Capture help/reload os

I am ready to quit trying with the capture headaches I have encountered...apparently by upgrading to qt 7.3, despite being told by Apple that I needed to......and reloading my OS. I have a G5 with OS X, version 10.4.11, dual 2.3 ghz processor, 2gb ddr sdram, final cut pro 4.5 and I, like countless others, cannot capture more that a few minutes of video before the computer locks up and tells me about dropped frames, etc.
What nightmares should I expect if I reload the OS? I saw something mentioned about archiving....what all should I archive and what will be lost. Any others tips of info before I do this? My only other choice it seems at this point is to reload or throw this thing in the lake.
Thanks for any help in advance.

Welcome to the forum!
FWIW, FCP 4.5 runs best on OS 10.3.9 and QT 6.5.2. I don't believe Apple supports that FCP version on any higher OS, although several people seem to be running it on Tiger wthout issue.

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    SO...I have overall been very surprised and frustrated at how hard it has been to do this. Especially considering how easy it was on my Windows-based PC. I just bought an ATI card with S-video and audio inputs, and it came with a program that allowed me to view video in full screen, record clips, and take stills all in the same program, with decent quality (stuff looks a little washed-out, especially now that the card is three years out of date, but it doesn't have fuzziness or lines like all the screens I've taken with the Canopus do) and absolutely zero lag time. With my newer, sleeker Mac laptop (and it's a MAC...the graphics/video/creative stuff powerhouse) it seems to be nigh impossible.
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    PowerBook G4 15"   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I'm using the tools which fullfill my needs best.. so, if the PC offers you "better" results, use it.. no dogma..
    delay: sure, the electronics have to digitize the video.. a process of high computation = time/delay ..
    quality: a TV signal fills about a quarter of my Mac's screen (or less) .. looking at it in "fullscreen" you have to blow up.. .every pixel get 4x4 pixel = low quality...
    and: you go from digital to analogue to digital .. there HAS to be a loss of quality ...
    BTV offers full-screen, doesn't it..?

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    You won't get help if you put URGENT in your subject.
    Everyone here donates their time and offers help on a purely voluntary, goodwill basis.
    If you want something answered urgently, you visit metalink and ask your support questions of the Oracle support staff whom you pay to provide you with a service of which you can quite legitimately make service-level demands.
    Otherwise, you wait your turn here and don't try to jump the queue by claiming urgency and priority you aren't paying for.

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    is that there are times when we download and install a specific os to install on our blackberry, no matter the method we use
    (destokp manager, apploader) wanting to load the os, it turns either dm or apploader does not recognize that you have installed on the pc therefore can not perform the flash, if it is true and you know you have to delete the vendor file
    (C: \ Program Files \ common Files \ Research In Motion \ AppLoader),
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    C: \ Documents and Settings \ Administrator \ Application Data \ Research In Motion \ BlackBerry \ Loader XML
    (before should go to tools, folder options, view, and enable show hidden files and folders, if they do not be able to visualize this)
    then delete it, ready to try flashing again, this time if your will be recognized, regardless of the method that uses luck I hope will be useful
    Please thank those who help you by clicking the button.
    If your issue has been solved, please resolve it by marking "Accept as Solution"

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    Hi everyone,
    I'm having the toughest time with my portfolio website. It's still pretty rough but getting there.
    Here is a link to the swf so you could see the problem and maybe help me fix it.
    Once you get to my portfolio menu homepage, click on Print design. Everything there loads fine.
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    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    var p1=new page1;
    var p2=new page2;
    var pageMoveTween:Tween=new Tween(pagecontainer_mc,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,1,2,true);
    function portCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{
         var btn1Outro:Tween=new Tween(pagecontainer_mc, "alpha",Strong.easeOut,1,0,1,true);
         btn1Outro.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, runBtn1Transition);
         function runBtn1Transition(event:TweenEvent):void{
              var btn1Intro:Tween=new Tween(pagecontainer_mc,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,1,1,true);
    function aboutCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{
         var btn2Outro:Tween=new Tween(pagecontainer_mc,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,1,0,1,true);
         btn2Outro.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, runBtn2Transition);
         function runBtn2Transition(event:TweenEvent):void{
              var btn2Intro:Tween=new Tween(pagecontainer_mc,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,1,1,true);

    I've figured out the problem! (After spending several days looking for the right code and trying different angles.)
    I followed the coding off of this tutorial ( and took a specific feature (the cyan ball) and applied it to my file. It works perfectly now! Thank you for your help.
    Here's how I did it. The back button from within the loaded swf closes pefectly. Now I can move on to putting my portfolio together.
    If you have time and would like to help me, how would I/where would I place a loader to this to show how much of the swf file has been loaded/is being loaded? My swfs are pretty big files. I'm still pretty new to AS3.
    var myCLip:MovieClip = root as MovieClip;
    var container_mc:MovieClip;
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderCompletedHandler);
    function loaderCompletedHandler(evt:Event):void { container_mc = myLoader.content as MovieClip;
    container_mc.back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, extCommunicate);
    function extCommunicate(evt:MouseEvent):void{
    container_mc.back_btn.alpha=.25; removeChild(myLoader);}
    var loadPRINT:String = "print.swf";
    var urlPRINT:URLRequest = new URLRequest(loadPRINT);
    printdesign_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, swfLoads);
    function swfLoads(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    var loadIDENTITY:String = "identity.swf";
    var urlIDENTITY:URLRequest = new URLRequest(loadIDENTITY);
    identity_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, swfLoads);
    function swfLoads(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    var loadPACK:String = "packaging.swf";
    var urlPACK:URLRequest = new URLRequest(loadPACK);
    pack_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, swfLoads);
    function swfLoads(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    var loadWEB:String = "webdesign.swf";
    var urlWEB:URLRequest = new URLRequest(loadWEB);
    web_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, swfLoads);
    function swfLoads(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    var loadPHOTO:String = "photography.swf";
    var urlPHOTO:URLRequest = new URLRequest(loadPHOTO);
    photo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, swfLoads);
    function swfLoads(evt:MouseEvent):void {

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    Message was edited by: Modern Video

    i have a deck and i've tried coming from the deck, but its giving me fallout due to deck issues i have, so i'm coming from the camera. when i log and cap i get the file with the red line.
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    Thanks! Adam
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I've got little to add to what Karsten's already said.
    It's a shame that a 1.8GHz G5 PowerPC (with 512MB RAM) is too slow to import in real time. The only PowerPC I could find, when I was looking, which was fast enough was a quad G5 - which Dan had already chosen, too - and the one in the Apple Store had about 2GB RAM, I think, and I chose 4GB RAM.
    The Intel Macs may be faster, but the quad certainly does the job.
    More RAM helps in "buffering" (holding) the video during import, while it's being converted into Intermediate Codec format for use in iMovie. So putting in 2GB instead of 512MB may help considerably.
    The processor is also worked very hard during import (reading the incoming video, generating the 'missing' compressed frames, sending the 'rebuilt' video in the correct format to the hard disc). So don't expect 'real time' importing, even with 2GB RAM.
    Importing to a separate hard disc should improve throughput, as the incoming video can be streamed straight to disc, without its being interrupted by any 'housekeeping' or indexing activity. (Storing to a 2nd internal disc is even faster than storing to an external FireWire disc, but an external FW disc is perfectly fast enough long as - as Karsten says - you've pre-formatted it as Mac OS Extended.)
    When you've reformatted the external disc, FIRST of all - before anything else - open System Preferences, Spotlight, and click on the 'Privacy' tab, and then drag the external hard disc into the empty space there, to ensure that the system doesn't start 'indexing' the external disc - which would slow things down.
    I've never had any trouble with any brand of external drive matter what the brand name is on the outside, there might be all manner of different manufacturers' discs on the inside: Hitachi, Seagate, WD, Maxtor, etc. Most large-capacity discs (160GB plus) run at 5400 or 7200 rpm, and either of those is fast enough.

  • JPEG out from Capture help!!!

    Hi Y'all I need to output individual JPEG files from current and future captured clips. I have looked every in Final Cut Pro, but cannot find that option. Surely it must be possible!! I was able to do so on the windows NLE with ease, but I have left that (windows)platform forever. Can someone please tell me how to get this done? I will be very grateful
    Thanks in advance.

    Place playhead on timeline where you want still image exported then select File/Export/Using QT Conversion and select Still image from the drop-down.
    hope that helps!

  • Multiclips lost re-capture help

    I created a project a while back using 3 cameras and multicliping it. The project is still there but somehow I've trashed the clips. I have the exported audio.
    Can I recapture the video and relink the files and somehow not have to edit it again? PLEASE HELP!!!

    Absolutely...this is why Timecode is so important and valuable.
    Just highlight the offline clips in the Browser and hit BATCH CAPTURE. Put in the tape FCP asks for.

  • Email capture help

    I am currently building a style guide and one of the features it needs is to be able to capture an email address for updates on the product.
    What I am looking to do is have the user input their email and have that saved with a notation on which product is being requested. This could be a list or an email sent to an address with the subject line being the product name. I assume I'll be doing most of this in flash builder, but I'm not really sure what I need to do before that (I have the text input and submit button sorted, but I don't know what to tell them to do). Any help is appreciated.

    The series is a good entry point.
    Building a custom data entry form component
    Also see the Adobe Flex in a Week content: - Building a data-driven Flex application

  • I need help reloading my OS

    I have a blackberry desktop software on my PC and when I check for updates there was none,but it wasn't for update I was going for i just wanted to reload my OS,after checking for update a message popup and there was no update avalieble but "the dialog box of View other avalieble in the lower left corner did not appear" I did the same on storm "the dialog box appears" but it did not appear on my touch9800 OS6 boundle 695,please help me I really need to reload my OS
    Go to Solution.

    As a user-to-user volunteer-supported community, there is no commitment for when/if any post will be responded to. We try, but we as well are only human and also have lives to live. Further, many of us who volunteer a lot of time here are in the USA...and this past weekend (starting Thursday, earlier for some) was a major holiday period in the USA, rendering many of the volunteers busy with their lives and unable to post here. Hence, the delay in replying to your post is, while unfortunate, not unexpected. Of course, this solution has been posted perhaps thousands of times already...some searching of the site should certainly have revealed it to you sooner rather than awaiting a reply perhaps?
    In any event...concerning your query -- at the top of each device forum, there should be some "sticky" threads that discuss the OS levels available for many models. If they include your model, then please use those as reference as you proceed. Otherwise, you will have to dig through the official download portal for OS packages for your model:
    You can bypass the Desktop Software for this and from a PC, you can install any compatible (e.g., for your exact BB Model Number) OS package to a BB via this procedure:
    Note that while written for "reload" and the Storm, it can be used to upgrade, downgrade, or reload any BB device model -- it all depends on the OS package you download and install to your PC. If that OS package is from a carrier other than the carrier for which your BB was originally manufactured, then delete, on your PC, all copies of VENDOR.XML...there will be at least one, and perhaps 2, and they will be located in or similarly to (it changes based on your Windows version) these folders:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
    C:\Users\(your Windows UserName)\AppData\Roaming\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Loader XML
    Be sure that you remove, from your PC, any other BB device OS packages as having more than one installed to the PC can cause conflicts with this procedure.
    You may also want to investigate the use of BBSAK ( to perform the wipe it is capable of.
    You may also want to try this procedure to perhaps narrow down the precise causal item:
    Load your OS "bare bones"...if anything is optional, do not install it.
    If the behavior presents immediately, then try a different OS with step 1
    If the behavior does not immediately present, then run for as long as it takes for you to be sure that the behavior will not present.
    Add one thing -- no matter how tempting, just one.
    If the behavior does not present immediately, then again run for long enough to be sure it will not have the same problem
    Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all things are loaded or the behavior presents
    When the behavior presents, you know the culprit...the last thing you loaded.
    If the behavior does not re-present, then you know that either step 1 or 2 cured it.
    If the behavior presents no matter what, then you likely have a hardware level issue for which no amount of OS or software can cure.
    If you are on MAC, you are limited to only your carriers sanctioned OS packages...but can still use any levels that they currently sanction. See this procedure:
    KB19915How to perform a clean reload of BlackBerry smartphone application software using BlackBerry Desktop Software
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • PowerMac G4 MDD Video Capture Help

    Hello, I have in my possession a B&W PowerMac G3 tower that is the educational AV edition that includes the Xclaim VR Pro PCI graphics card/capture card. It works only under OS9 and using Apple Video Player application. When I am done recording via either the Svideo or Composite ports (the only input ports on it), it encodes super slow, as it is a G3 at 350MHZ. This is just background information to what I need help with.
    Anyway, I also own a PowerMac G4 MDD dual 1.0GHZ that runs OS 9.2.2 and 10.4.11 on separate hard drives. I wanted to speed up the video capture so I popped the Xclaim VR Pro into the top PCI slot of my MDD and removed the current Radeon 9000 Pro in the AGP slot (only when recording). I installed the latest ATI drivers for both cards here: Gona
    So the the video capture works fine, but my main problem here is that I can't keep the audio input to stay on Line In, so it records sound. I can click Line In, but as soon as I let go of the mouse, it reverts back to None. Very frustrating. I would use the Apple Video Player application if I had it, but aperantly MDD's version of OS 9.2.2 does not include it. Can someone help me please? I appreciate any input on this matter. Please do not suggest that I buy a new Mac or a different capture device, as I am not looking to do that if I dont have to. Thank you.

    I used to have an XClaim VR 128 card. I will try to look around for software on the web. In the meantime, here's an excerpt from a page on I hope it helps.
    OS 9.1 manages audio input differently than previous OS versions. This seems to prevent some applications (including Apple's own Apple Video Player) from changing the source.
    For SoundEdit to record, I find I have to set the input source using either the control strip or the control panel BEFORE I launch the program. I also can't seem to get the "Recording Options" dialog to come up (nothing happens when I select the menu option), but since I don't use the program regularly, I may just be doing something wrong.
    try booting with a clean OS 9.1 install and set the audio source prior to running SoundEdit.
    Several other readers noted they also had SoundEdit problems in OS9.1. (Some later wrote to say this did not solve their problems.)
    Source (near the middle of the page):

Maybe you are looking for