Exporting renamed clips from Prelude to PP CC

I'm using Prelude to rename clips for me.  But when I send them to Premiere Pro I don't always get the full clip - I only get partial clips.
When I do a direct import through media browser in PP, the entire clips is there.
Am I missing an export setting in Prelude?
Any suggestions would be helpful.

Kevin Monahan ...
Lucid George is right ... select one trimmed clip, File->Export->Media, you can choose whether in-out or entire clip.
Select MORE than one clip, you get a completely different export box ...
These two selections were "exported" from that bin created by dragging the trimmed clips from the timeline to a new bin ... I don't know what else one is supposed to do. You can't even select multiples clips and batch sub-clipping, which would at least cut the steps down.

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    Hello fellow editors!
    I have about 100+ video files that I want to cut into shorter clips, edit a bit and then export in a Final Cut friendly format (currently they are AVCHD mts files) to send it to my friend, who is putting the whole movie together.
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    There is a way of putting all clips in one sequence and then nesting each one, then you can send them to Encoder CC and it will render them as separate files - thats is just not very productive, nesting clips one by one and it takes forever for Encoder to import sequences.         
    I was wondering if there is a better workflow? I heard that Final Cut has shortcuts to do this very easily, you just click on all those clips in sequence and "batch export" them, which puts them in some place as separate, already cut files.?
    Anything? I love premier, let my feelings be justified!)

    Kevin Monahan ...
    Lucid George is right ... select one trimmed clip, File->Export->Media, you can choose whether in-out or entire clip.
    Select MORE than one clip, you get a completely different export box ...
    These two selections were "exported" from that bin created by dragging the trimmed clips from the timeline to a new bin ... I don't know what else one is supposed to do. You can't even select multiples clips and batch sub-clipping, which would at least cut the steps down.

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    Of course i's  not "half baked". Just because it lacks a feature that you want doesn't make it so.
    There isn't  as NLE out there that doesn't attract  complaints from some users about its functionality in some area or other.
    Fortunately, the fully functional  trial version gives us a good chance to find out first-hand whether the design meets our requirements.

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    thanks J.....I have been doing it all along the way that you suggested. Just wondered if there might be a more efficient way to bring in multiple files. I appreciate your help with this....now at least I know that I am not doing things in a more difficult manner than necessary.
    Thanks again!

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    sorry I should have been a bit clearer.
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    LaiPod wrote:
    .. I vaguely remember the older version of iMovie actually uses a folder to hold the .dv files instead of using a project. The newer version of iMovie seems to be more less efficient to require an export.
    Can anyone share your trick on how to by-pass the compression and exporting process and get to the clip files directly?
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    To export only a part of a track you have two ways:
    The easiest way is the "Cycle Region": set the cycle region to the section of the clip that you want to export. The cycle region will show as a yellow bar at the top of the Timeline. You can drag the ends to adjust it. Silence all other tacks and use "Share > Export song to disk (or share to iTunes)". This will only export that section of he clip.
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    If your capture settings have a different frames per second than your export settings, then it could account for the problem.
    But you haven't provided much information.

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    Find the frame that you want on your Timeline. Press I and then O to mark in and out on the same frame. Go to the FCE menu bar: File > Export > Using QuickTime Conversion.
    Click the Format button and choose Still Image.
    Click the Options button. In the new window that appears, click its Format button. Choose TIFF.
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    1. Choose File->Export...
    2. Click the Quicktime icon at the top of the export dialog
    3. In the Compress movie for: popup menu, choose Expert Settings. Click Share.
    4. In the new dialog box, set the Export popup menu to "Sound to AIFF".
    5. Click the options button and select: Format - Linear PCM, Channels - Stereo, Rate - 48.000kHz, Quality - Normal, Sample size: 16 bits. Leave the other checkboxes unchecked. Click OK. (Next time you can use "Most Recent Settings" because it will remember what you did.)
    6. Give it a name and navigate to where you want to save it. Then click Save.
    7. Import the AIFF file into your new movie.

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    mark out...
    *** is up with this new FCPX...
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    I'd like to know if there is any possibility to export all clips from a sequence/timeline seperately with all applied effects as a batch export or similar in CS 5.5.
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    Thanks for your help in advance...

    The only way to export a single clip with effects is to manually set up each individual export.  This applies to all version of PP.

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    Or is there another way to do it?

    Jim Simon wrote:
    CS6 works just like CS4 did on this one.
    Not in my case (I'm on Mac, maybe in Windows it's different?): in CS4 I double-click a clip in a timeline, it opens in the source monitor, and I click Export. I immediately get only this specific cut selected as a work area without any need to mark in/out, or to define work area. In CS6 just doesn't happen... Can you confirm that CS6 also does it and can you tell me your configuration and version?

  • Trying to Batch-Export Several .dv clips from one large .dv file

    I'm having trouble cutting up and exporting discrete clips from larger .dv files; either it doesn't cut in the right place (weird parts of the file get glommed together), loses its audio, compresses and loses information, etc.
    I'd really like to be able to cut up each file into specific clips and export them all at once (the files are roughly 13GB each), but so far everything I've tried has led to disaster, and all of the exported files are converted to .mov

    The bottom line here is that if your .dv files are in FCP they are no longer . dv files.
    I know that may sound heretical so some, but stay with me for a second.
    Final cut will simply not edit .dv in its native state any more than it will AVCHD. What happens instead is that FCP IGNORES the audio portion of the DV stream and rewrites its own audio (32 bit float mind you, which is not the most efficient use of disc space)
    Now you have a DV NTSC sequence but as far as FCP is concerned that means a .MOV shell containing video + audio. THAT is now the native state. The video has not been re-compressed yet but is still no longer experiencing life as a .dv file.
    That's the first reality that you need to accept.
    Next, if you do decide to export from FCP to the .dv codec I'm pretty certain that at THAT point you'll be re-compressing your video footage. So, Ironically, in an attempt to avoid generational loss by insisting that the new clips be ".dv" you actually could be making things worse.
    The ONLY application in the universe that I'm aware of that will do what you're trying to do is iMovieHD 06. That application had destructive style file functionality that let you trash media that had been trimmed while still maintaining the original file directory.
    Personally, I think it's incumbent upon you to inform "your boss" that his abstract idea about maintaining this media within FCP as .dv is simply fantasy.
    Or continue to tell the emperor that his new clothes are beautiful !
    good luck,

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