Disabling Restore Session Box

I want to disable the "restore session" box in Firefox 4. I downloaded the session manager but there is no functional setting for this. I went to the about:home site & changed setting there, still to no avail. How can I disable this feature?

You can do it with Javascript.
This is to the head of page.
function func() {
   if (document.form1.textbox1.value=="something") {
</script>...and its in the body part.
<form action="..."  name="form1">
<input type="text" name="textbox1" onclick="func()"/>
<input type="text" name="textbox2"/>
<input type="text" name="textbox3"/>
...I hope this helps.

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    Did you have an iCloud account set up on it?  If so, did you enable the "find my iPod" switch under the account settings?
    If not, there is nothing you can do remotely to it.
    If you did, then log in to your iCloud account in a web browser and see if it shows up (it will have to be on, and it will have to be connected to a wifi network for find my iPod to be able to do anything).
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    If you want to completley disable session restore about:config
    set browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo and browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo to 0
    Then Options > General > When Firefox Starts select home or blank tab.
    Set browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash to false to stop it restoring after a crash.

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    I managed to remove the "Restore Previous Session" button from the home page by changing my default home page with this : www.google.com/firefox/ (the default home page from the previous versions of Firefox). It worked for me, I hope it works for you too.

  • How do I delete the "restore prvious session" box????

    It appears to be a new feature on the home page, and I can't stand it.

    If you want to keep the about:home page then you can hide the "Restore Previous Session" box with code in userContent.css
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/userContent.css
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Editing_configuration
    You can use the ChromEdit Plus extension to have easier access to the customization files.
    * ChromEdit Plus: http://webdesigns.ms11.net/chromeditp.html
    Add the code to userContent.css
    @-moz-document url(about:home){
    /* hide sessionRestore container on the about:home page */
    #sessionRestoreContainer { display: none !important; }

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    Firefox 4 saves the previous session automatically, so there is no longer need for the dialog asking if you want to save the current session.<br />
    Use "File > Exit" or "Firefox > Exit" if you want to restore multiple windows.<br />
    You can use "Firefox > History > Restore Previous Session" to get the previous session at any time.<br />
    There is also a "Restore Previous Session" button on the default <b>about:home</b> Home page.<br />
    Firefox 4 uses a new build-in home page called about:home
    That about:home page only shows some snippets and has a button to restore the previous session if applicable.
    If you want a home page without the Restore Previous Session then set another page as the home page like www.google.com or www.google.com/firefox used in Firefox 3 versions.

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    hello kayjay76, this sounds like a problem caused by some sort of adware on your pc. please go to ''firefox > addons > extensions'' & remove any suspicious entries (toolbars, things that you have not installed intentionally, don't know what purpose they serve, etc). also go to the windows control panel / programs and remove all toolbars or potentially unwanted software from there and run a full scan of your system with the security software that you have in place and different other tools like the [http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free free version of malwarebytes] & [http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/adwcleaner/ adwcleaner].
    [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]
    [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]]

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    That is a new feature that started with Firefox 4.0, with the '''about:home''' homepage which was also new in Firefox 4.0. The previous session is saved automatically, unlike earlier versions.
    If you don't like seeing Restore Previous Session, change your homepage to a different web page. <br />

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Magesh,
    it is possible. use Badi enhancement
    MB_MIGO_BADI goto
    tell your abaper to put the logic like
    parent ID and subcomponent ID need to select
    if either of two is not selected
    then error message will prompt not to save the GR doc since subcomponent is unselected.
    reference field EKPO check PSTYP
    hope this help you.
    Edited by: Maia on Apr 18, 2008 3:07 PM

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    Which file is mentioned as the cause of that script error?<br />
    Is that a file with a chrome protocol?

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    2. I open Firefox again.
    3. Automatically Firefox asks if I want to restore the last session or start a new session.
    4. Usually it works to restore a session, but at random times, it does not and the following happens.
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    did not have that extension installed, but did it now and can't find anything there that would concern tab groups. (also referred to as Panorama). This session manager seems to provide a lot of stuff that the browser is supposed to do anyhoo, but with more options of configuration. Hope extension and browser won't cause a mess while attempting to do both the same thing.
    Yes, I know that Bookmark all tabs is still available via right click - after a google-search told me so. My feedback was - why remove functionality from the menu? It's really not overloaded - and I'd expect a menu listing me the complete set of functions a software allows me to do, unless it busts the menu. So I was just asking myself - how come it has been removed? Makes no sense to me.
    Thanks for your reply.

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    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/CheckSpriteClick()
    at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/CheckAllClicksDown()
    at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/onMousePress()
    We've narrowed this down to the click boxes and the event listeners associated with them. I need to know if there's some way that our parent SWF can call into the Captivate quiz SWF in order to disable those click boxes once the user moves off of the SWF. I know that we can disable them from within the quiz itself using an advanced action, but I'm just not sure if the same can be done from an external SWF (ideally, we would just call an advanced action from the parent SWF - I have no idea if this is possible).
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    - Terence

    First question, why are you simply hiding and not unloading them?
    If you can hide, I am assuming through a visible false or alpha = 0; then it seems like you would have the ability to relocate them as well, and since the loaded swf is housing its own buttons and hit areas they would move with their parent...
    So a cheap fix if you can access the objects would be to move them out of view, like to
    .x = -5000
    .y = -5000
    That might work...and might be the easiest way to "Re-add them to the stage without losing info, I am assuming the hide and not unload is for keeping score or something?
    You could then move them back to 0,0 if you needed them again...
    might help you

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    *& Report  ZMR_RADIO_BUTTONS
                 R2  RADIOBUTTON GROUP G1.
                 A2 TYPE I.
    IF R1 = 'X'.
    IF SCREEN-NAME = 'A1'.
       SCREEN-INPUT = 0.
        SCREEN-ACTIVE = 0.
    IF SCREEN-NAME = 'A2'.
       SCREEN-INPUT = 0.
        SCREEN-ACTIVE = 1.
    IF R2 = 'X'.
    IF SCREEN-NAME = 'A1'.
       SCREEN-INPUT = 0.
        SCREEN-ACTIVE = 1.
    IF SCREEN-NAME = 'A2'.
       SCREEN-INPUT = 0.
        SCREEN-ACTIVE = 0.
    modify screen.
    *IF R1 = 'X'.
    IF SCREEN-NAME = 'A1'.
       SCREEN-INPUT = 0.
       SCREEN-ACTIVE = 1.
    *IF R2 = 'X'.
    IF SCREEN-NAME = 'A2'.
       SCREEN-INPUT = 0.
       SCREEN-ACTIVE = 0.

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