Exporting Table Data

Dear all,
I would like to export data from a table into a text/CSV format. Could anyone be kind enough to tell me how can I archive this. I am using Oracle 10g standard edition on Windows 2003
Thanks in advance

See dump_csv by Tom Kyte http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:235814350980

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  • How can we export table data to a CSV file??

    I have the following requirement. Initially business agreed upon, exporting the table data to Excel file. But now, they would like to export the table data to a CSV file, which is not being supported by af:exportCollectionActionListener component.
    Because, when i opened the exported CSV file, i can see the exported data sorrounded with HTML tags. Hence the issue.
    Does someone has any solution for this ... Like, how can we export the table data to csv format. And it should work similar to exporting the data to excel sheet.
    For youre reference here is the code which i have used to export the table data..
    ><f:facet name="menus">
    ><af:menu text="Menu" id="m1">
    ><af:commandMenuItem text="Print" id="cmi1">
    ><af:exportCollectionActionListener exportedId="t1"
    >type="excelHTML"/> ---- I tried with removing value for this attribute. With no value, it did not worked at all.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran Konjeti

    Hi Alex,
    I have already visited that POST and it works only in 10g. Not in 11g.
    I got the solution for this. The solution is :
    Use the following code in jsff
    <af:commandButton text="Export Data" id="ctb1">><af:fileDownloadActionListener contentType="text/csv; charset=utf-8"
    <af:commandButton text="Export Data" id="ctb1">><af:fileDownloadActionListener contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=utf-8"
    And place this code in ManagedBean
    > public void test(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
    > DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    >DCIteratorBinding itrBinding = (DCIteratorBinding)dcBindings.get("fetchDataIterator");
    >tableRows = itrBinding.getAllRowsInRange();
    preparaing column headers
    >PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputStream);
    >out.print(" ID");
    preparing column data
    > for(Row row : tableRows){
    >DCDataRow dataRow = (DCDataRow)row;
    > DataLoaderDTO dto = (DataLoaderDTO)dataRow.getDataProvider();
    > }
    And do the following settings(*OPTIONAL*) for your browser - Only in case, if the file is being blocked by IE
    This resolves implementation of exporting table data to CSV file in 11g.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran Konjeti

  • Export table data in a flat file without using FL

    I am looking for options where I can export table data into a flat file without using FL(File Layout) i.e., by using App Engine only.
    Please share your experience if you did anything as this

    A simple way to export any record (table/view) to an csv fiel, is to create a rowset and loop through all record fields, like below example code
    Local Rowset &RS;
    Local Record &Rec;
    Local File &MYFILE;
    Local string &FileName, &strRecName, &Line, &Seperator, &Value;
    Local number &numRow, &numField;
    &FileName = "c:\temp\test.csv";
    &strRecName = "PSOPRDEFN";
    &Seperator = ";";
    &RS = CreateRowset(@("Record." | &strRecName));
    &MYFILE = GetFile(&FileName, "W", %FilePath_Absolute);
    If &MYFILE.IsOpen Then
       For &numRow = 1 To &RS.ActiveRowCount
          &Rec = &RS(&numRow).GetRecord(@("RECORD." | &strRecName));
          For &numField = 1 To &Rec.FieldCount
             &Value = String(&Rec.GetField(&numField).Value);
             If &numField = 1 Then
                &Line = &Value;
                &Line = &Line | &Seperator | &Value;
    &MYFILE.Close(); You can of course create an application class for generic calling this piece of code.
    Hope it helps.
    Do not come complaining to me on performance issues ;)

  • Exporting table data to a CSV file

    hello everyone,
    i need help on exporting table data to a CSV file.
    I have a div element containing the table which displays some data.
    there is a "Export" button just above the table, which if clicked, will export the current data in the table to a .csv file.
    can this be done in jsp? or i need to use servlet?
    also how can i submit the table data only? (as my webpage contiain other data also)
    can anyone provide with some sort of sample code?
    thanks in advance!!

    i just forgot..
    when the user will click on the export button, i want to greet him with a "Save As"
    popup, so that he can specify the filename and location to save the file.

  • How to Export Table Data to a excel sheet using OPENROWSET

    Hi Team,
    I would like to Export table data to a excel sheet by using "OPENROWSET" command in SQL Server but I am getting the
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    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
    Please help me on how to export the table data to an excel sheet by using "OPENROWSET" in SQL Server

    I know this is old so I assume you've fixed this. However, for anyone else looking at this forum, I'd recommend using a union or a table join.
    Select a.1, a.2, a.3 from a <where clause>
    Select b.1, b.2, b.3 from b <where clause>
    use a type of join.
    If both table selects return the same number of columns but different data just reference them as a variable like fred, and Ted
    Select fred.1, fred.2, fred.3 from (Select a.1, a.2, a.3 from a) fred
    Select Ted.1, Ted.2, Ted.3 from (Select b.1, b.2, b.3 from b) Ted
    or again some type of join of these two sets
    Select * from
    (Select a.1, a.2, a.3 from a) a
    INNER JOIN (Select b.1, b.2, b.3 from b) b ON b.1 = a.1
    This would give you 6 columns of data a1-3, and b1-3
    We don't know from your description what format your spreadsheet is in. These just give you the idea. Think of the sub-selects as a Table. It's just named "fred". Once your select holds all the data you need, then export the data to the spreadsheet. Use
    the horsepower of the database before trying to do a multple update of the same spreadsheet.
    Does this give you enough to fix what you were trying to do?   

  • How to export table data to excel in albpm

    we have an requirement to export table data to excel .
    we have to create an jsp in that jsp we have to have text fileds,we have to enter data to field after that we have to click on save once u click on save that data has to enter in below table and we should provide link to export that table data to excel.
    this is our totatl requirement.can u please suggest me how to do,i dont have any idea..
    Edited by: user12171025 on Nov 5, 2009 8:44 PM

    Hi Daniel 
    Please have a look at below docs :-
    Arun Jaiswal

  • Exporting table data to MS-Excel Sheet(enhanced Web Dynpro Binary Cache)

    Hi experts,
    I am trying to implement the functionality of downloading the contents of a webdynpro screen to excel sheet. In order to implement the functionality of excel download i used the following blog.
    [/people/subramanian.venkateswaran2/blog/2006/08/16/exporting-table-data-to-ms-excel-sheetenhanced-web-dynpro-binary-cache ]
    In this blog they have used javaexcel api to implement the excel functionality. I face some problems
    while implementing it.
    i) The use of "Label label = new Label(0, 2, "A label record");
    sheet.addCell(label); " is not supported. It says that a constructor for label with
    (int, int, str) parameter is not available.
    ii) Then i implemented it with "Label label = new Label("A label record"); " Then i deployed it. I got a runtime exception saying that " java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jxl.format.CellFormat ".
    This cellFormat is an interface available in the jar. I am using jexcelapi_2_6_9_1.4 version. Do i have to
    download some other versions.
    Please help. Thanks in advance.

    Please check the following steps while creating External Library DC:
    1) creating an Extneral library DC
    2) import the JARs to the libraries folder of the External Library DC project
    3) Right-click on each of the JARs imported to the project and add them to the public part.
    This DC is now ready to be used as a build-time reference that will allow CBS to build the "main" Web Dynpro application that will use the external libraries. Next, we have to create a new Web Dynpro DC to hold the class files here are the steps:
    1) Create a new Web Dynpro DC
    2) Create a new public part, selecting the "Can be packaged into other build results" option
    3) Rename the JARs as Zip files and extrct the full content (folders and class files) to your root folder
    4) Import the folders and files to the src/packages folder
    5) Expand the public part node that was created and select the "Entities" node, right-click it and choose Edit
    6) In the Entity Type list select the "Folder" option then in the selected entities tree pick each of the folders that you imported in step 5 (above)
    7) Now do a DC build and a DC deploy of the project
    Then check-in, activate, and release any activities you have associated with creating these two projects. In the DC perspective, refresh the Active DCs and Inactive DCs to ensure that both new DCs appear in the Active list. Now we have to setup the references to these DCs in our main Web Dynpro application. To do this, follow these steps:
    1) Open the Web Dynpro perspective and right click the Used DCs node then choose "Add Used DC.."
    2) Pick the public part of the External Library DC that we created (first) and set it to have a Build Time dependency
    3) Again, right click the Used DCs node and choose "Add Used DC.." then choose the public part of the Web Dynpro DC that we created and give it a Run Time dependecy (weak) and click finish.
    4) Now, due to what I think is a bug. You must right click on the Web Dynpro "used DC" that you just added in the previous step, and set the run time dependency again (it seems to revert to the default values for some reason)
    5) Now do a DC build and a DC deploy on the "main" web dynpro application.
    6) Check-in, activate, and release any activities associated with adding these references and then others on your team may use the classes in the external libraries within the Web Dynpro project.

  • Exporting table data to Excel

    Hello, i use af:exportCollectionActionListener component to export table data to Excel.
    there are 100 000 rows in my table. But only 65 535(may be is consilience that ushort = 0 to 65535) rows was exported.
    what are problems? Anybody know?
    Edited by: Beliansky Alexander on Sep 5, 2012 7:02 AM

    If i am not wrong thats a limit of excel. Not sure but.Google
    taken from "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff700514.aspx"
    "Starting in Excel 2007, the "Big Grid" increases the maximum number of rows per worksheet from 65,536 to over 1 million, and the number of columns from 256 (IV) to 16,384 (XFD). "
    Edited by: in the line of fire on Sep 5, 2012 6:06 PM

  • Exporting table data to Excel sheet:

    Hi All
    My requirement is need to export table data to Excel sheet: for this
    I was done all, but I'm getting 500 Exception please contact u r system admin msg at run time, also Jxl/Workbook class not found msg but I downloaded Jxl.jar file and its showing in navigator>Lib>jxl.jar. There is no error signals in coding part.

    Copy your jxl.jar and open it with winzip. See if there is Workbook.class file inside it in the folder jxl.
    Try to download jxl.jar from this link
    and add.
    Best Wishes
    Idhaya R

  • Export table data only

    Hi Gurus,
    I am wondering if anyone can offer some advice in regards to export table data from a source and import it to another system.
    We have a development environment (say, Banner_dev) and a production one (say, Banner_Prod). We routinely perform database refresh from Banner_Prod to Banner_dev, using Oracle Rman cloning. However, the developers are not happy with this approach saying that other things (such as packages, functions, procedures) get overwritten.
    We (DBAs) have been asked to see if we can use export/import approach so that only data within a schema will be exported and imported, leaving other objects untouched in Banner_Dev when we refresh the database from Banner_Prod to Banner_Dev.
    Is this doable with Oracle Data Pump? If it is, how can we accomplish this?

    You might consider a layered, scripted approach that takes into account the differences between the production and development environments. You might want to take into account things like differences between table DDL, data upgrading, coordinating code and so forth. The ideal is to be able to say "hey everybody, we're going to push this button tonight, be sure your work is saved into this system that will refresh everything."
    Of course, I'm used to doing this with exp/imp because of various app and dba requirements (like, I really don't want to use the same schema name between dev and prod) and the scripts have been refined over time, but there isn't any reason you couldn't have a general post-clone procedure. Describe it in terms that developers see as beneficial to them.

  • How to export table data with coloring of cell according to value.

    Hi all,
    I am using jdeveloper
    i want to export table data with lot of formatting. like with coloring of cell according to value and so many.How to do that?

    like with coloring of cell according to value and so many.How to do that?
    Answer is, you can't

  • Help needed in Exporting tables data through SQL query

    Hi All,
    I need to write a shell script(ksh) to take some of the tables data backup.
    The tables list is not static, and those are selecting through dynamic sql
    Can any body tell help me how to write the export command to export tables
    which are selected dynamically through SQL query.
    I tried like this
    exp ------ tables = query \" select empno from emp where ename\= \'SSS\' \"
    but its throws the following error
    EXP-00035: QUERY parameter valid only for table mode exports
    Thanks in advance,

    You can dynamically generate parameter file for export utility using shell script. This export parameter file can contain any table list you want every time. Then simply run the command
    $ exp parfile=myfile.txt

  • Export table data from production to quality system - Oracle 10.2

    I am trying to export a few table's data from our production system to the quality system.
    Reason: To synchronize the table data between Production and Quality system
    System info: SAP ECC 6.0 on Oracle 10.2 ; OS: Solaris
    There are few standard SAP tables which hold the data of the various institutions of our client. Our requirement is to export the master data relevant for a particular institution from the production system to the quality system. We intend to use the Oracle Export and Import utility (Suggestions on the usage of which tool are welcome).
    Lets say, there is a table NXXX in production system. This table contains the data for the institutions AA, BB, CC. I intend to export the data relevant to the institution AA from the table NXXX and import the data to the table NXXX in the Quality system.
    Now I understand that the schema of these tables are different. In the production system, the schema would be SAP<Prod SID>.NXXX and in the quality system, the schema is SAP<Qas SID>.NXXX. I need your suggestions to overcome this constraint.

    I do not think you can just export data in your scenario using the oracle imp/exp tool it's all or nothing...
    as for the scema naming between QA/PROD you just need to use :
    imp <dump file> fromuser=<PROD schema>  touser=<QA schema>  only thing you have to look out for is the mandt as it will not change.
    I had something similar recently where I had to copy 14+ million rows from Prod to a Dev client without impacting on other clients data for this table in Dev.
    So for data consistancy 
    1) I restored a copy of prod on a new LPAR and exported the table.
    2) Created a dummy prod client using client '000' as a base.
    3) imported the table  using the syntax above enabling the change of schema
    We have now a 14 + million rows in the dummy prod client on the new LPAR
    Now on the Dev server
    4) Created new client on dev as per point 2
    5) SCC9 Remote client copy from the new LPAR using SAP_ALL
    6) As I had 9+ million rows in the target client to get rid of I used delete_commit procedure as in metalink note 3777.1
        This enable  me to delete rows fast without caning the roll back segs.
    7) using R3trans and a command file from the command line copied the single table into the target client.
    I do not know if this is useful for you because your scenario is slighley different, but this is what I did for a whole table for a particular mandt.
    Edited by: Mark Norman on Oct 22, 2009 11:16 AM
    Edited by: Mark Norman on Oct 22, 2009 11:17 AM

  • Export table data in text file

    i am using oracle 8.0.7 , i want to export a table data in to text file, thanks in advance
    Noman ul haq

    2 options:
    1) Spool the query results into a file using SQL*PLUS
    2) If you can use the Oracle Server, look at the UTL_FILE package. This writes files, but ONLY to the Oracle server. It will NOT write out to your client machine. Your DBA will need to add an entry to allow for the UTL_FILE package to write out to the directory you choose.
    Hope that helps - the documentation should have detailed usage of UTL_FILE package. Or search on this site b/c this is a common question - see it at least 3 times a week.

  • Export table data

    How to export the all tables data of a schema without administrator login ?

    Hello Sanjay,
    you could use the "old" export (exp) if you have a database client installation somewhere. You can usually use the schema owner for that export.
    Otherwhise, you could also export the tables one by one using SQL Developer or even the APEX SQL Workshop, but the latter will probably be very annoying if you have more than a small number of tables to export.
    Edited by: Udo on 23.12.2011 14:39

  • Exporting table data to .csv file

    How to export the table data (this table is having 18 million records) to .csv file. using SQL Developer and PL/SQL deveoloper it is taking too long time to complete. Please let me know is there any faster way to complete this task.
    Thanks in advance

    Also bear in mind that SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer are running on your local client, so it's transferring all 18 million rows to the client before formatting and putting them out to a file. If you had some PL/SQL code to export it on the database server it would run a lot faster as you wouldn't have the network traffic delay to deal with, although your file would then reside on the server rather than the client (which isn't necessarily a bad thing as a lot of companies would be concerned about the security of their data especially if it ends up being stored on local machines rather than on a secure server).
    As already asked, why on earth do you need to store 18 million rows in a CSV file? The database is the best place to keep the data.

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