Cropping a clip crops EVERYTHING!

Using 9.0.4 (because 9.0.8 quits constantly for me) I cropped a clip (fit-crop-Ken Burns) to fill the screen, and now every clip in ALL my events & projects have the same crop appearence. WTH! Original video is 4:3 on a widescreen format, as I want. Interestingly, when I quit IM, re-open, event clips are all sized correctly. Until I play a clip, then they all revert back to that cropped look. Something need to be reset?
I went with widescreen because at some point I'll be importing 16:9 video.

in iM's trash bin

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    See fx Effects/Transform/Crop
    Drag the Crop effect into your Expert workspace Timeline clip and edit the Crop effect in
    Applied Effects Tab
    Applied Effects Palette
    Crop panel expanded
    Please let us know if you are OK with the above information. If any questions or need clarification, please ask.
    Thank you.

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    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Scale and position the image the way you want it. Copy it. Select the other clips and use Paste Attributes Opt-V and apply the basic motion that you changed.

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    Jonathan920 wrote:
    Size is different for different image. When i record the Crop, it records that particular image's Crop Position, Size etc. It doesn't automatically detect the image size and not crop perhaps based on % or whatever.
    I don't think you understood me.  Try recording your action again, but before you do, set the rulers to Percentage (by right clicking inside the ruler).
    Select the Crop tool, and in the Options bar add values for width and height of 1 and 1.  Don't try and specify units.  Just type 1 in the first field, tab to the next, and enter another 1.  This will give you a square crop with a pixel dimension of the images shortest side.
    I suspect this might work, so do give it a try.

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    Not tried it but could you make a 2.7k sequence and warp stabilise that, using stabilise only or stabilise and crop. Then add this sequence to the 1920x1080 sizing to suit.

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    For my part you are welcome, stalsbee. Steve is an hour later than I (or not), so when I stopped posting about 00.14 AM yesterday, he posted here until 23.39 PM.
    By the way, if you are in a scathing mood (or just tire of selecting the parts outside the Bounding Box of the Clipping Path, or wish to reduce the (file) size for export) you may use the Clipping Mask destructively (always save (a copy of) the artwork before destroying it):
    1) With the Clipping Mask selected, you may Transparency dropdown>Multiply (or whatever else than Normal);
    2) Object>Flatten Transparency (just keep the defaults).

  • How to "crop" a clip

    I need help with the following. I edit medical clips and need to remove the patient's identification data on the edges of the clips. I recently upgraded from Premiere 6 to CS6. In the older version the "CROP" tool covered the cropped area with black and was not useful. The tool to use was "Image PAN" that allowed to keep just a portion of the image and discard the areas outside the "Image pan". I would then export the remainder of the clip to its new size. For instance I would start from a 900 by 720 pixel clip and export the area of interest, such as 480 by 360 pixels. In the image i would like to keep just the area in the red box.
    Any ways to do this in CS6 ? Any step-by-step technique ?
    thanks for any suggestions

    OK, I have to put my two cents worth in here. Either I am completely confused or my old friends on this thread are missing the entire point.
    PJ, I will call you PJ until told your real name because your screen name is just too, well, medical. Nothing personal, but I have trouble with the title Plebotomist as well.
    In any case, I have no idea why anyone would tell you to edit to a certain size when all you have to do is crop the output just before you export it. Now, I must say that I very highly recommend that you export to a frame size where both dimensions are evenly divisible by 8. You don't really want the details, is my guess, so just trust me on that one. 480X360 is a good choice.
    Ah, but how do I crop on export you say?
    I don't have any video with 900X720 frames, so I just copied your image from up above and scaled it up in Photoshop to 900X720.  Make sense so far? Good.
    I imported the scaled up image into Premiere Pro and dropped it on the New button to create a new sequence based on the image.  Still with me?
    Now that I have the image (or clip) on the correct size sequence for my source material, just assume I did whatever you do to put titles on it, or color correct it or whatever and now it is time to export.
    In the Export Settings window that comes up, I move over to click on the Source tab instead of looking at the Output tab. I select the crop tool. Then I use the drop down arrow next to Crop Proportions and choose the 4:3 ratio because you indicated that would be good for you, right? There are many other choices. Try to be careful and size the box to 480X360 so you get a better output. But if that is not the right size, you might want to scale the video up or down a little as required. Or not, if you are happy with the output quality.
    Now click on the Output tab and select "Change Output Size To Match Source". Notice that the frame size over on the right changes to 480X360.
    Sorry about your red lines but as you can see, my output is a perfect 4:3 while your red box is not.
    Now all you have to do is import the FLV file into Flash, put it on a stage and export as SWF. Or export to something Sorenson likes and let Sorenson convert to SWF.
    Simple. Just like I said. Right?
    Now, is that what you really wanted or am I the one who is confused?
    -- Steven

  • How do I position cropped audio clips?

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    I cropped the beginning of a song in the timeline viewer, but then I can't figure out how to move the cropped song to the very beginning of the slideshow.
    I've never used iMovie before and I am a complete novice. So, please keep this in mind when giving me instructions...

    This is how my students do it. Drag or import the song to the empty track under where your pictures are on the time line. My students like to crop on the timeline so they slect the music by clicking on it and it turns dark purple. Move the coursor to where you want to make the cut and type "Apple-T" (at the same time). This wil place a cut on the music track. Now place a cut where at the other end of where you want the music to end. Finally click on the unused track to make the music track go back to the lighter color. and click on the piece you want to delete. It will turn dark again and type "Apple-X" and it will delete.
    Grab your music track with the mouse and drag it to where you want it. Lock it by placing you coursor on the music track and the video clip, click the music track to darken it and go to the advanced pull down and select "lock clip at playhead". If you did it right 2 tiny thumbtacks will appear.
    This is just one way to do it.

  • Cropping multiple clips, then resizing canvas - how?

    I've made a simple video in iMovie 10 that I'd now like the crop and resize. The tricky part is that there are 3 separate clips, so when I use the crop tool, they shift. I tried selecting all, then Edit/Connect, but that didn't seem to help. Once I figure out how to make the crop, I'd like to resize the canvas in order to create more whitespace around my subject (LCD display of a CDJ)
    I realize my question may not be clear, so I've made a screencap of my iMovie workspace with annotations. Hopefully this will make sense to one of you helpful people!

    I don't think You can do that in iMovie. (any version)
    I would Export out and use QuickTime Pro to change this - then re-import the result to iMovie and movie project.
    or rather - I would do this in - FinalCut Pro
    Yours Bengt W

  • Cropping video clip

    I cropped the left side of a clip. I'd like to now re-size the clip to make it fill up the screen. Is there an easy way to do that?

    Set the viewing options in the Canvas to "view all" and "image and wireframe". With the selection tool active (a) drag a corner out until the video fills the screen. This isn't going to work well though much over 110% size as it will pixelate a bit over that. View it externally on a video monitor to judge whether or not you can live with the expansion.

  • Scanning postcard does not crop automatically and tried everything

    Hi, I'm trying to scan a postcard to a JPEG file so it can be uploaded to an auction site. The scanner is cropping to the edge of the scanner bed and not to the edge of the postcard image.I have uninstalled driver, reinstalled driver with updates and rebooted.I have turned printer on and off and reconnected wireless connectionI have tried settings to crop to original and crop to selection but both are cropping to the large scanner bed.I have tried scanning the postcard with a white piece of A4 behind it and still the same result.I have run scan DrI am out of ideas!It used to work fine.Please help

    Welcome to the HP Community , I read your post about how you are trying to scan a postcard, and the printer is scanning the entire area, and not auto cropping the post card. I wanted to reply to you with my suggestions that should help. If you open up the printer software, that should be on your desktop, and choose the options you see from my screen shots below, pick the size of the post card to scan the size of the post card.  This should help, or at least I hope so!   Best wishes to you!Show thanks for my reply to help you today by hitting the "thumbs up" icon below!             

  • My audio file is longer then my vid. clip. how do i crop or clip it?

    I have checked the tutorial and used the help function, but I can't figure it out?

    welcome NOJE to the  boards of discussions...
    * set playhead to position you want to 'clip'
    * select audio clip in timeline
    * hit Apple-T (=spliT)
    * select unwanted part
    * hit 'delete'
    iM doesn't differentiate between audio or video.. most commands are for both 'flavours' of data...

  • Can I size-crop (not time-crop) a movie with QT Pro?

    There are black bars around a movie. Can I crop them away (like I would if black bars were in a Photoshop image -- select and crop), so that the movie ends up without the bars?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try Stream Clip, but I've decided to also try exporting the movie to +Image Sequence+ (it's only a short movie), then batching the entire lot in Photoshop. That will allow me to crop, resample, colour correct, sharpen and whatever else I decide to experiment with. Is that a sensible way to improve the quality of a movie?
    That brings up three more questions (these are related to a recent post of mine, but no one has answered that one):
    *QUES 1*
    Can QT PRO tell me which frames in a movie are Key Frames?
    *QUES 2*
    Will a Key Frame appear to be an obviously better image than those surrounding it? That doesn't appear to be the case, as I manually went through the first 200 frames and couldn't see any obvious Key Frame. Maybe the frames that surround them are so close in quality that you can't tell.
    *QUES 3*
    When exporting, and I select Automatic for the Key Frame option, does that lock in the original Key Frames, or are Key Frames inserted only where QT PRO thinks they are needed? Or does it do both -- keep the original, plus extras where needed?

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