Database Event Subscription with oo4o c++

how do I subscribe to Database events using oo4o for C++ API? oo4o does provides OraSubscription object but I can't seem to find its equivalent class in C++.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.

how do I subscribe to Database events using oo4o for C++ API? oo4o does provides OraSubscription object but I can't seem to find its equivalent class in C++.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.

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    The latest user guide does not provide ay information on this functionality of Flow rules.

    You should find it's usage noted in the new PCG user guide on page 3-26 under the heading "Configuring Workflow/Event Rules". This way you can have a Flow Rule call a business event component or a workflow. This would be kicked off within a process flow as one of the steps.
    I hope that helps.

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    Stack Trace: tosipDomain_phase2:Name=cgJMSServer,Type=JMSServer
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.EJBGenerator.deployWorkshopQueues(
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    Hey buddies,
    I have a very similar error on WLI 9.2 MP2 on development mode with a cluster of managed servers on the same machine. I'm afraid that the automatic resource creation feature of dev mode is creating the error.
    The ...processes.UnlockService is jpd called by a JMS Broker thru a channel, and I considering it as the first suspect point.
    Any help is welcome.
    <May 15, 2008 8:04:57 PM GMT-03:00> <Notice> <Stdout> <000000> <2008-05-15 20:04:57,575 [PERFO] localServer xMDA  [iid=15899 prd=TC DATA act=INSTALL otp=I onb=00011552111 cid=12345189 mrt=]  END Designar_TCDATA OK>
    <May 15, 2008 8:04:57 PM GMT-03:00> <Error> <WLI> <000000> <Exception processing com.oi.integra.provisioning.lockManager.processes.UnlockService granite_wli_dev:Name=cgJMSServer,Type=JMSServer
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.EJBGenerator.deployWorkshopQueues(
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.dispatcher.DispResources.deployQueues(
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.dispatcher.DispCache.ensureDispUnit(
         Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace granite_wli_dev:Name=cgJMSServer,Type=JMSServer
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.EJBGenerator.ensureQueue(
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.EJBGenerator.ensureWorkshopQueues(
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.EJBGenerator$
         Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace granite_wli_dev:Name=cgJMSServer,Type=JMSServer
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.EJBGenerator.doesQueueExist(
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.EJBGenerator$
         Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace granite_wli_dev:Name=cgJMSServer,Type=JMSServer
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.WLSUtil.getWorkshopJMSServer(
         at com.bea.wli.knex.runtime.core.bean.EJBGenerator$
         Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    > granite_wli_dev:Name=cgJMSServer,Type=JMSServer

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    This has nothing to do with Adobe or Dreamweaver.  Contact the company from whom you purchased your extension or widget.
    Nancy O.

  • Event Subscription

    I have two different queries:
    A) I have an event that has 2 subscriptions, both using some custom rule functions. I noticed that only one of them executes at a time. (I am testing by putting an insert in the rule functions.) I also tried specifying the phase for one as 10 and other as 20, in that case also only phase 10 subscription gets executed. Why is that ?
    B)I am enqueuing to WF_IN. There is an event subscription in workflow which runs whenever a message is dequeued from WF_IN. In this event subscription, under triggering condition I specified the "Source Agent" as WF_OUT, which should actually never let the subscription run. But the subcription still executes. Why is it so, is it not filtering the Source Agent ?

    What you have described sounds like it should work fine. You would need to make sure there are database links between System 1 and System 2, and do the system signup procedure so that the two systems are storing each other's system and inbound agent information. Then have System 1 enqueue the event - for instance you could raise the event on System 1 and have a subscription of type Local with a To Agent of the inbound agent on System 2. And finally on System 2, have a subscribtion of type External that sends the event message to the specified workflow process. The workflow process will need to have a Receive event activity marked as a start activity to launch a new process when the event is received.

  • Incorreect event-key in oracle.apps.inv.lotCreate Event subscription

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    Organization_id-Item_id-Lot_number. However i am getting some six digit number which is neither Organization_id nor Item_id nor Lot_number.
    I am using Oracle E-Business suite Release 12.
    Please let me know if anyone has faced similar problems? what was cause of such problem?
    Let me know if you require more information.

    Hi Steve,
    The test subscription is raising from the workflow administrator responsiibility but when I update the item attribute controls then the subscription is not raising and checked with the forms trace, there is no event is recorded in the trace. I am using 11.5.10 cu 2 version and suspecting still some setting might be missing for the inventory events.
    I wrote the following code for my initial testing to test the event subscription raising on the item update.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY APPS.schl_event_item_update_elt
    FUNCTION schl_item_attrib_update (p_subscription_guid IN raw,
    p_event IN OUT wf_event_t
    l_key VARCHAR2 (240);
    l_key_stat VARCHAR2 (50);
    l_status_rec VARCHAR2 (50);
    l_org_id VARCHAR2 (240);
    l_key := p_event.geteventkey ();
    INSERT INTO schl.schl_item_attrib_update
    VALUES (l_key);
    INSERT INTO schl.schl_item_attrib_update
    VALUES ('error');
    I would highly appreciate your thoghts on this.
    Srini C

  • How to generate an email on a database event?

    Dear gurus...I've heard about diferent ways of generating email in response to a database event e.g
    1 - Using UTL_MAIL package
    2 - Event Driven Reporting feature of 10g Database and using SRW.Run_Report package to generate and mail a report.
    Now I'm confused that how should I accomplish the following tasks:
    (i) - How to generate an email after Insert/Update/Delete on a table and acknowledge the concerned users about that event?
    (ii) - How to attach a text file with that email?

    Dear Ivan...I've tried both UTL_SMTP and UTL_MAIL, UTL_SMTP is working well and sending mails but following code of UTL_MAIL is giving the error which I can't guess, why?
    CRLF CHAR(2) := CHR(10) || CHR(13);
    UTL_MAIL.SEND(sender => '[email protected]',
    recipients => '[email protected]',
    cc => NULL,
    bcc => NULL,
    subject => 'Test Email',
    message => 'Test line1' || CRLF || CRLF || 'Test line2',
    mime_type => 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii',
    priority => 1);
    and the error is:
    ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 554 Message is not RFC compliant
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 20
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 98
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 345
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 577
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 594
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    could u guess why this error is generating???
    P.S...I'm using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production on MS-Windows Server-2003.

  • An Error occurred in the following Event Subscription: Event Subscription

    Dear All,
    i got a mail from WF mail which is below:
    +From: XXXX WAX [mailto:wfmailer@XXX]+
    Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 3:24 PM
    To: XXxxHrmsSupport
    Subject: Action Required: Local Event ERROR : /
    Sent  28-MAR-11 15:23:08
    ID  265172
    An Error occurred in the following Event Subscription: Event Subscription
    Event Error Name:
    Event Error Message:
    Event Error Stack:
    Event Data: Event Data URL
    Other Event Details:
    Event Field                    Value
    Event Name        
    Event Key          
    From Agent                  WF_DEFERRED
    From System                 PROD.OWSC.COM
    To Agent
    To System
    Priority                          50
    Send Date                  28-MAR-2011 15:20:18
    Receive Date              28-MAR-2011 15:21:35
    Correlation ID
    Parameter : USER_ID 2085
    Parameter : RESP_ID 50348
    Parameter : RESP_APPL_ID 660
    Parameter : SECURITY_GROUP_ID 0
    Parameter : ORG_ID 81
    Parameter : LOCATION_ID 924
    Parameter : #CURRENT_PHASE 101
    Parameter : ERROR_TYPE ERROR
    Parameter : SUB_GUID A242DC2FF79D70A7E030
    Action History
    Action Date
    Details 1
    +28-MAR-11 15:23:08+
    Please click on one of the following choices to automatically generate an E-mail response. Before sending the E-mail response to close this notification, ensure all response prompts include a desired response value within quotes.
    Retry Raise Event
    Retry Raise Event: Abort   Raise Event with Event Key   Raise Event with Event Key and Event Data   Raise with Event Key, Event Data and Parameters  Request Information
    The client expecting detailed mail regarding this OED.. kindly help me to find this WF mail answer,,
    What is this mail, what is the reason, what action i have to take for this ?

    Dear Hussein,
    Thank you for your support,
    You have mention the excat document which is realted to my error.
    Oracle.Apps.Ar.Hz.Location.Update / Oracle.Apps.Ar.Hz.Location.UpdateXXXXXX [ID 352888.1]i saw the soultion in this above document, still i have dought will you kindly clarify me !!
    · If the event is enabled with subscriptions and that is giving some error message, it means that the user is trying to update the location and he is doing something wrong. Is this correct?
    · If I disable the subscription from the production will that create any problem?
    Kindly expecting your suggestion
    OS: Windows server 2003
    Application :

  • event subscription

    I have created a custom test subscription for the above event.I have simply created a rule function which inserts values in a custom table to show that the event is being fired.
    I tested from workflow responsibility, and yes, event is being captured and values are being inserted in the custom table. Means, from test subscription, its working.
    However, now I am trying to respond an notification from email(actual testing of the event). The notificatoin gets processed, but my function is not being called. In other words, possibly my event subscription is not being fired, seeded one is working though.
    I checked WF_NOTIFICATION_IN table. The email responses are received here and their state also shows from 0 to 2 changing. Also, the DEQ_TIME column also has values.
    So the question is how to know why my subscription is not being fired?
    Abdul Wahid

    One Update.
    I tried to fire some different event and registered this function with that.
    Its working with this event.
    Does that mean that event is not being fired?

  • SQL-Statement with OO4O

    Hello together,
    I post this Question here in
    Re: SQL-Statement with OO4O
    and i should paste my question again in an another database forum.
    now here again:
    I have here following Problem:
    Everthime I make a connection to my database with this code
    Set oSess = Server.CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
    Set oDB = oSess.DbOpenDatabase(tnsname, user/PWD, 4)
    I get always this Statement in the DB-queue
    SELECT parameter, VALUE
    FROM SYS.nls_database_parameters
    Can me anyone tell me why I get this statement and how I can disable it?
    Best Regards

    What can you do/change?I must ask next week my boss when he is back,
    what kind of changes I can do.
    Can you add a PL/SQL call to DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO into application?my boss must give me the permission to do a call to DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.
    A way to identify the source of the badly behaving code is required; whether that be within the DB or external of it.I think so too.
    So please wait, until I have talk with my boss, than I will give you the answer you want. Sorry.
    Any other ideas, what I can do without call/changes on the database to find the problem?
    Best Regards

  • Iphoto events showing with key photo of a palm tree in gray?

    iphoto events showing with key photo of a palm tree in gray? Also indicates no photos but there are photos within the event??

    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  

  • Enable Create Event/Subscription button in R12

    hello experts,
    I am trying to create a business event/subscription in R12 and I cannot find the "Create" button.
    I tried using Workflow Administrator, Workflow Administrator Event Manager and Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibilities. None of them has the "Create" button.
    Is there some profile option I need to setup?
    Thanks in advanced.

    You need to use the user / responsibility that is configured as the Workflow administrator.
    From the Workflow Admin responsibility, open the Administration tab - this will show you who the administrator is. Then log in as either that user or a user with that responsibility and the button will be there.
    Edited by: Darryl Burke -- advertisement and links removed

  • Job on database event

    Hi all,
    I want to create a job based on a database event.
    I want to delete records in a table that are older then for example 4 years old. Tha tabel has a create_date attribute.
    Is this possible?
    Currently I would create a procedure that would check for records older than 4 years and delete them. I would then create a job that runs this procedure every year.
    And then I read about jobs based on events. they work with the concept of oracle messaging and queues. This seemd a better idea.

    I don't think events would work well for your case. Database events are really AQ messages. The database really doesn't send messages, you need to create the infrastructure to enqueue messages or raise alerts yourself.
    In my opinion, building the infrastructure to do this is less efficient and more complex than simply scheduling a job that runs once every so often.

  • Second opinion : Database events

    I'm probably a bit late but I found Database events and that seems to me something I have to use... Together with SQLlite / applescript...
    But I want a second opinion. Is this is the best way to store my data for free?
    Because when I start using database events I will get big databases with many records and fields,...
    Of course if you have a better suggestion I would like to know it..
    I prefer free / open source solutions. My software budget is zero this year.
    Many thanks.

    What is your primary goal here - to store lots of data, or to AppleScript your data?
    The reason I ask is that Database Events is your simplest path to using a database within AppleScript, however it has a few caveats.
    First is that I don't know anyone that's using it at scale. I've used it myself for small data sets but I don't know anyone storing gigabytes (or terabytes) of data with it. It might be fine - I just don't hear of it happening.
    The second is that, IIRC, Apple have changed their underlying database in the past, so you may need to consider what to do if they repeat that (and whether they'll provide seamless migration tools).
    So if your primary goal is to store lots of data, then there are other, free, solutions out there including MySQL, PostgreSQL and more. Of course, the downside to these is that there is little or no AppleScript integration, so you're limited to interacting with then via shell commands. AFAIK all the other databases that support AppleScript (either directly or via ODBC) are commercial.

  • Database events

    Hi I am connecting to Oracle 9 database using OracleInProcServer library from my .NET 1.1 project.
    I want to use database events so Oracle can notify me of a change in database.
    My code:
    Dim gOraSession As Object
    Dim gOraSubscriptions As OracleInProcServer.OraSubscriptions
    Dim gOraDatabase As OracleInProcServer.OraDatabase
    gOraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
    gOraDatabase = gOraSession.DbOpenDatabase("<database_instance>", "<username>/<password>", OracleInProcServer.dbOption.ORADB_ENLIST_FOR_CALLBACK)
    gOraSubscriptions = gOraDatabase.Subscriptions
    gOraSubscriptions.Add("<queue_name>:<subscriber>", DBEventsHdlr, A) --------ERROR
    I get the Type Mismatch error on the line before the last one. What could be the problem?

    Hi I am connecting to Oracle 9 database using OracleInProcServer library from my .NET 1.1 project.
    I want to use database events so Oracle can notify me of a change in database.
    My code:
    Dim gOraSession As Object
    Dim gOraSubscriptions As OracleInProcServer.OraSubscriptions
    Dim gOraDatabase As OracleInProcServer.OraDatabase
    gOraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
    gOraDatabase = gOraSession.DbOpenDatabase("<database_instance>", "<username>/<password>", OracleInProcServer.dbOption.ORADB_ENLIST_FOR_CALLBACK)
    gOraSubscriptions = gOraDatabase.Subscriptions
    gOraSubscriptions.Add("<queue_name>:<subscriber>", DBEventsHdlr, A) --------ERROR
    I get the Type Mismatch error on the line before the last one. What could be the problem?

Maybe you are looking for