DV63250 Power supply Problems

My son is a new marine in training and bought a New Hp dv6-3250us and tried to charge it to no avail. He is unable to call or ship it out, he is in a very stressful time of his training and wanted this to keep in contact to the outside world. He stated that the laptop shows the charger registering but no lighting bolt or charging green lights. Please HELP! HP Customer support keeps saying he needs to call. HE IS IN THE MILITARY TRAINING FEILD, he can't. How can I help him, I have all the warranty information, serial numbers and so forth. Please advise!

Ask him to unplug the power supply and remove the battery.
inspect the battery to ensure there is no plastic covering the gold contacts and if any is found, remove it
and then put the battery back in place and start up the notebook with the power adapter.
Calibrate the battery 
Best regards,
****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    Originally posted by DarkDuelist
    yea, it comes with the 4-pin atx1 connector and 20-pin atx2 connector.
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    MATSONIC motherboard MS9087C
    DDR 400
    Intel celeron 2gh 400 fsb
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    Voltage readings from sensors (current data):
    Adapter: ISA adapter
    Algorithm: ISA algorithm
    VCore:     +1.76 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +0.00 V)
    +3.3V:     +3.34 V  (min =  +2.97 V, max =  +3.63 V)
    +5V:       +4.89 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.48 V)
    +12V:     +11.89 V  (min = +10.79 V, max = +13.11 V)
    -12V:     -12.44 V  (min = -13.21 V, max = -10.90 V)
    -5V:       -5.01 V  (min =  -5.51 V, max =  -4.51 V)
    V5SB:      +5.51 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.48 V)
    VBat:      +3.42 V  (min =  +2.70 V, max =  +3.29 V)
    fan1:     4560 RPM  (min = 1500 RPM, div = 4)
    fan2:     2033 RPM  (min = 1500 RPM, div = 4)
    temp1:       +40°C  (limit =  +60°C)                       sensor = thermistor
    temp2:     +44.5°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor = thermistor
    PSU is powering Athlon XP 1700+ processor, the other big power consumer is GeForce4 Ti 4200 GPU. I am not able read currents for specific voltage outputs, so I am not able to measure whole power consumption. Computer is working normally, it is NOT overclocked (but it is stable overclocked too) and the only problem is PSU shutdown by software (win & linux, both of them has this problem). From BIOS v2.6 it is possible to shutdown the computer by power button. If it is tried by software, computer resets itself and three beeps occurs.

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    Generally speaking, the defects which affect a logic board and power supply in that family of products are similar, but there typically exists no causal link between them. It is possible to have a logic board affected by the defective electrolytic capacitor issue, a defective power supply, or both.
    You can readily determine if the logic board is defective by examining the clusters of capacitors on the logic board for bloating, distended tops or leakage. If they exhibit such symptoms, your logic board can be repaired for $ 189.00 by contacting this company.
    You may also need to replace the power supply, thought that determination is best made once the logic board as been verified as good or bad, and replaced, if you elect to do so. Power supplies for this product family generally cost roughly $ 139.00, and are user replaceable. Replacing the supply in a unit which exhibits the defective capacitor issue will not correct the logic board related problem, and may—under relatively rare circumstances—cause the eventual failure of the replacement supply.
    *I may receive compensation as a result of parts or services being ordered by users specified at the link shown in this message.

  • IMac G5 bluetooth + airport + power supply problems - oh and the dvd drive

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    Well today I came home from work and my computer was acting funny. Everywhere I clicked brought up dashboard. This had never happened before and I had no choice but to force a shutdown. Powered it back up and poof, there goes my airport card. No hardware recognized. Now I have a 25 ft cable running the floor of my apartment. This was cause enough to call apple. I was told to make another apointment to bring the computer in. The guy made it sound like it was no big deal to lug a 30 lb bulky computer 40 miles and through a crowded mall. He also made no promises that the repairs would be covered under the exchange program.
    I just wanted to hear any suggestions before I decide whether or not its worth it to bring in the computer. Nothing shows up in system profiler under bluetooth or airport. Should I just lie to the "genius" and tell them that my computer still shuts down randomly? I think that way they would at least replace the logic board (which I think is the problem) before telling me to sell my kidney and pay for repairs. I've tried reseting the SMU, and I looked at the bluetooth and airport cards to see if they had been accidently disconnected during the PS replacement. They are actually screwed into the logic board so I think their connections are efficient.
    Oh and about the DVD drive. I have to use two cd's in order to burn a single disc. The first disc I put in the drive NEVER works. It spins for about 30 seconds then starts buzzing like blender and spits the cd back out. The second blank disc I put in USUALLY works, but sometimes it takes three discs. This problem has always been there since day 1, but I don't burn enough cd's for it to be an issue.
    Thank you for listening to my gripes. I really don't think I'll make the mistake of buying the first issue of a model.
    iBook G4 900mghz, iMac G5 20" 2.0 ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    OK, first thing -to restore your bluetooth, shut down, unplug for a few minutes and then reboot. Thay usually brings the BT back. You should also repair permissions. Reset your SMU nd your PRAM as well.
    Try those four things and please post back,

  • Wired Keyboard USB Power Supply Problem

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    Now I installed Bootcamp with Windows 7 Professional and it tells me the power supply in the keyboard is to low for my headset and my Mixamp.
    Does anybody know a solution for that problem?
    Why does Windows cry about that while Mac is perfectly fine with this.
    I hope somebody can help me. Thank You
    With best regards

    Support FAQ - Astro Gaming
    For PC Users: Much like discrete graphics, audio, or physics hardware free up CPU cycles and make our games run faster, the USB drivers built into the MixAmp provide a simple plug and play solution to offloading communication and music duties to the MixAmp.
    My guess would be that these drivers are not loaded in OSX. When you run Windows via bootcamp, these drivers are loaded. Based on the function described, they draw more power from your USB bus than they would in the OS X environment. Yet the machine is still only willing to supply 500 mA to the particular hub. I think, therein lies the problem. Or, atleast, a theory.

  • Help with kernel and possible power supply problem

    From 2 days after getting my imac I had my first Kernel restart.  Since then I have done everything apple has asked.  Ram resets and removing everything from the imac itself To find that it still had a kernel problem.  The error messages are Plugnplay or spinlock usually but have also been various ones such as  Kerneltask.  I have done a full reinstall of the operating system and only installed official apps from apple store, adobe flash and silverlight and next day was a kernel error for plugnplay.
    The imac is currently in the shop for a look at but 2 phonecalls back saying they have had no evidence of errors. In fact its perfect for them.  The kernel is usually a few hours from turning it on but can go all day fine But they have had the imac almost a week.
    So the only thing I can think of is if it works great for them is either they are really lucky or have a different electricity supply/cable.  So this leaves me thinking as stupidly as if it is working perfect for them then could it be a surge protector or power supply causing the random crashes?  Even something to do with the power lead itself?  I am really pulling at strings and going crazy because the only other thing I have been told to do is spend a week at a time just adding one thing at a time till the error shows itself so could be months and months.
    i know kernel issues are historically hard to diagnose but any help would be great.  At the moment i have a £3000 paperweight on my desk thats only turned on a few hours a day  because I have no faith in it.

    Hi Joel,
    For the external drive issue try resetting your firewire ports.
    To do this, shutdown and disconnect the firewire devices from your computer and from each other if there is a chain of them. Now disconnect the power cords from both your computer and from the firewire devices. Wait fifteen minutes. Connect up again and see what happens. The FW ports on Macs have a 'self re-setting fuse" that requires all power to be removed for a period of time for re-activation.
    You may also want to try a PRAM reset if that doesn't resolve the issue. Sometimes this can also be implicated in FW problems. Shut down. Hold down the command option p r keys. Now start up, keeping the keys mentioned depressed until the chimes have sounded three times.

  • Mac Pro won't start; power supply problems?

    Hi friends, I'm having some very inconvenient hardware problems. My Mac Pro system will not start up. I have done some preliminary searching for similar issues, and it seems there are too many possible outcomes for me to tell directly from their answers. I'm writing in hopes that someone has had the same experience and can offer advice.
    Here's my symptoms.
    • Mac Pro system, late 2009. Dual Quad-core Intel Xenon, I think. (I usually just go to System Profile, rather than memorise this crap.) Two internal drives (SSD for system, HDD for data); all other hardware standard.
    • Power light indicator is solid white. No blinking.
    • No startup chime and no audio bleeps
    • Display is dark, no activity of any kind.
    • This behaviour persists with no network connections, no hardware peripherals outside of Apple Studio display and its associated USB cable (which allows the keyboard)
    Do we suspect it's the power supply? It seems to power on, and clicks to life as it does after waking from sleep, but doesn't boot. Pressing the power button again shuts down the machine instantly — no 5-second-hold required.
    It could be the RAM, I guess. I have yet to do the diagnosis of removing DIMM pairs one-by-one to see if something is the problem.
    Any advice you can offer is great. Thanks

    There are LEDs adjacent to the RAM positions that, when lit, indicate a bad DIMM.
    The side door is not interlocked, and there are no hazardous Voltages available to your unaided fingers, but components may be HOT.
    A Bad DIMM will not preclude Booting. Your Mac will note the defect and attempt to boot without that DIMM. And 2009 DIMMs are independent, so losing one does not take out any others.

  • LaCie DVD-burner and iBook  power supply problem

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    I bought recently external LaCie DVD burner (USB). I experienced problem connecting it to iBook. It suppose to be possible to be powered up from USB but only possible way to power up burner only via external power supply. Is there is any possibility to adjust power in iBook so burner will work. I'v checked possibility to use it only powered form USB on MacBook of my friend - it works smooth only from single USB...
    Thanks for any suggestions,

    Look here for answer

  • Power Supply problems? how to replace

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    i checked http://www.apple.com/support/powermac/powersupply/repairextension/ and my serial # is in the range that might have faulty power supplies.
    the problem is apple won't replace it until it fails completely. i want to avoid that, so how do i know for sure it's the power supply making noise? if so, where do i buy a new one? the apple store doesn't seem to sell them.

    that's a bummer that yours died completely. mine made that noise for 2 days, then the noise went away. in the past week it did it again, for about 12 hours.
    i'm out of luck with the 3 year deal. i called apple store to see if i can order a replacement power supply and they had no idea what i was talking about. the guy pretended he did, then told me it would cost $40 to get a new cable to "plug my mac in". they didn't even know what a power supply was.
    so do you have to send your computer in to apple to have it "repaired" or is it just dead? i'm curious because i wonder how much apple charges to replace the power supply, or if i can purchase one somewhere else and replace it myself.

  • External Drive - Power Supply Problem

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    I have a problem with my Lacie External HD, i know it's not an Apple product but it is used with my Apple machines and formatted for Apple OS. Also the folks here are very knowledgeable.
    I have a Lacie D2 Triple Interface http://salestores.com/stores/images/images_747/301146U.jpg
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    Any advice / help is appreciated.

    First thing to try is see if LaCie will replace the power brick, and that is what most people mean by "power supply" issues.
    The other is how LaCie products tend to disrupt FW ports and cause problems, which is something that they are also prone to, should not, and don't find with others.
    There use to be more attention to hot-swapping FW cable and Isolate brand or feature to prevent a FW port or device from being 'fried' by hot-swapping or plugging in a hot cable.
    I'd move my drives to either another Firewire product, or more to native SATA.
    Also, the ability to use USB/FW/eSATA (quad interface) means there is a bridge, and that in itself can impose a limit on I/O and how well a drive can talk to the other end. Drives today are faster than even FW800 can deliver.

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