Converting btrfs back to ext2/3/4

If you convert a ext2/3/4 to btrfs with btrfs-convert you get a snapshot/subvolume containing your ext2 fs. An Image.
If you delete this image you cant use btrfs-convert -r to roll-back to ext2/3/4
now my question.
Is there any way to create this image with an existing btrfs? So to roll-back to extX without an exisiting image of it.

i could just tar my Home Directory and do a new install. I just dont have a place for my HOME Folder...
maybe someone is willing to write a converter
Last edited by Vamp898 (2010-08-30 06:18:15)

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    Hi Guys,
    Today, I have converted the Cisco LWAP (1140) to Autonomous AP successfully.
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    If you are using ExportPDF service you can visit and login with your Adobe id ( Email id registered with
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    I am currently trying to convert this xml file back to my ABAP structure but i have been unsuccessful so far. In XML file contain more than 1 reocrd. But my XSLT program is retriving only only first record. Try to help to get all the records.
    Sample XML File:
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    here is the XSLT program YSIMPLEXMLTOITAB1
    <xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:sap="" version="1.0">
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
              <xsl:for-each select="//String">
                    <xsl:value-of select="."></xsl:value-of>
    ABAP report program to test this.
    REPORT yjfkdjkfmxl
    DATA: BEGIN OF ztest11  OCCURS 0,
          END OF ztest11 .
    DATA: xml_string TYPE string .
    DATA: xslt_error     TYPE REF TO     cx_xslt_exception,
    xslt_message     TYPE     string .
    CLEAR xml_string .
    `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>`
    `<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> `
    `<SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">`
    `<ns:matchResponse xmlns:ns=''>`
    `<matchResult xsi:type='SOAP-ENC:Array' SOAP-ENC:arrayType='xsd:string[18]'>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23901|EUS|20060625 |ABU NIDAL ORGANISATION||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23934|EUS|20060625 |ABU NIDAL ORGANISATSIOON||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23940|EUS|20060625 |ABU NIDALORGANIZACIJA||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>4228|sdme|19950126 605084 19950125|ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION||||||DZ|ALGERIA|60|5084 |19950125|19950123|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>4229|sdme|19950126 605084 19950125|ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION||||||LB|LEBANON|60|5084 |19950125|19950123|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>4231|sdme|19950301 605084 19950125|ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION||||||LY|LIBYAN ARAN JAMAHIRIYA|60|5084 |19950125|19950123|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>4232|sdme|19950126 605084 19950125|ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION||||||SD|SUDAN|60|5084 |19950125|19950123|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>4233|sdme|19950126 605084 19950125|ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION||||||IQ|IRAQ|60|5084 |19950125|19950123|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>6643|dto|19971008 6252649 199710086651088 200110056856860 20031002|ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION||||||XX|ALL|68|56860 |20031002|19971008|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23941|EUS|20060625 |ABU NIDAL SZERVEZET||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>4332|sdme|19950126 605084 19950125|NIDAL, ABU|DOB: May 1937 or 1940||JAFFA|||IL|ISRAEL|60|5084 |19950125|19950123|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23950|EUS|20060625 |ORGANIZACIJA ABU NIDAL||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23911|EUS|20060625 |ORGANIZACIÓN ABU NIDAL||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23946|EUS|20060625 |ORGANIZACJA ABU NIDAL||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23916|EUS|20060625 |ORGANIZAÇÃO ABU NIDAL||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23955|EUS|20060625 |ORGANIZZAZIONE ABU NIDAL||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:type='xsd:string'>23949|EUS|20060625 |ORGANIZÁCIA ABU NIDAL||||||XX|ALL||||20060529|20880808</String>`
    `<String xsi:nil='true'></String>`
    INTO xml_string .
    TRY .
        SOURCE XML  xml_string
        RESULT     outtab = ztest11[].
      CATCH cx_xslt_exception INTO xslt_error.
        xslt_message = xslt_error->get_text( ).

  • Problem converting XML back to ABAP Structure using XSLT program

    Hi Experts,
    I am currently trying to convert this xml file back to my ABAP structure but i have been unsuccessful so far. In XML file contain more than 1 reocrd. But my XSLT program is retriving only only first record. Try to help to get all the records.
    Sample XML File:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soapenv:encodingStyle="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:soapenc="">
    <m:matchResponse xmlns:m="">
    <matchResult soapenc:arrayType="xs:string[1]">
    <enc:String xmlns:enc="">
    23417|finc|20060427        |BELMETALNERGO||||||X
    My XSLT Program:
    <xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:sapxsl="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:hp="" version="1.0">
      <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
              <xsl:for-each select="soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Header/soapenv:Body/m:matchResponse/matchResult/enc:String">
                    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    My Structure is : Structure Name is ZA2_RPL_DETAILS_S.
    filed is: FINAL_RESULT CHAR553
    My requirement is to store the complete value between <String> and </String>.
    Currently it is giving the blank records
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    post here
    expert forums -> sapnetweaver -> exchange infrastructure

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    Hi gcw92591042,
    I just checked your subscription details and you are currently subscribed to Adobe Export PDF service that enables you to convert pdf documents into various other formats like .doc, .rtf etc.
    However in order to convert such files back into pdf format, you need to subscribe to Adobe PDF Pack(Reliably Create PDFs, Convert PDFs, & Merge PDFs Online | Adobe PDF Pack ).
    Alternatively you can use Acrobat software to edit your pdf files without getting into the hassle of converting them into doc format and vice-verse. You can download a free 30 day trial from this Link - Download Acrobat products | Standard, Pro | XI, X
    Hope that helps with your query. Please revert back if you have any other questions or need any further assistance.

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    Hi gcw92591042,
    I just checked your subscription details and you are currently subscribed to Adobe Export PDF service that enables you to convert pdf documents into various other formats like .doc, .rtf etc.
    However in order to convert such files back into pdf format, you need to subscribe to Adobe PDF Pack(Reliably Create PDFs, Convert PDFs, & Merge PDFs Online | Adobe PDF Pack ).
    Alternatively you can use Acrobat software to edit your pdf files without getting into the hassle of converting them into doc format and vice-verse. You can download a free 30 day trial from this Link - Download Acrobat products | Standard, Pro | XI, X
    Hope that helps with your query. Please revert back if you have any other questions or need any further assistance.

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    Thankz ahead,

    More correctly, BufferedImage extends Image as Image is an abstract class and not an interface.

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    Why don't you have the original document if you just coverted it from Word. It is never a good idea to get rid of the original documents. You can try copy and paste as an option. If you own Acrobat you could export to pdf. If you don't own Acrobat you could either download a free trial or purchase the Export to PDF service.


    I am fairly new to cs4 - but I just created a documument with multiple artboards.... I know you may convert an object to an artboard - but is there a way in Illustrator CS4 to convert the multiple artboards into objects? Thanks.

    Well, if you make a rectangle and then click it with the artboard 
    tool, you get an artboard with a rectangle. Why do you need to copy/
    paste anything? If you dont want your rectangle accidentally getting 
    selected/moved, turn it into a guide. If you want it back (I do this a 
    lot with certain types of drawing) release the guide. Now if you want 
    to print a page that has multiple artboards/rectangles (assuming you 
    want the rectangles visible to, for instance, isolate aspects of the 
    drawing) add a stroke to the rectangles and make one big artboard that 
    includes everything you want on the print.
    I can't see why you want to copy/paste anything.

Maybe you are looking for