still get the itunes message with just the iTunes filters in place?

  • ITunes Match no longer working: error -9810

    I've been using iTunes Match for several months on my 2.4Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook Pro running OS X Lion 10.7.4. It's taken ages to upload my music (in stages) to the iCloud, but now my library of just over 25,000 tracks is nearly all in the cloud with <900 tracks left to upload. But in the last fortnight I haven't been able to continue with the upload. Initially I was getting an 4010 error message when processing step 1. Now the message is error -9810.
    My iCloud files are still accessible on my iPad and iPhone, but I cannot get passed Step 1 on the MBP.
    I've read suggestions for fixes and tried logging out and back in. It still gives the same error.
    Also, Genius no longer is functioning. I turned it off and back on, and when I try to update it gives me a -9810 error as well.
    The iCloud system status page indicates the servers are running ok, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
    Can anyone help?

    I seem to have discovered the issue was related to my routers firewall. Sometimes my router plays up and becomes restrictive. I've noticed this before when I get 'strict NAT' errors on my xbox.
    I reset the router and it seems to have opened up the connection and allowed the itunes match process to continue.

  • I am very disappointed with my BlackBerry Torch 9810.

    I've been using BlackBerry phones since the past three years. I've used BlackBerry Curve 8520, BlackBerry Bold 2 and now, I've purchased Torch 9810.
    I purchased it on 21st of August, 2012. Not even 10 days since I bought it, it started to hang. I had to remove my battery and put it in again. I've been doing this everyday, now.
    It happens especially when I start the music player. The phone hangs.
    What am I supposed to do?
    Please help.

    You need to upgrade to the latest available OS v7.1, there is a big difference.
    Connect to your PC and run the BlackBerry Desktop Software. If you are given a notice to upgrade, cancel that, and FIRST do a complete backup of your device.
    Then, proceed with the upgrade.
    If you don't receive an upgrade notice, that means your mobile provider, Reliance, has not yet released it, but there are other upgrade routes. Post back, if needed.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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  • Tried updating 9810. now blackberry won't start. won't update.

    Device info
    i have a Torch 9810 unlocked that i'm using in UAE. it was running 7.1 and trying to update to the latest version. 
    Apps and free space
    Phone won't turn on so i don't have this information
    I tried to update to the latest version by plugging into my laptop and running Desktop software. luckily i did back up before doing anything. if pertinent, desktop software needed to update itself before itwould update my phone.
    it gave me some error while trying to load the application modules and then just crashed.
    now if i try to turn on the blackberry, it just loads up to the loading bar, the bar goes all the way to the end and stops there. 
    i connected it back to the laptop and tried to repair. it asked me to update again. 
    now when it tried to update, i get an error at the backup stage saying that application loader could not connect to my phone. and since the phone isn't working, it asks me to click igore and continue. 
    then it tries to install the new updated OS. it gets through enabling RAM or whatever, erasing applications, loading system software, waiting for device initialization, reconnecting to JVM. when it gets to "loading application modules", it gives me the following error:
    The Application Loader could not connect to you Blackberry device. try the following actions"
    (see pic)
    i tried all the steps and clicked retry a few times. no luck. what do i do? 
    i wouldn't mind just restorng from my backup and using my phone like that. but i can't even get desktop software to allow for a restore at the moment. 
    Go to Solution.

    It sounds like there's something seriously wrong with the update process.  It appears that you're doing nothing wrong.  Since Desktop Software is giving you so much trouble, I would suggest perhaps taking your phone in for a replacement.  If your phone is newer than one year old, it will be free to exchange it (well, there might be a service charge but your carrier is responsible for exchanging it).
    I would suggest following through on this suggestion.  Once you have your new phone, you can load the backup file that you created.  I don't know why you're having these issues but I wouldn't waste much more time on it.  Get a replacement and load your backup file on it.
    I hope that helps you. 
    P.S.  My suggestion seems drastic but I'm not sure what else to suggest.  If you want to wait and see what other members suggest, that's fine, however I believe you have an issue that's not going to resolve itself very easily.
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

  • Torch 9810 won't boot up or connect to Mac or PC. HELP!

    I have a torch 9810 that suddenly stopped working a few days ago!
    When I put the battery in, it begins to boot up and stops 1/4 of the way (on the grey bar on the bottom of the screen.) When I try to connect it to a computer it doesn't register. I run Mac OS 10.5.8, which is useless for most things now - I've never been able to get photos, etc, off of the phone using that OS and the blackberry software (I'd just email them to myself.) But I do have access to a friend's Mac, who runs 10.6.8 and it doesn't register there either. I also had a friend try it on their PC. I'm desperate to recover data - the ONLY video I have of my wolf, Samson - who dies 3 weeks ago, is on that phone. 
    Here's what I have done:
    Left the battery out for a long time and then re-inserted.
    Tried to connect on various operating systems of Mac and Windows.
    Ordered a new battery (the same thing happened.)
    So, is there ANYTHING I can do? @BlackberryHelp on twitter should be called @BlackberryNoHelp! 
    Has anyone had any luck with a data recovery service (for the same/similar issue)? If so, please recommend it.
    Thanks for your help!

    First off, if you haven't done so, restart your Mac. Also, if you left your iPod plugged in overnight to your Mac, your iPod was powering the USB bus in your computer - and this is why your iPod battery is completely dead. Never leave your device plugged in when the computer is in sleep mode - all peripheral ports are turned off and battery powered devices will discharge.
    If you have managed to get your iPod charged, the it is time to tackle the iTunes/Apple Mobile Device Driver issues. See this article for tips on how to troubleshoot and resolve this problem - http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1747

  • 9810 Torch synchronization error on MAC OS 10.9

    Will there be a fix for 9810 Torch users with a MAC running OS 10.9 for synchronization of calendar and contacts? Understand that the Sync Services does not run on OS 10.9 and cannot install the BB OS for Q10 that seems to have a work around this problem....
    Purchased phone just 6 mth ago why not in the market to buy new ...

    Thanks for tour suggestion, but unfortunately  it does not work. I get a dialog box about virtual memory and the disks I want to choose for, but I cannot trash the prefs. I changed the disks to see and I still get the same message.

Maybe you are looking for